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Thumbnails in a responsive, fluent grid.


A lightboard is a translucent surface illuminated from behind, used for situations where a shape laid upon the surface needs to be seen with high contrast. In the "old days" of photography photograpers used a lightboard to get a quick view of, sorting and organizing their slides.

The Material Design Lite Ext (MDLEXT) lightboard is defined and enclosed by a container element. The slides are distributed in a row column fashion, with repect to the available screen size. The slides scales proportionally to fill available horizontal space, or the available content size, depending on the type of queries you choose to apply for your responsive breakpoints. The number of slides per row depends on available space. The component adds role='grid' to the lightboard and role='gridcell to the individual slides.

The Material Design Lite Ext (MDLEXT) lightboard has two versions; one version based on media queries and one version based on element queries.

How to use the eq.js version of MDLEXT lightboard

 1. Install eq.js.

$ npm install --save eq.js

 2. Import mdl-ext-eqjs.scss in your main SASS file. Remove mdl-ext.scss - they can not co exist.

@import '../node_modules/mdl-ext/src/mdl-ext-eqjs';

 3. Import or Require eq.js.

const eqjs = require('eq.js'); // ... or:  import eqjs from 'eq.js';

 4. Upgrade DOM and trigger eq.js
If you're loading html fragments, using e.g. Ajax, then upgrade DOM and trigger eq.js after page load.

window.fetch(href, {method: 'get'})
 .then(response => response.text())
 .then(text => {
   contentPanelEl.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', text);

    // Upgrade DOM

   // Trigger eq.js
   eqjs.query(undefined, true);
.catch(err => console.error(err));

An example of how to use eq.js in a SPA can be found here.

To include a MDLEXT lightboard component

 1. Code a <ul> element with class="mdlext-lightboard mdlext-js-lightboard" to hold the lightboard slides.

<ul class="mdlext-lightboard mdlext-js-lightboard">

 2. Code a <li> element with class="mdlext-lightboard__slide" to hold an individual slide.

<ul class="mdlext-lightboard mdlext-js-lightboard">
  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">

 3. Code an <a href="#"> element with class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame" to hold the slide frame. Optionally add a href to a large version of the image shown in the slide.

<ul class="mdlext-lightboard mdlext-js-lightboard">
  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">
    <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">

 4. Code a <figure> element (decorates frame and center image in slide).

<ul class="mdlext-lightboard mdlext-js-lightboard">
  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">
    <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">

 5. Inside the <figure> element add an <img> element with reference to the thumbnail image to be shown in slide. Optionally add a <figcaption> element to hold the image title.

<ul class="mdlext-lightboard mdlext-js-lightboard">
  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">
    <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">
        <img src="_D802591.jpg" title="Whooper swans in flight"/>

 6. Repeat steps 2..5 for each slide required.


Lightboard with eight slides, ripple effect on each slide, no spacing between slides, subscribes to lightboard select event.

<ul id="lightboard-1" class="mdlext-lightboard mdlext-js-lightboard
  mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-js-ripple-effect--ignore-events">

  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">
    <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">
        <img src="_D802141.jpg" title="Northern goshawk with prey"/>
  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">
    <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">
        <img src="_D802591.jpg" title="Whooper swans in flight"/>
  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">
    <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">
        <img src="_D804370-3.jpg" title="European green woodpecker"/>
  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">
    <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">
        <img src="_D808689.jpg" title="The bridge"/>
  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">
    <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">
        <img src="_D802181.jpg" title="Landscape in blue pastel"/>
  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">
    <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">
        <img src="_D800912.jpg" title="Hiking the mountains of Dovre"/>
  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">
    <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">
        <img src="_D809453-_D809457-4.jpg" title="Train to nowhwere. Ny Aalesund, Spitsbergen." />
  <li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">
    <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">
        <img src="_DSC8214.jpg" title="Blues"/>

  window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    var lightboard = document.querySelector('#lightboard-1');
    lightboard.addEventListener('select', function(e) {
      console.log('Slide selected. Source:', e.detail.source);

Keyboard interaction

The lightboard interacts with the following keyboard keys.

  • Tab - When focus is on a slide, pressing the Tab key moves focus in the following manner:
    1. If interactive glyphs or menus are present in the slide frame, focus moves to each in order. (Not implemented yet)
    2. The next Tab key press moves focus as follows:
      • If there is a next slide, focus moves to the next slide.
      • If focus is on the last slide, focus moves to the first focusable element outside the lightboard component.
  • Left arrow - Moves focus to the previous slide. If the current slide is the first slide, focus moves to the last slide.
  • Right arrow - Moves focus to the next slide. If the current slide is the last slide, focus moves to the first slide.
  • Up arrow - behaves the same as left arrow.
  • Down arrow - behaves the same as right arrow.
  • End - When focus is on a slide, an End key press moves focus to the last slide.
  • Home - When focus is on a slide, a Home key press moves focus to the first slide.
  • Enter/Space - When focus is on slide, pressing Enter/Space selects that particular slide. The lightboard emits a select event.
  • Shift+Tab - Generally the reverse of Tab.


Interaction with the component programmatically is performed receiving events from the component or by sending events to the component (or by using the public api).

Events the component listenes to

A client can send a command custom event to the lightboard. The command event holds a detail object defining the action to perform and a optionally a target for the action.

