diff --git a/resources/lang/ar.json b/resources/lang/ar.json index 0db3279e..7cdbe152 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ar.json +++ b/resources/lang/ar.json @@ -1,3 +1,112 @@ { - + "view file": "عرض الملف", + "By": "بواسطة", + "Visitor": "زائر", + "created at": "أنشئ بتاريخ", + "Available from": "متاح من", + "to": "إلى", + "Forms": "النماذج", + "Save": "حفظ", + "browse your forms": "استعراض النماذج", + "List All Forms": "عرض كافة النماذج", + "Logo": "الشعار", + "Show Entry Details": "عرض تفاصيل السجل", + "My Entries": "سجلاتي", + "Show entry": "عرض السجل", + "Entry Details": "تفاصيل السجل", + "User Details": "تفاصيل المستخدم", + "status": "الحالة", + "form submitted successfully": "تم إرسال النموذج بنجاح", + "the form": "تم ارسال النموذج", + "submitted successfully": "بنجاح", + "Checkbox List": "اختيار متعدد", + "Data Source": "مصدر البيانات", + "Is Required": "اجباري؟", + "Date Picker": "اختيار التاريخ", + "Date Time Picker": "اختيار الوقت والتاريخ", + "File Upload": "رفع ملفات", + "Allow Multiple": "السماح ياختيارات متعددة", + "Multi Select Menu": "قائمة اختيارات متعددة", + "Radio": "اختيار", + "Is inline": "داخلي", + "Rich Editor": "محرر نصوص", + "Select Menu": "قائمة اختيار", + "Text Input": "حقل نصي", + "Time Picker": "اختيار الوقت", + "Toggle": "Toggle", + "Name": "الإسم", + "slug": "الرابط المختصر", + "ordering": "الترتيب", + "Is Active": "مفعل؟", + "Description": "الوصف", + "logo": "الشعار", + "Category": "التصنيف", + "Categories": "التصنيفات", + "Collection": "بيان", + "Collections": "البيانات", + "Collections Name": "الإسم", + "Collections Values": "القيم", + "Key": "المفتاح", + "Value": "القيمة", + "what store in the form": "مايتخزن في النموذج", + "what the user will see": "مايراه المستخدم", + "selected by default": "محدد بشكل افتراضي", + "Form": "نموذج", + "Start Date": "تاريخ البداية", + "Form Name": "اسم النموذج", + "End Date": "تاريخ النهاية", + "Responses Exists": "توجد سجلات", + "Responses Count": "عدد السجلات", + "Entries": "السجلات", + "view all entries": "عرض كافة السجلات", + "View": "عرض", + "view form": "عرض النموذج", + "User avatar": "صورة المستخدم", + "User Name": "اسم المستخدم", + "User Email": "بريد المستخدم", + "form": "نموذج", + "Status": "الحالة", + "Notes": "الملاحظات", + "Created Date": "تاريخ الإنشاء", + "view all forms": "عرض كافة النماذج", + "Sections": "الأقسام", + "sections are here to group the fields, and you can display it as pages from the Form options. if you have one section, it wont show in the form": "الأقسام تساعدك على تنظيم الحقول في النموذج، كما يمكنك عرضها كمعالج متعدد الخطوات من خيارات النموذج، في حالة وجود قسم واحد فقط في النموذج لن يتم عرضه", + "Add Section": "اضف قسم", + "Title & Slug": "العنوان والرابط", + "Translatable": "قابل للترجمة", + "Form Slug": "الرابط المميز", + "Text & Details": "النصوص والتفاصيل", + "Form Description": "وصف النموذج", + "shown under the title of the form and used in SEO": "يظهر تحت عنوان النموذج ويستخدم لتحسين النموذج لمحركات البحث", + "Form Details": "تفاصيل النموذج", + "a highlighted section above the form, to show some instructions or more details": "لعرض بيانات اضافية اعلى النموذج كتعليمات او ماشابه", + "Confirmation Message": "رسالة التأكيد", + "optional, show a massage whenever any one submit a new entry": "اختياري، عرض رسالة بعد ارسال المستخدم للنموذج", + "Display & Access": "العرض والصلاحيات", + "Activate the form and let users start submissions": "تفعيل النموذج والسماح بارسال الإدخالات", + "Show As Wizard": "عرض كمعالج", + "instead of showing all section in one page, separate them in multiple steps": "بدلا من عرض كافة الأقسام بشكلل متتالي، يمكنك عرض النموذج كخطوات متعددة", + "require Login": "يتطلب تسيجل الدخول", + "User must be logged in or create an account before can submit a new entry": "يتوجب