Device pinning is a feature that allows enterprise admins to pin their user’s corporate-managed Box account to a particular mobile device or Box Sync client.
Calling the static getEnterpriceDevicePins(BoxAPIConnection, String, String...)
will return an iterable that will page through all of the device pins belongs to enterprise with given id. It is possible to specify maximum number of retrieved items per single response calling getEnterpriceDevicePins(BoxAPIConnection, String, int, String...)
Iterable<BoxDevicePin.Info> enterpriceDevicePins = BoxDevicePin.getEnterpriceDevicePins(api, id);
for (BoxDevicePin.Info devicePin : enterpriseDevicePins) {
// Do something with the device pin.
Existing collections can be retrieved by calling the getInfo(String...)
Optional parameters can be used to retrieve specific fields of the Device Pin object.
BoxDevicePin devicePin = new BoxDevicePin(api, id);
BoxDevicePin.Info devicePinInfo = devicePin.getInfo();
A device pin can be deleted by calling the delete()
BoxDevicePin devicePin = new BoxDevicePin(api, id);