It is the code of the paper ''Factor Screening using Bayesian Active Learning and Gaussian Process Meta-Modelling''.
author = {Cheng Li and Santu Rana and Andrew Gill and Dang Nguyen and Sunil Gupta and and Svetha Venkatesh},
title = {Factor Screening using Bayesian Active Learning and Gaussian Process Meta-Modelling},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Intelnational Conference Pattern Recognition, {ICPR}},
year = {2020},
Step 1: add all files into matlab path
Step 2: run the file '\allcodes\active_gp_hyperlearning\demo\MyDemo2D.m' for the synthetic data
run the file '\allcodes\active_gp_hyperlearning\demo\MyDemoRealData.m' for the real data