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Features covered in this example

  • Create 3 Springboot EC2 instances and expose to public via an Application Load Balancer
  • It is a simple Springboot application implements a RestController and enable the Actuator for monitoring
  • The EC2 instances configuration are shared by a EC2 launch template (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate)
  • CloudWatch agent and Systems Manager (SSM) agent are installed into EC2 instances via AWS::CloudFormation::Init for capture the application logs and metrics
  • A CodePipeline is created to automated the deployment from GitHub repo to EC2 instances
  • The Build stage in the pipeline appoints a CodeBuild project to build the Springboot package with Maven
  • The Deploy stage in the pipeline use CodeDeploy to install the Springboot package into all EC2 instances
  • Create above infrastructure with a CloudFormation template


  • Install AWS CLI, JDK 21, Maven, and jq
  • Configure the local AWS CLI SSO login, and grant permissions to the account to create the stack

Create the CloudFormation stack with AWS CLI

  • Just run the following script that will deploy the stack, and download the new SSH Key into the home folder.
  • The CodePipeline with be triggered after create and deploy the springboot application.


Invoke the CodeDeploy via AWS CLI and deploy from local

  • Build the Springboot jar with maven in local
  • Pack the deployment package including the jar, CodeDeploy lifecycle hook scripts, and CodeDeploy appspec.yml
  • Upload the package to the S3 artifacts bucket created in the stack
  • Invoke the CodeDeploy by AWS CLI


Clear up

  • Delete the stack
  • Empty the artifact bucket and delete it
  • Delete all CloudWatch log groups


Other scripts

# For testing the AWS::CloudFormation::Init config in EC2 instance
sudo cfn-init -v \
    --stack=springboot-ec2-stack \
    --region=eu-north-1 \

sudo cfn-get-metadata \
    --stack=springboot-ec2-stack \
    --region=eu-north-1 \

# Install codedeploy-agent locally
sudo yum install ruby
chmod +x install
sudo ./install auto

# Create CodeDeploy deployment after upload the package to artifacts bucket
aws deploy create-deployment \
    --application-name springboot-application \
    --s3-location bucket=springboot-ec2-stack-springbootartifactsbucket-wvkav1gfsryi,,bundleType=zip

# List all CloudWatch log group
aws logs describe-log-groups \
    --query 'logGroups[].logGroupName' --output text