على المستخدمين الدخول أو انشاء حساب جديد قبل استخدام النموذج", + "One Entry Per User": "ادخال واحد فقط لكل مستخدم", + "to check if the user already submitted an entry in this form": "السماح فقط بإدخال واحد للنموذج من كل مستخدم", + "Advanced": "متقدم", + "optional, organize your forms into categories": "ترتيب النماذج في تصنيفات لتظهر في الموقع", + "optional, specify when the form will be active and receiving new entries": "يمكنك تحديد فترة السماح باستقبال ارساليات للنموذج", + "Emails Notifications": "تنبيهات البريد", + "optional, enter the emails you want to receive notification when ever you got a new entry": "اختياري، يمكنك ارسال تنبيهات للبريد الإلكتروني عند وجود ادخالات جديدة", + "enter webHook URL": "رابط استدعاء خارجي", + "Send the form data to a webHook": "ارسال النموذج إلى رابط خارجي", + "Section Name": "اسم التصنيف", + "Section Fields": "حقول التصنيف", + "Add field": "اضافة حقل", + "Field Name": "اسم الحقل", + "Field Description": "وصف الحقل", + "Field Type": "النوع", + "Field Options": "خيارات الحقل", + "Brows Entries": "عرض السجلات", + "New": "جديد", + "closed": "مغلق", + "Inactive": "غير مفعل", + "Active": "مفعل" } diff --git a/resources/lang/en.json b/resources/lang/en.json index 0db3279e..ad2e49e8 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en.json +++ b/resources/lang/en.json @@ -1,3 +1,112 @@ { - + "view file": "view file", + "By": "By", + "Visitor": "Visitor", + "created at": "created at", + "Available from": "Available from", + "to": "to", + "Forms": "Forms", + "Save": "Save", + "browse your forms": "browse your forms", + "List All Forms": "List All Forms", + "Logo": "Logo", + "Show Entry Details": "Show Entry Details", + "My Entries": "My Entries", + "Show entry": "Show entry", + "Entry Details": "Entry Details", + "User Details": "User Details", + "status": "status", + "form submitted successfully": "form submitted successfully", + "the form": "the form", + "submitted successfully": "submitted successfully", + "Checkbox List": "Checkbox List", + "Data Source": "Data Source", + "Is Required": "Is Required", + "Date Picker": "Date Picker", + "Date Time Picker": "Date Time Picker", + "File Upload": "File Upload", + "Allow Multiple": "Allow Multiple", + "Multi Select Menu": "Multi Select Menu", + "Radio": "Radio", + "Is inline": "Is inline", + "Rich Editor": "Rich Editor", + "Select Menu": "Select Menu", + "Text Input": "Text Input", + "Time Picker": "Time Picker", + "Toggle": "Toggle", + "Name": "name", + "slug": "slug", + "ordering": "ordering", + "Is Active": "Is Active", + "Description": "Description", + "logo": "logo", + "Category": "Category", + "Categories": "Categories", + "Collection": "Collection", + "Collections": "Collections", + "Collections Name": "Collections Name", + "Collections Values": "Collections Values", + "Key": "Key", + "Value": "Value", + "what store in the form": "what store in the form", + "what the user will see": "what the user will see", + "selected by default": "selected by default", + "Form": "Form", + "Start Date": "Start Date", + "Form Name": "Form Name", + "End Date": "End Date", + "Responses Exists": "Responses Exists", + "Responses Count": "Responses Count", + "Entries": "Entries", + "view all entries": "view all entries", + "View": "View", + "view form": "view form", + "User avatar": "User avatar", + "User Name": "User Name", + "User Email": "User Email", + "form": "form", + "Status": "Status", + "Notes": "Notes", + "Created Date": "Created Date", + "view all forms": "view all forms", + "Sections": "Sections", + "sections are here to group the fields, and you can display it as pages from the Form options. if you have one section, it wont show in the form": "sections are here to group the fields, and you can display it as pages from the