Some disk utilities for classic mac os disk images based on machfs python library which does all the heavy lifting
- Must have python 3 (tested on 3.10 but should run on 3.6+)
- Create virtualenv
- pip install -r requirements.txt
python /path/to/some.dsk
python /path/to/some.dsk Some:Folder:On:Image /local/folder/to/extract/to
Example from when I sync my C code over for check in
python /home/rlawson/classic_mac/minivmac/disk3.dsk "Development:THINK C:Projects:Mac C Primer" /home/rlawson/code/mac_c_primer
Checking if hfs image exists at /home/rlawson/classic_mac/minivmac/disk3.dsk ...
✓ Ok
Extracting Development:THINK C:Projects:Mac C Primer -> /home/rlawson/code/mac_c_primer ...
✓ Ok
python -h
- I use this mainly for pulling folders of source code out of my minivmac disk image, so I can develop in ThinkC but check in via github