Lido DAO Aragon omnibus voting scripts.
- This project uses Brownie development framework. Learn more about Brownie.
- Poetry dependency and packaging manager is used to bootstrap environment and keep the repo sane.
The no-brainer workflow for setting up a Docker container to run scripts & tests
git clone
cd scripts
docker build -t scenv .
Note: If you are running on an arm64 processor (including Apple Silicon) - you will have to wait up to 4 hours while the Solidity compilers compile.
- mandatory for the execution of tests
Run the container in the scripts
directory and specify any ENV VARs:
docker run --name scripts -v "$(pwd)":/root/scripts -e WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID -d -p 2222:22 scenv
Note: It may take up to 1 minute for the container to initialize properly the first time.
ssh root@localhost -p 2222 # password: 1234
If you see a 'REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED' error - ssh-keygen -R "[localhost]:2222"
If you are asked 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting' - type yes
and hit <ENTER>
To run a Hardhat node inside a deployed Docker container:
cd /root/hardhat
npx hardhat node --fork $ETH_RPC_URL
You now have a fully functional environment to run scripts & tests in, which is linked to your local scripts repo, for example:
poetry run brownie test tests/acceptance/ -s
If your container has been stopped (for example, by a system reboot), start it:
docker start scripts
- Python >= 3.10, <3.11
- Pip >= 20.0
- Node >= 16.0
- yarn >= 1.22
Use the following command to install poetry:
pip install --user poetry==1.8.2
alternatively, you could proceed with pipx
pipx install poetry==1.8.2
Ensure that poetry bin path is added to your $PATH
env variable.
Usually it's $HOME/.local/bin
for most Unix-like systems.
poetry install
Simply run the following command from the project's directory
poetry run brownie networks import network-config.yaml True
📝 While previous steps needed only once to init the environment from scratch, the current step is used regularly to activate the environment every time you need it.
poetry shell
Just use the Dockerised Hardhat Node or alternatively run it manually:
Install Hardhat and dependencies into a separate folder:
mkdir hardhat && cd hardhat && npm install -d hardhat && npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai
Init empty Hardhat project in this folder:
touch hardhat.config.js && echo $'/** @type import(\'hardhat/config\').HardhatUserConfig */\nmodule.exports = {\n solidity: "0.8.28",\n};' | tee -a hardhat.config.js
Start Hardhat node in this folder:
npx hardhat node --fork $ETH_RPC_URL
By default, you should start composing new scripts and test using forked networks. You have three forked networks to work with:
To start new voting on the live networks you could proceed with:
You can't run tests on the live networks.
In a typical weekly omnibus workflow, you need only mainnet-fork
networks. In case of large test campaign on Lido upgrades,
it also could be useful to go with holesky
and holesky-fork
testnets first.
Holesky is partially supported.
At the moment not all parameters are set in configs/
and acceptance/regression/snapshot tests are not operational.
Sepolia is partially supported.
At the moment not all parameters are set in configs/
and acceptance/regression/snapshot tests are not operational.
Despite the chosen network you always need to set the following var:
export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID=<infura_api_key>
To start a new vote please provide the DEPLOYER
brownie account name (wallet):
export DEPLOYER=<brownie_wallet_name>
To run tests with a contract name resolution guided by the Etherscan you should provide the etherscan API token:
export ETHERSCAN_TOKEN=<etherscan_api_key>
To upload Markdown vote description for a new vote to IPFS you can use one of those:
- Pinata Cloud API key.
- Infura API key for IPFS.
- Web3 API token
# Pinata Cloud
export PINATA_CLOUD_TOKEN=<pinata_api_key>
# For Infura Web3
export WEB3_INFURA_IPFS_PROJECT_ID=<infura_project_id>
export WEB3_INFURA_IPFS_PROJECT_SECRET=<infura_project_secret>
# For WEB3
export WEB3_STORAGE_TOKEN=<web3_storage_api_key>
See here to learn more Markdown description
To skip events decoding while testing set the following var:
To run tests with already started vote provide its id:
To use local ABIs for events decoding use:
To make default report for acceptance and regression tests after voting execution set:
Directory contains state based tests. This tests run every time when tests suite started, if there are any voting scripts or upgrade scripts they will be applied before.
Directory contains scenario tests. This tests run every time when tests suite started, if there are any voting scripts or upgrade scripts they will be applied before.
Directory contains snapshot-scenario tests. This tests run only if there are any upgrade scripts.
Tests for current voting
To run all the test on mainnet-fork
brownie test
You can pass network name explicitly with --network {network-name}
command-line argument.
To reveal a full test output pass the -s
See here to learn more about tests
- To forcibly bypass etherscan contract and event names decoding set the
environment variable to1
. It could be useful in case of etherscan downtimes or usage of some unverified contracts (especially, on the Görli Testnet). - To re-use the already created
you can pass theOMNIBUS_VOTE_IDS
environment variable (e.g.OMNIBUS_VOTE_IDS=104
). - To re-use multiple created votes list the ids comma-separated (e.g.
) - To force the large CI runner usage, please name your branch with the
Please, use the shared pre-commit hooks to maintain code style:
poetry run pre-commit install
Please move your outdated scripts into archive/scripts
and outdated tests into
If you have encountered Invalid hashes
errors while trying to run previous command, please remove poetry's cache:
- GNU/Linux
rm -rf ~/.cache/pypoetry/cache/
rm -rf ~/.cache/pypoetry/artifacts/
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/cache
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/artifacts