Form options. if you have one section, it wont show in the form", + "Add Section": "Add Section", + "Title & Slug": "Title & Slug", + "Translatable": "Translatable", + "Form Slug": "Form Slug", + "Text & Details": "Text & Details", + "Form Description": "Form Description", + "shown under the title of the form and used in SEO": "shown under the title of the form and used in SEO", + "Form Details": "Form Details", + "a highlighted section above the form, to show some instructions or more details": "a highlighted section above the form, to show some instructions or more details", + "Confirmation Message": "Confirmation Message", + "optional, show a massage whenever any one submit a new entry": "optional, show a massage whenever any one submit a new entry", + "Display & Access": "Display & Access", + "Activate the form and let users start submissions": "Activate the form and let users start submissions", + "Show As Wizard": "Show As Wizard", + "instead of showing all section in one page, separate them in multiple steps": "instead of showing all section in one page, separate them in multiple steps", + "require Login": "require Login", + "User must be logged in or create an account before can submit a new entry": "User must be logged in or create an account before can submit a new entry", + "One Entry Per User": "One Entry Per User", + "to check if the user already submitted an entry in this form": "to check if the user already submitted an entry in this form", + "Advanced": "Advanced", + "optional, organize your forms into categories": "optional, organize your forms into categories", + "optional, specify when the form will be active and receiving new entries": "optional, specify when the form will be active and receiving new entries", + "Emails Notifications": "Emails Notifications", + "optional, enter the emails you want to receive notification when ever you got a new entry": "optional, enter the emails you want to receive notification when ever you got a new entry", + "enter webHook URL": "enter webHook URL", + "Send the form data to a webHook": "Send the form data to a webHook", + "Section Name": "Section Name", + "Section Fields": "Section Fields", + "Add field": "Add field", + "Field Name": "Field Name", + "Field Description": "Field Description", + "Field Type": "Field Type", + "Field Options": "Field Options", + "Brows Entries": "Brows Entries", + "New": "New", + "closed": "closed", + "Inactive": "Inactive", + "Active": "Active" } diff --git a/resources/views/filament/fields/file-upload.blade.php b/resources/views/filament/fields/file-upload.blade.php index dc937fb6..4663a888 100644 --- a/resources/views/filament/fields/file-upload.blade.php +++ b/resources/views/filament/fields/file-upload.blade.php @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ - view file + {{ __('view file') }} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/views/themes/zeus/fill-forms.blade.php b/resources/views/themes/zeus/fill-forms.blade.php index 06548575..f7dd689a 100644 --- a/resources/views/themes/zeus/fill-forms.blade.php +++ b/resources/views/themes/zeus/fill-forms.blade.php @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ {{ __('Available from') }}: {{ optional($zeusForm->start_date)->format('Y/m/d') }}, - {{ trans('to') }}: + {{ __('to') }}: {{ optional($zeusForm->end_date)->format('Y/m/d') }} @endif @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
  • - Forms + {{ __('Forms') }}
  • diff --git a/resources/views/themes/zeus/list-entries.blade.php b/resources/views/themes/zeus/list-entries.blade.php index 560fdc67..bd4c47d3 100644 --- a/resources/views/themes/zeus/list-entries.blade.php +++ b/resources/views/themes/zeus/list-entries.blade.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