The detail object has the following structure:

detail: { 
  action, // "first", "last", "next", "prev", "upgrade" or "select" 
  target  // Target, the slide that should be affected by the event 

Possible actions are:


Focuses the first slide.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
ce = new CustomEvent('command', { detail: { action : 'first' } });


Focuses the last slide.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
ce = new CustomEvent('command', { detail: { action : 'last' } });


Focuses the next slide.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
ce = new CustomEvent('command', { detail: { action : 'next' } });


Focuses the previous slide.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
ce = new CustomEvent('command', { detail: { action : 'prev' } });


Selects a slide, i.e. adds aria-selected="true" on the targeted slide. The lightboard responds with a select event.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
slide = lightboard.querySelector('.mdlext-lightboard__slide:nth-child(2)');
ce = new CustomEvent('command', { detail: { action : 'prev', target: slide } });


Upgrade slides. If you add slides to the lightboard after the page has loaded, you must call upgrade to notify the lightboard component about the new slides.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
slide = 
   '<li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">'
  +'  <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">'
  +'    <figure>'
  +'      <img src="_D802181.jpg" title="Landscape in blue pastel"/>'
  +'      <figcaption>_D802181.jpg</figcaption>'
  +'    </figure>'
  +'  </a>'

myLightboard.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', slide);
ce = new CustomEvent('command', { detail: { action : 'upgrade' } });

Events emitted from the component

The lightboard emits a custom select event when a slide is clicked. The event has a detail object with the following content:

  source  // the slide instance that caused the event

Set up an event listener to receive the select event.

document.querySelector('#my-lightboard').addEventListener('select', function(e) {
  console.log('Slide selected:', e.detail.source);

Trigger the event.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
slide = lightboard.querySelector('.mdlext-lightboard__slide:nth-child(2)');
ce = new CustomEvent('command', { detail: { action : 'select', target: slide } });

Public methods


Upgrade slides. If you add slides to the lightboard after the page has loaded, you must call upgradeSlides to notify the component about the new slides.

slide = 
   '<li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">'
  +'  <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">'
  +'    <figure>'
  +'      <img src="_D802181.jpg" title="Landscape in blue pastel"/>'
  +'      <figcaption>_D802181.jpg</figcaption>'
  +'    </figure>'
  +'  </a>'

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
myLightboard.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', slide);

command( detail )

Executes an action, optionally targeting a specific slide. The actions corresponds to the custom events defined for this component.

The detail object parameter has the following structure:

detail: { 
  action, // "first", "last", "next", "prev", "upgrade" or "select" 
  target  // Target, the slide that should be affected by the event 

Possible actions are:

first: command( {action: 'first' } )

Focuses the first slide.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
myLightboard.MaterialExtLightboard.command( {action: 'first'} );

last: command( {action: 'last' } )

Focuses the last slide.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
myLightboard.MaterialExtLightboard.command( {action: 'last'} );

next: command( {action: 'next' } )

Focuses the next slide.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
myLightboard.MaterialExtLightboard.command( {action: 'next'} );

prev: command( {action: 'prev' } )

Focuses the previous slide.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
myLightboard.MaterialExtLightboard.command( {action: 'prev'} );

select: command( {action: 'first', target: slide } )

Selects a slide, i.e. adds aria-selected="true" on the targeted slide. The lightboard responds with a select event.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
slide = lightboard.querySelector('.mdlext-lightboard__slide:nth-child(2)');
myLightboard.MaterialExtLightboard.command( {action: 'prev', target: slide} );

upgrade: command( {action: 'upgrade' } )

Upgrade slides. If you add slides to the lightboard after the page has loaded, you must call upgrade to notify the lightboard component about the new slides.

myLightboard = document.querySelector('#my-lightboard');
slide = 
   '<li class="mdlext-lightboard__slide">'
  +'  <a href="#" class="mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame">'
  +'    <figure>'
  +'      <img src="_D802181.jpg" title="Landscape in blue pastel"/>'
  +'      <figcaption>_D802181.jpg</figcaption>'
  +'    </figure>'
  +'  </a>'

myLightboard.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', slide);
myLightboard.MaterialExtLightboard.command( {action: 'upgrade'} );

Configuration options

The MDLEXT CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements to the lightboard. The table below lists the available classes and their effects.

MDLEXT class Effect Remarks
mdlext-lightboard Defines a container as an MDLEXT lightboard component Required on <ul> element
mdlext-js-lightboard Assigns basic MDL behavior to lightboard Required on <ul> element
mdlext-lightboard--no-spacing Modifies the slides to have no margin between them. Optional on <ul> element
mdlext-lightboard__slide Defines a slide Required on <li> element
mdlext-lightboard__slide__frame Defines the slide frame, makes the frame focusable and selectable Required on <a> element. First inner element of <li>
mdl-js-ripple-effect Applies ripple click effect to slides Optional; goes on "outer" <ul> element
mdl-js-ripple-effect--ignore-events Should be added when the component initializes, but that does not seem to happen due to bug/limitation in MDL. For now, add this class if mdl-js-ripple-effect class is applied

A lightboard and its assosiated slides has the following roles.

Attribute Effect Remarks
role="grid" Defines the lightboard as a WAI-ARIA grid Added to mdlext-lightboard when component innitializes
role="gridcell" Defines the slide as a WAI-ARIA cell Added to mdlext-lightboard__slide when component innitializes
aria-selected Defines a slide as selected Added to mdlext-lightboard__slide when a slide is clicked

How to use the component programmatically

Refer to snippets/lightboard.html or the tests for detailed usage.