This is the frontend code of the 0-to-1-Microservices-Distributed-E-commerce-System-Template project.
is developed based on Vue and Element-UI, designed to implement the frontend functionalities for the renren-fast administration system, providing an optimized frontend solution.- It follows a frontend-backend separation, enabling data interaction through tokens and allowing independent deployment.
- The system supports theme customization, providing a unified and comprehensive customization through SCSS variables.
- Dynamic menu functionality is implemented, allowing centralized management of access routes through menu configurations.
- The system facilitates data switching by configuring Mock to switch between interface data and mock simulated data.
- During deployment, it allows dynamic configuration of CDN static resources and switching between new and old versions.
- Demo Link: (Username/Password: admin/admin)
Instructions for project development, deployment, and more can be found in the wiki.
Detailed changes for each version are documented in the release notes.