WISE Marine Directive Strategy Framework implementation
Features at end of Phase 2:
Integrates with two MSSQL databases and allows searching and visualizing data from the various reporting exercises: Article 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 from 2012 and Art 8, 9 and 10 from 2018 reporting. The search engine is available at https://water.europa.eu/marine/data/msfd-data
Allows navigation between types of information. Main Sections:
- Article 7 (Competent authorities)
- Articles 4, 8, 9, 10 - 2012
- Article 11 - 2014
- Articles 13 & 14 - 2015
- Article 8, 9 & 10 - 2018
Generic features when displaying the records:
- because the member states used ad-hoc text formats to input their reports, we have to interpret that text and try to re-format it for HTML (blank lines to be converted to paragraphs, autodetect links, etc).
- there are 2 types of filtering widgets: single selection and multiselection. The single selection widget allows searching for text, while the multi-selection widget allows searching for text, clearing the selection, invert selection, select all, apply filters button.
- persistent search filters: when navigating to a different page and coming back to the search engine, the filters are preserved, using the browser's local storage.
- AJAX based loading of information, to avoid hard refreshes of browser pages
- Caching of information at the server level, to optimize page load speed
- Download a collection of filtered records as Excel, where they are presented grouped in worksheets, per type of included feature.
- Present human readable labels for the short codes stored as values in the database
Show the competent authorities records. Offers pagination and filtering based on countries.
Article 4 shows the Geographical areas primary information, the area description and related regional cooperation information. Allows filtering information by region and subregion, countries and area type.
Article 8.1a shows the Analysis of the Environment information. The information here can be filtered, in addition to the usual Region and subregion, Countries, Area type, MarineUnitID, also by the theme (a total of 7 themes): Ecosystem, Habitats, etc, and the displayed information has the related records of information displayed there.
Article 8.1b shows the Analysis of the pressure impacts. The information here can be filtered, in addition to the usual Region and subregion, Countries, Area type, MarineUnitID, also by the theme (a total of 13 themes): Acidification, Marine litter, etc, and the displayed information has the related records of information displayed there.
Article 8.1c shows the Economic and social analysis records. The information here can be filtered by Region and subregion, Countries, Area type, MarineUnitID and displays related information of "Pressures produced by the activities"
Article 9 shows GES determination information. The information here can be filtered by the usual filters and offers additional Feature Types information.
Article 10 shows targets information, with Feature Types and Criteria Indicators as additional information.
Presents the monitoring programmes information, with various related elements and concerned marine unit ids. It allows filtering for Monitoring Programme Type, and Information Type (monitoring programm or subprogram), in addition to the regular region, countries and marine unit ids filters.
This is where the reported information can be viewed, where we can filter by Report Type, Regions, Countries, MarineUnitIds and Unique Codes of the reports. The reports are presented with related information about the report type, report URL, Relevant Environment Targets, Links to existing policies, Spatial Scope Geographic Zones, KTM, Relevant GES Descriptors and Relevant Features from Annex 3.
Here we display the recorded information from 2018 reports. We have Article 10 (Targets), the Article 8.1ab (GES Assessments), Article 8.1c (ESA assessments), Article 9 (GES Determination) and the Indicators pages. Each page allows filtering and displays relevant information.
Displays the GES Assessments information with related pressure and target codes, element and criteria statuses, criteria values and criteria value indicators. Allows filtering information by MarineUnitID, Country Code, Features and GES Component.
Display the ESA assessments information. Filtering can be done by MarineUnitID, Country Code, Features and GES Component.
Displays GES determination information, GES description, the determination date, update type. The information here can be filtered by MarineUnitID, Country Code, GES Component, and Features.
Displays the targets and associated indicators, target codes, description, time scale, update date, update type and parameters. The information can be filtered by MarineUnitID, Country Code, Features and GES Component.
This module facilitates the assessment of MSFD reported information.
We have a bootstrap process that creates the necessary Plone content: compliance modules folders (national descriptors, regional descriptors, etc), the country folders (one for each participating member state), inside the country folders there are folders for each region, then we have a folder for each descriptor, with children folders for each assessed article and finally two folders per article assessment, that hold the tracks of comments. During bootstraping the proper security access is also setup, with integration to dedicated Eionet groups.
- navigation to sections: Start page, National Descriptors assessment section, Regional descriptors section, National overviews, Regional overviews.
- In the National descriptors section, we can navigate to each country and see the color coded overview of the assessment phase of that country's assessment.
- In the member state's national descriptor assessment overview page, we have the Proces state overview, with security-based workflow state change, and a descriptor-based access and status overview of all articles (Art8, Art9, Art10), all grouped by regions.
- In the Article assessment overview page we have navigation links to all the
- relevant pages for that assessment: - 2012 Report Data, - 2018 Report Data, - Edit the Assessment - and finally a security-based workflow state change dropdown.
- The assessment overview shows two overview sections:
- one for the 2012 assessment and
- one for the 2018 assessment. an
In the 2018 assessment overview we have an overview of each question, with color-coded values for each involved criterion and calculates a score based on descriptor-appropriate weighting tables. It also shows:
- the assessment summary,
- the recommendations
- and allows the editing of the progress assessment field.
It calculates the overall score on all the questions in this descriptor assessment and a difference to the previous assessment score.
The 2012 assessment overview is similar, but doesn't have individual questions attached to the criterions.
At the bottom we have the two discussion tracks: one for the Compliance Module reviewers (Milieu) to the assigned Topic Lead, and another for the Milieu with EC. Each type of user can add comments only in its available comments section.
The Edit Assessment page allows the Topic Leads to enter their assessment answers: for each assessment question they are asked to choose answers from a series of dropdowns, one for each available criterion for that question. They can also enter a summary text for each question and an overall assessment summary and recommendations for that Member state. The form also makes available a popup window with the criteria definition relevant to that descriptor and also shows tooltips with criteria definitions next to each dropdown in the questions form.
The questions for each article are defined in a separate XML file, with all possible answers, information about the scoring method used and weighting for each descriptor.
The 2018 report data page uses several backend implementation to adjust its displayed data according to the type of article (8a, 8b, 9, 10) and the desired descriptor. It shows an overview of the reported data, as extracted from the database, with links to the original report and the HTML Factsheet offered by the CDR converters. It also offers a link to download the report data in Excel format.
The report tables on the 2018 page are separated by the MarineUnitIDs for Article 8 and 10. A "simplify table" toggle is available to allow easier understanding of the extracted information and works by merging identical values in adjacent table cells. The database values are "translated" to human readable labels and the original value is available as a tooltip. The left-most column is fixed, while the rest of the columns are horizonal scrollable.
Specific data cells are available to be automatically translated by Milieu, using a special online service provided by EC (with special security permissions). Once translated, it is possible to toggle between the two texts with small buttons inside the cell. It is also possible to edit the translation.
The 2012 report data shows its information in a similar format, but needs to be able to map the 2012 reported information using the concept of descriptors, which were not available at that time, so it needs to map old indicators and descriptors to the 2018 data format.