Easy and standardized docker images for 200+ esoteric (and non-esoteric) languages.
Distributed docker images are seperated for each esolangs.
For example docker image for Evil language is named as esolang/evil
, which is hosted on Dockre Hub.
Suppose you have program in the current directory,
$ echo aeeeaeeewueuueweeueeuewwaaaweaaewaeaawueweeeaeeewaaawueeueweeaweeeueuw > program.evil
then you can run the program like the following.
$ docker run -v `pwd`:/code:ro esolang/evil evil /code/program.evil
Hello, World!
esolang-box 2.2.0 supports tracing of execve
and execveat
syscalls by strace command.
environment variables and enabling ptrace will produce strace log to the specified path.
$ docker run --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --rm -v `pwd`:/code --env STRACE_OUTPUT_PATH=/code/strace.txt esolang/evil evil /code/program.evil
Hello, World!
Some considerations:
- Enabling ptrace breaks seccomp filter before kernel 4.8. You should be very careful to use
(especcialy you must not use it with Xenial). - Using strace costs a huge performance overhead and syscalls may be 10x slower.
Simple benchmark:
~ # cat benchmark.rb
sum = 0
1000.times do |i|
seq = `seq #{i}`.split.map(&:to_i)
sum = seq.sum
p sum
~ # echo -n "" | time ruby benchmark.rb
real 0m 3.57s
user 0m 0.78s
sys 0m 0.70s
~ # echo -n "" | time strace -f -q -o strace.txt -e trace=execve,execveat ruby benchmark.rb
real 0m 28.90s
user 0m 1.19s
sys 0m 13.73s
: multi-readeresolang/codemania
: CodeManiaesolang/3var
: 3varesolang/axo
: Axoesolang/befunge93
: Befunge-93esolang/befunge98
: Befunge-98esolang/brainfuck-esotope
: Brainfuck (esotope)esolang/c-gcc
: C (GCC)esolang/glass
: Glassesolang/ruby
: Ruby 2.6.3esolang/ruby-trunk
: Ruby trunkesolang/golfscript
: GolfScriptesolang/hexagony
: Hexagonyesolang/stackcats
: Stack Catsesolang/standback
: (?i:standback)esolang/ppap
: PPAPesolang/starry
: Starryesolang/cy
: Cyesolang/labyrinth
: Labyrinthesolang/typhon
: Typhonesolang/alice
: Aliceesolang/wake
: wakeesolang/reversed-c
: reversed-cesolang/copos-rb
: copos (Ruby)esolang/golfish
: golfishesolang/pxem
: Pxemesolang/arithmetic
: Arithmeticesolang/vim
: Vim
: gorubyesolang/ruby1
: Ruby 1.8esolang/make
: Makeesolang/malbolge
: Malbolgeesolang/piet
: Pietesolang/python1
: Python 1esolang/rail
: Railesolang/simula
: Simulaesolang/snowman
: Snowmanesolang/streem
: Streemesolang/unlambda
: Unlambdaesolang/verilog
: Verilog (Icarus Verilog)esolang/wierd
: Wierdesolang/wordcpu
: Word!CPUesolang/aheui
: Aheuiesolang/beatnik
: Beatnikesolang/blc
: Binary lambda calculusesolang/spl
: Shakespeareesolang/emojicode
: Emojicodeesolang/intercal
: INTERCALesolang/lolcode
: LOLCODEesolang/minus
: Minusesolang/sqlite3
: SQLite3esolang/taxi
: Taxiesolang/adjust
: ADJUSTesolang/braille
: Brailleesolang/rust
: Rustesolang/cubically
: Cubicallyesolang/sceql
: Sceqlesolang/apl
: APLesolang/wat
: WebAssembly Text Formatesolang/lazyk
: Lazy-Kesolang/doubleplusungood
: Doubleplusungoodesolang/llvm-ir
: LLVM IResolang/hanoi_stack
: Hanoi_Stacckesolang/brainfuck-moratorium
: Brainfuck (moratorium)esolang/dotnet
: Fortran 2018esolang/ring
: Ringesolang/snobol
: SNOBOL4esolang/cobol
: COBOLesolang/fetlang
: Fetlangesolang/alphabeta
: AlphaBetaesolang/tcl
: Tcl
: Javaesolang/python2
: Python 2esolang/csharp
: C# (Mono)esolang/haystack
: Haystackesolang/stuck
: Stuckesolang/unicat
: Unicatesolang/unreadable
: Unreadableesolang/zombie
: ZOMBIEesolang/ffb
: Foobar and Foobaz and Barbaz, oh my!esolang/aubergine
