The goal is to suggest an optimization algorithm based on genetic algorithms, which minimizes the difference of the pixel colors of the prototype and the solution. The compressed images are represented as lists of basic geometric shapes - circles in this case.
Steepest Ascent Hill Climber As the first optimization attempt I used the Steepest Ascent Hill Climb algorithm, which for this task worked really well. The reason is that the solution space contains many good local optima, which are very well found by the hill-climbing algorithm. I used pool size 10 from which the best solution was selected in each iteration. Inspiration was drawn from
Steady-State Evolutionary Algorithm Each individual is replaced by its crossovered (with one another individual) and mutated version only if it has strictly better fitness than the parent. This results in exchanging small parts of chromosomes between individuals, but the diversity in the population is kept because a large part of a chromosome can never be duplicated in the population.
Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm Because the hill climbing optimization works really well for this task I decided to combine hill climbing epochs with the steady-state ones. The algorithm works in the following manner: For a given number of epochs I run the steady-state evolutionary algorithm, which provides the evolutionary algorithm with crossover in between the individuals. Then, the optimization switches to hill climbing and each individual is separately evolved for a given number of epochs. These two types of optimization are interleaving for the whole evolution period.
Fitness computation is expensive because the whole image (phenotype) has to be reconstructed from the list of shapes in order to compute the pixel difference. Therefore a GPU (CUDA) version of the fitness computation process was programmed, which is about 10 to 30 times faster, depending on the population size. Details in the GPU Report.
To run the optimization choose one of the configuration files in the config folder and edit the path_image
, path_image_weights
entries to correspond with your setup (the place you downloaded the code to). After that is done go to the bin folder and run on of the following commands:
./compress ../config/hill_climber_config.yaml # CPU layered rendering
./compress_gpu ../config/hill_climber_config.yaml # GPU layered rendering
./compress_average ../config/hill_climber_config.yaml # CPU averaging rendering
./compress_average_gpu ../config/hill_climber_config.yaml # GPU averaging rendering
Or with a different configuration file that you have chosen. The algorithm saves intermediate results every 200 epochs so soon you should see images appearing in your path_out folder.