    {{ __('browse your tickets') }}


    {{ __('browse your forms') }}

    diff --git a/resources/views/themes/zeus/show-entry.blade.php b/resources/views/themes/zeus/show-entry.blade.php index e2298dfc..593e8ed2 100644 --- a/resources/views/themes/zeus/show-entry.blade.php +++ b/resources/views/themes/zeus/show-entry.blade.php @@ -1,24 +1,26 @@

    Show entry details


    {{ __('Show Entry Details') }}

  • - My Entries + {{ __('My Entries') }}
  • - Show entry # {{ $response->id }} + {{ __('Show entry') }} # {{ $response->id }}
  • - Entry Details + + {{ __('Entry Details') }} +
    @foreach($response->fieldsResponses as $resp)
    @@ -32,7 +34,9 @@
    - User Details + + {{ __('User Details') }} +

    {{ __('By') }}: @if($response->user_id === null) @@ -47,10 +51,10 @@


    Entry Details


    {{ __('Entry Details') }}

    - Form: + {{ __('Form') }}: {{ $response->form->name ?? '' }} diff --git a/resources/views/themes/zeus/submitted.blade.php b/resources/views/themes/zeus/submitted.blade.php index bd49482b..d0ed9dcb 100644 --- a/resources/views/themes/zeus/submitted.blade.php +++ b/resources/views/themes/zeus/submitted.blade.php @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ {!! $form->options['confirmationMessage'] !!} @else - the form {{ $form->name ?? '' }} submitted successfully. - + {{ __('the form') }} {{ $form->name ?? '' }} {{ __('submitted successfully') }}. +
    @endif diff --git a/src/Facades/Bolt.php b/src/Facades/Bolt.php index 4f5781d3..ecf20608 100644 --- a/src/Facades/Bolt.php +++ b/src/Facades/Bolt.php @@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ public static function prepareFieldsAndSectionToRender($zeusForm, $item): array $fields[] = static::renderHook('zeus-form-section.before'); - if ($item !== null && $countSections === 1) { + /*if ($item !== null && $countSections === 1) { // todo adding title comment if there is an extension, extensions should define their own fields somehow $fields[] = TextInput::make('itemData.title')->label(__('Ticket Title'))->required(); - } + }*/ foreach ($section->fields()->orderBy('ordering')->get() as $zeusField) { $fields[] = static::renderHook('zeus-form-field.before'); diff --git a/src/Filament/Resources/CategoryResource.php b/src/Filament/Resources/CategoryResource.php index c2ec81d0..ae287666 100644 --- a/src/Filament/Resources/CategoryResource.php +++ b/src/Filament/Resources/CategoryResource.php @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public static function form(Form $form): Form ->required() ->maxLength(255) ->reactive() - ->label(__('name')) + ->label(__('Name')) ->afterStateUpdated(function (Closure $set, $state, $context) { if ($context === 'edit') { return; @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public static function form(Form $form): Form }), TextInput::make('slug')->required()->maxLength(255)->label(__('slug')), TextInput::make('ordering')->required()->numeric()->label(__('ordering')), - Toggle::make('is_active')->label(__('is_active'))->default(1), + Toggle::make('is_active')->label(__('Is Active'))->default(1), Textarea::make('desc')->maxLength(65535)->columnSpan(['sm' => 2])->label(__('Description')), FileUpload::make('logo') ->disk(config('zeus-bolt.uploads.disk', 'public')) diff --git a/src/Filament/Resources/FormResource/Schemata.php b/src/Filament/Resources/FormResource/Schemata.php index 05bebb5d..3e40981a 100644 --- a/src/Filament/Resources/FormResource/Schemata.php +++ b/src/Filament/Resources/FormResource/Schemata.php @@ -91,14 +91,14 @@ public static function getTabsSchema(): array ->helperText(__('a highlighted section above the form, to show some instructions or more details')), RichEditor::make('options.confirmation-message') ->label(__('Confirmation Message')) - ->helperText(__('optional, show a massage whenever any one submit a new entery')), + ->helperText(__('optional, show a massage whenever any one submit a new entry')), ]), Tabs\Tab::make('display-access') ->label(__('Display & Access')) ->columns(2) ->schema([ Toggle::make('is_active') - ->label(__('is_active')) + ->label(__('Is Active')) ->default(1) ->helperText(__('Activate the form and let users start submissions')), Toggle::make('options.show-as-wizard') @@ -177,7 +177,6 @@ public static function getSectionsSchema(): array public static function getFieldsSchema(): array { return [ - Tabs::make('fields') ->tabs([ Tabs\Tab::make('type-text') diff --git a/src/Http/Livewire/ListEntries.php b/src/Http/Livewire/ListEntries.php index 3dbd567c..b7458afa 100644 --- a/src/Http/Livewire/ListEntries.php +++ b/src/Http/Livewire/ListEntries.php @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public function render() ->twitter(); return view(app('bolt-theme') . '.list-entries') - ->with('tickets', config('zeus-bolt.models.Response')::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)->get()) + //->with('tickets', config('zeus-bolt.models.Response')::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)->get()) ->layout(config('zeus-bolt.layout')); } } diff --git a/src/Models/FormsStatus.php b/src/Models/FormsStatus.php index 5de38fba..9c88d355 100644 --- a/src/Models/FormsStatus.php +++ b/src/Models/FormsStatus.php @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ public function getRows() [ 'key' => 'NEW', 'label' => __('New'), - 'desc' => 'used when a new ticket created by the user or an employee', + 'desc' => 'used when a new form created by the user or an employee', 'color' => 'primary', 'icon' => 'heroicon-o-document', 'class' => 'px-2 py-0.5 text-xs rounded-xl text-primary-700 bg-primary-500/10', @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public function getRows() [ 'key' => 'CLOSE', 'label' => __('closed'), - 'desc' => 'used when a new ticket created by the user or an employee', + 'desc' => 'used when a new form created by the user or an employee', 'color' => 'primary', 'icon' => 'heroicon-o-document', 'class' => 'px-2 py-0.5 text-xs rounded-xl text-secondary-700 bg-secondary-500/10',