: Aubergineesolang/ubergenes
: UberGenesesolang/path
: PATHesolang/recurse
: Recurseesolang/fernando
: FerNANDoesolang/gs2
: gs2esolang/logicode
: Logicodeesolang/minimal2d
: Minimal-2Desolang/i4004asm
: Intel 4004 Assemblyesolang/suzy
: Suzyesolang/bash-pure
: Bash (pure)esolang/fish-shell-pure
: Fish (pure)esolang/ezhil
: எழில்esolang/snusp
: jqesolang/node
: Node.jsesolang/unicue
: Unicueesolang/beam
: Beamesolang/cubix
: Cubixesolang/japt
: Japtesolang/stop
: STOPesolang/htms
: htmsesolang/maybelater
: Maybe Lateresolang/nadesiko
: なでしこ3esolang/floating
: Floatingesolang/qlb
: قلبesolang/calc
: LibreOffice Calcesolang/nuts
: Nutsesolang/canvas
: Canvasesolang/wysiscript
: WysiScriptesolang/tetris
: Tetris
: Octaveesolang/perl
: Perlesolang/php
: PHP 7.0esolang/python3
: Python 3esolang/exchangeif
: ExchangeIFesolang/trumpscript
: TrumpScriptesolang/2sable
: 2sableesolang/fish
: ><>esolang/arcyou
: Arcyóuesolang/bots
: Botsesolang/emoji
: Emojiesolang/zucchini
: Zucchiniesolang/cardinal
: Cardinalesolang/hbcht
: Half-Broken Car in Heavy Trafficesolang/jelly
: Jellyesolang/jellyfish
: Jellyfishesolang/width
: Widthesolang/asciidots
: AsciiDotsesolang/picfunge
: PicFungeesolang/iwashi
: Iwashiesolang/hypertorus
: HyperTorusesolang/gaia
: Gaiaesolang/triangularity
: Triangularityesolang/backhand
: Backhand
: cmd.exeesolang/lua
: Luaesolang/ocaml
: OCamlesolang/haskell
: Haskellesolang/erlang
: Erlangesolang/awk
: awk (GNU awk)esolang/perl6
: Perl 6esolang/ballerina
: Ballerinaesolang/sed
: sedesolang/riscv
: RISC-V (32bit, ELF)esolang/m4
: m4esolang/racket
: Racketesolang/gnuplot
: gnuplotesolang/golang
: golang
: Crystalesolang/d-dmd
: D (DMD)esolang/d-gdc
: D (GDC)esolang/powershell
: PowerShellesolang/ruby0.49
: Ruby 0.49esolang/fugue
: Fugueesolang/x86asm-nasm
: x86 Assembly (nasm)esolang/swift
: Swiftesolang/cpp-clang
: C++ (Clang)esolang/perl1
: Perl 1.0esolang/moo
: mooesolang/clisp-sbcl
: Common LISP (SBCL)esolang/abc
: ABCesolang/tex
: TeX (plain)esolang/egison
: Egison
: Brainfuck (BFI)
Simulates behavior of "Bash (builtins)" in Anarchy Golf.
Unlike Brainfuck (esotope)
, this execution simulates behavior of "brainfuck" in Anarchy Golf.
To achieve this, I have patched a tricky line to the original code.
--- BFI.c
+++ BFI.c
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
int pc, args, xc, prog_len, l = 0;
int x[32768];
int p[32768];
+ int xxx[1] = {'['};
FILE *stream, *fopen();
You can use coq.io.
You can write CSV with the content below the B line.
The input is given in A1 cell.
Output the final result into B1 cell.
The input is given as the content of tag <input/>
Transform that into the desired value.
The first line is the file name of the pxem code.
The rest is the content of the pxem code.
Write the constexpr function f
that receives the const char*
input as an argument and returns const char*
Below are the list of the languages that cannot even do the minimal jobs needed for esolang-battle.
- ArnorldC
- CodeMania (whitespace is automatically trimmed from input)
- Doubleplusungood (whitespace is automatically trimmed from input)
- Gaia (whitespace is automatically trimmed from input)
- Haystack
- LOGICODE (Can only take 0 or 1 from input)
- ModanShogi
- ~English
- Python 1
- Seed
- STOP (Cannot input or output newlines)
- ///
- 🆒
- TrumpScript
- Velato
Prerequires dobi.
$ cd /path/to/esolang-box
$ ruby build.rb
$ dobi
Tested with Ruby 2.6.3
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rspec