Little gray men who masqueraded as the Norse gods long ago and now protect several planets of humans under the Asgard-Goa'uld Protected Planets Treaty.
An advanced alien race that is part of the Alliance of Four Great Races.
A parasitic race of aquatic snake-like beings that inhabit hosts, most often human, and possess them.
The species of sapient humanoid indigenous to Earth. Despite being indigenous to Earth, humans are present on a great many worlds throughout the galaxy because of the intervention of the Goa'uld. The term Tau'ri specifically refers to the humans of Earth.
These are any humans that are not Jaffa or Tau'ri, generally raised in a culture enslaved by the Goa'uld and kept at a low level of technology.
- Acting
- Climbing
- Concealment
- Conversation
- Deduction
- Native language (4 points' worth, no literacy)
- Paramedics (Healing)
- Persuasion
- One PS at 11-
- Shadowing
- Stealth
- TF: Horses, or small wind-powered boats
- AK: Home country or region 8-
The Tau'ri are humans of Earth. Because the Tau'ri characters (player or non-player) will be members of the SGC, these everyman skills represent someone raised in one of the developed countries of the world such as the United States, Canada, or Russia.
- Acting
- Climbing
- Concealment
- Conversation
- Deduction
- Native Language (4 points' worth, including literacy)
- Paramedics
- Persuasion
- One PS at 11-
- Shadowing
- Stealth
- TF: Small motorized ground vehicles
- AK: Home country or region 8-
A subspieces of humans who serve the Goa'uld and incubate the Goa'uld larva, called prim'ta, in marsupial-like pouches.
This set of everyman skills is for Jaffa that were raised in service to a Goa'uld.
- Acting
- Climbing
- Concealment
- Conversation
- Deduction
- Native language (4 points' worth, no literacy)
- Persuasion
- One PS at 11-
- Shadowing
- Stealth
- TF: One Goa'uld vehicle (see the list for reference)
- AK: Home country or region 8-
The Nox, a peaceful and highly advanced race native to P3X-774, are one of the members of the Ancient Alliance of four great races.