All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
7.0.21 (2023-09-04)
- allow admin bind in ldap (de66236)
7.0.20 (2023-08-29)
- add processing for raw cells in ipynb (ebacf38)
- auto generate rake task (3bd9107)
- ensure devise is setup for ldap auth (2561a05)
7.0.19 (2023-06-20)
- auto gen portfolio checks stats and refactor (92ba764)
- ensure campus valid on import (5ef73ba)
- ensure unit dates can be edited independently (2a3d3c1)
- rollover with portfolio creation date (2b1352f)
7.0.18 (2023-06-18)
7.0.17 (2023-06-17)
- ensure unit creation can set convenor (b6d85ef)
7.0.16 (2023-06-03)
- ensure page count work on pdfs with errors (57b01b3)
- exclude pax on retry of portfolio creation (bc75712)
- portfolio creation in resouce contention test (5cdb1e2)
7.0.15 (2023-06-03)
- add script to generate missing portfolios (375975f)
7.0.14 (2023-06-01)
- use qpdf for page count (220e897)
7.0.12 (2023-06-01)
- improve handling of pdf pages (a79dc81)
- switch pdf compression to qpdf (30a401f)
- use qpdf for page count (220e897)
7.0.13 (2023-05-31)
- switch pdf compression to qpdf (30a401f)
7.0.12 (2023-05-30)
- improve handling of pdf pages (a79dc81)
7.0.11 (2023-05-24)
- portfolio creation with additional code files (e1e4da2)
7.0.10 (2023-05-05)
- ensure task explorer gets extensions (f72b378)
- ensure extension checks allow audio upload (dc33fc7)
- exclude tasks from withdrawn units in webcal feed (bcd29fb)
7.0.9 (2023-04-04)
- ensure campus changes can be synced (5f02f5b)
- ensure markdown works with invalid latex (58965dd)
7.0.8 (2023-03-23)
7.0.7 (2023-03-22)
- add registry for docker pull of images (8b00a2b)
7.0.6 (2023-03-21)
7.0.5 (2023-03-21)
7.0.4 (2023-03-20)
- pull overseer docker image (f9efef7)
7.0.3 (2023-03-10)
- ensure we can handle long ipynb output (97e18d5)
7.0.2 (2023-03-03)
7.0.1 (2023-03-03)
7.0.0 (2023-02-23)
- ensure rollover returns new unit details (3f956ba)
- align project create with new entity data (1d9443a)
- campus is optional on tutorial create (f58b1ee)
- changes in unit entity staff check (dbe6ba8)
- correct links to portfolios in emails (9ecd555)
- csv import of task definitions (56927ab)
- ensure creating of new units works (7fa790f)
- ensure group imports use presenter (a4df066)
- ensure latex works on arm (ae71686)
- ensure missing parameters responds with error (c7ba812)
- ensure project updates work for staff and students (e47a001)
- ensure ulo class stats works (e0be10b)
- lambda syntax issue (6f9a3dd)
- report error on invalid role change (8400c38)
- return student username and id (ab94b40)
- switch cloud to online for Deakin integration (f6dacfb)
6.0.18 (2022-10-04)
- ensure portfolio PDFs are compressed (49dbc36)
6.0.17 (2022-09-29)
- add term setting to pdf generation to quiet log (0f4812f)
6.0.16 (2022-09-29)
- remove downstream newpax patch and add version check (7447c55)
6.0.15 (2022-09-10)
- hard-code date in newpax to avoid nil dates (b0b3db6)
6.0.14 (2022-09-05)
6.0.13 (2022-09-01)
- add portfolio autogeneration to crontab (036d763)
- only grant extensions on positive feedback responses (17d5a98)
- address potential csrf vuln (c5f065a)
- correct the bad tag in email template for the "due soon" ul (697b7fd)
- ignore locally installed gems (90cfc9c)
- install and use newpax to preserve links in generated PDFs (8e65a71)
- remove duplicate auto generate call in crontab (93409dc)
6.0.12 (2022-06-03)
- reinstate recipe but fix parse runs issue (f5afbfe)
6.0.11 (2022-06-02)
- only send overseer image id to admin staff (6201b64)
- pdf creation latex settings (4b9e340)
- remove defaults from unit update optional parameters (7eb7f1c)
- webcal task selection and api format (a55f57e)
6.0.10 (2022-05-25)
- update moss ruby to read similarity reports (9500bd4)
6.0.9 (2022-03-27)
- remove pct check for group submission (e23aec5)
6.0.8 (2022-03-22)
- ensure validation works correctly for tutorial enrolments with restricted groups (abf9d53)
6.0.7 (2022-03-17)
- ensure cron tasks are reported via email (20d6ec0)
- ensure sample compose contains institution settings (0f0185d)
- ensure task stats uses float division (fc75222)
- ensure TaskStatus.count uses sql where needed (383a904)
- ensure there is access to task status count from database (976ec0a)
- post project uses default task stats (9ba5a50)
- stop empty nicknames from rendering in student_name (#364) (b1a6035)
6.0.7 (2022-03-17)
- ensure cron tasks are reported via email (20d6ec0)
