Tran::Manual - manual of tran
I've translated some modules and perl core documentation. But recent years, I translated only a few modules.
The translation of Perl modules is somewhat dull and hard work. Because ...
Modules will be updated.
Of course, modules will be released new version since you translated it. It means that translators need to manage modules' code by something like version control system. Many module has its own repository, but their places is different by each module. Don't you want to control them in one place?
Hard to find difference from previous version and hard to merge it.
Even if translators manage modules' code, translator need to find difference and merge it. diff3 is not useful in this case and I don't know translators can be good at using such tools.
Don't Repeat Yourself
We should do DRY. I won't repeat same thing. I did perldoc -u ModuleName many times. I'm bored.
So, I wrote this tool, "tran". It helps translators. Let's start tran.
Befor staring translation, I explain some terms.
A resource which contains target to be translated. For example, CPAN is resource.
A target to be translated. For example, CPAN Module is target.
A place to store files.
A place to store original files to be translated.
A place to store translated files.
Before starting translation, you have to prepare tran. type the command.
% tran init
It ask you some questions. Answer them.
After the command is done, it creates the configuration file in the directory, ".tran" under your home directory. You can confirm contents of the configuration by the command:
% tran config
It show the file content of ~/.tran/config.yml
class: Stderr
level: info
notify: {}
directory: /home/user/.tran/original/
directory: /home/user/git/github/jpa-translation/
user: ktat
wd: /home/user/git/github/jpa-translation/
directory: /home/user/cvs/perldocjp/docs/perl/
wd: /home/user/cvs/perldocjp/docs/perl/
directory: /home/user/cvs/perldocjp/docs/modules/
wd: /home/user/cvs/perldocjp/docs/perl/
merge_method: cmpmerge
metafile: /home/user/.cpan/Metadata
- '*.pm'
- '*.pod'
translation: jpa
translation: jpa
translation: jprp-core
translation: jprp-modules
I'll explain about configuration at ["Configuration File"](#Configuration File). Now, at first, try to start translation.
After this section, I'll explain how to use tran, before this, I show my assuming translation flow.
- Start to translate Module::Name
- Start to translate the latest Module::Name
- Rearrange directory structure and file name of the translated file
- Get the original source of the translated version
- Start to translate latest Module::Name.
- Start to translate the latest Module::Name
Use start command. Its arguments are resource name and target name(in this case, module name). You can pass version as optional.
% tran start -r cpan -t jprp-modules Module::Name
It means that you start to translate Module::Name in the resource cpan with translation repository jprp-modules
tran get Module::Name's tar.gz file from CPAN, and extract it under the directory, "~/.tran/original/cpan". If the latest version of Module::Name is 0.1, Actually, it put in the following directory.
The translation repository which you specified with -t
option is recorded as target's default translation repository.
So you don't need to specify -t
option when you start
translation again.
Time passed, and new version of Module::Name was released. You can use same command "start".
% tran start -r cpan Module::Name
Almost same command I showed then. After first time, -t
option is not required.
In this time, You have previous version of original and previous version of the translated.
tran can merge the difference between older and newer original to the previous translated.
The merged file is put in translation repository.
In this case, you need to do the following steps before starting translation.
If the translated file is different from translation repository assuming structure, rearrange its directory/file structure.
tran get -r cpan Module::Name 0.01
Like this, get target from resource with version. If resource is cpan, module author is different, it doesn't work well. In such case, use URL instead.
tran get -r cpan http://..../Module-Name-0.01.tar.gz
Then, you can get original source.
After that, the following steps are as same as (A).
tran start -r cpan Module::Name
tran start -r cpan Module::Name
If you translate only CPAN, you may want to omit -r option. You can set default resource in configuration file.
default_resorce cpan
Setting for log.
class: Stderr
level: info
If you want more detail information, set "debug" as level.
Setting for notification.
class: Email
template_directory: /home/user/.tran/template/perldocjp/
The name of template file put under the template_directory, is as same as command name.
For example:
Subject: [RFC]Start translation of %n %v
charset: ascii
I started to translate %n version %v.
Your Name
%n will be replaced as target name. %v will be replaced as version number.
Setting for original repository.
directory: /home/user/.tran/original/
No need to change this.
Setting for translation repository.
directory: /home/user/git/github/jpa-translation/
user: ktat
wd: /home/user/git/github/jpa-translation/
merge_method: cmpmerge_least
Setting for resource.
metafile: /home/user/.cpan/Metadata
- '*.pm'
- '*.pod'
translation: jprp-modules
translation: jpa
translation: jpa
translation: jprp-core
Do initialize setting for tran.
tran init [-f|--force]
If configuration file exists, do nothing. But, if you use -f option, force recreate configuration file.
The command when you want to start new translation.
start command will do the following:
get source.
Get source from resource.
Merge the difference between older and newer original if exists
If the previous version of original and the previous version of translation are found, merge the difference between original latest version and previous version to the translated. The merged is put in translation repository as new translation.
copy files(with modification if needed).
For example, abstract document part from module, rename .pm to .pod, change path structure for the translation repository. etc.
To get original files from resource.
Show config.
tran config [ITEM]
If no item is given, all content is shown.
For example:
tran config resource
show only setting of resource.
tran config repository
show only setting of repository.
Reconfigure setting.
tran reconfigure [item [sub item]]
You can pass the part you want to reconfigure.
get difference between target versions. If you set your favorite pager in TRAN_PAGER environmental variable, display output with pager.
tran diff [-v version/-o/-t] -r RESOURCE TARGET [files ...]
no option
between original and translation. if you don't give version,diff
between the original latest and the translation latest. -
between originals. if you don't give version.diff
between the previous latest original and the latest original. -
between translations. if you don't give version.diff
between the previous latest translation and the latest translation. -
specify version like this.
-v 0.01:0.02 -v 0.01
If the version of the target is not found, it fails. If the name of files allow to be put after target name, only show the files which is matched with them.
Merge manually.
Normally start command does merge automatically. But, in some case, it cannot do merge. For example, directory structure is difference between older and newer.
VCS::Lite 0.04's directory structure.
But, 0.09 is
In this case, cannot merge Lite.pod. You can merge manually using this command.
tran merge jprp-modules cpan/VCS-Lite/0.04/Lite.pod cpan/VCS-Lite/0.09/lib/VCS/Lite.pod \
VCS-Lite-0.04/Lite.pod VCS-Lite-0.09/lib/VCS/Lite.pod
The merged result is written to VCS-Lite-0.09/lib/VCS/Lite.pod. If you don't pass newer translation file as last argument, The merged result is outputted to STDOUT.
You can use absolute path or relative path. Relative paths are from original repository's directory for original, from translation repository's directory for translation.
show list of files.
tran ls -r RESOURCE TARGET [VERSION] path/to/anywhere
tran ls --tr translation-repository
no option
show list of files in original repository.
show list of files in translation repository.
As an argument, the name of translation repository(e.g.
) If TARGET is not given, show directories in translation repository.
display content of file
tran cat -r RESOURCE TARGET [VERSION] path/to/anywhere
show file content which is in translation repository.
show file content with line number.
How to create sub class for other resources and other translation repositories.
Ktat, <ktat at>
Copyright 2010 Ktat.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.