- ensure sample compose contains institution settings (0f0185d)
- ensure TaskStatus.count uses sql where needed (383a904)
- ensure there is access to task status count from database (976ec0a)
- post project uses default task stats (9ba5a50)
- stop empty nicknames from rendering in student_name (#364) (b1a6035)
6.0.6 (2022-03-03)
- ensure content disposition is accessible on file download (0f38961)
6.0.5 (2022-03-03)
- align param and field names in stream put (919fd60)
6.0.4 (2022-02-28)
- revert to using serialize with task comments (371688c)
6.0.3 (2022-02-25)
- ensure enrolments sync script is executable (23714d0)
6.0.2 (2022-02-23)
- ensure students can withdraw from tutorials (0dcab00)
6.0.1 (2022-02-17)
6.0.0 (2022-02-02)
- add script to sync enrolments (e932725)
- add sprockets to development to host swagger (b928f78)
- adjust dockerfile to work without code volume (54c8d6b)
- allow configuration to turn off mail sending (ed8b3af)
- enhance error reporting from overseer (b79e4ce)
- enhance rails logging (77f76b2)
- move task dates when unit start date changes (958a263)
- report errors when attempting to add student as tutor (7d8571a)
- update to rails 7 and rails encrypted attributes (c99ec09)
- Access serialised object now uses object.object (00e532b)
- Add content disposition to evidence download (b47b9ab)
- Add custom serialiser to support rails 6 (d051bef)
- Add database populator require to units factory (29b22b9)
- Add factory_bot_rails in test,staging (f4a85d6)
- Add headers for application controllers to match grape (71cc316)
- add idp certificate to saml settings (e5926fa)
- add listen gem for development environment (1675dbf)
- add missing end from if statement in auth_helpers (4034dd2)
- add missing end to authentication_api (28caaab)
- add missing overseer entities (7f09f50)
- add required config/storage.yml file (de3df26)
- add saml signout URL (879624c)
- add saml to gemfile.lock (1456597)
- Add serializer for task comments (6afa092)
- Auth token via user (6dc53b9)
- Auth token via user (75bab1d)
- Authenticate auth tokens via User (ca9edb7)
- Authenticate token via user (224e5e9)
- Authenticate tokens via User (3bcad77)
- Check sending headers from auth test (c8c7ef4)
- check userRole when creating SAML user (fce7fbd)
- check userRole when creating SAML user (bbf7adb)
- consolidate aaf/saml response format (1a5fcb8)
- Correct assert json matches update for rails (14e1aa9)
- correct calculation of week number for units outside teaching periods (591780c)
- correct can destroy behaviour for rails 6 (794b6e4)
- Correct case of auth params and headers (d3c0206)
- Correct error message response (4086227)
- Correct exception handling in tests and ensure foreign key breaks are handled in the API (81856d1)
- Correct group test with missing auth details (820e255)
- correct issue in foreign key migration (a70fb57)
- Correct issue with double adding user if to auth token (b3afad6)
- correct issues in schema and migration of discussion comments (799f5cc)
- Correct issues with sign out (e47e05b)
- Correct json model compare to work with hash (070e677)
- correct key env settings in development (19d7cc9)
- correct logging of aaf login and add to saml (90d2608)
- correct migrate index creation with bigint switch (81287ea)
- correct migration of auth token. (11c3235)
- Correct populator use of BigDecimal (f7f5aa3)
- Correct reference in auth token migration (6a4f643)
- correct remove index migration (09c402f)
- correct task definition entity (0d8f3d1)
- Correct typo in user for reminder test (8609444)
- Correct unit model test to work with new environment (91d29fd)
- Correct use of assert nil in task status tests (63852bb)
- correct use of doubtfire logger (6ae0220)
- Correct use of present to use with key not using (4c60841)
- create saml config hash (f478102)
- Default remember to false on generate token (62d1785)
- Delete duplicate .object in serialisers (4225dbf)
- don't specify bundler version (c665cb7)
- ensure all routes use presenters (c05b624)
- ensure authentication token is unique for a user (eb73851)
- Ensure error on invalid token (314b269)
- Ensure generate tokens is passed remember value (0ece967)
- ensure init includes aadmin (faf8255)
- Ensure key is 32 bytes only in encrypted attributes (9d9eb11)
- ensure migration tests for foreign keys (fca64c6)
- Ensure migration works for auth tokens up and down (7d4dbcd)
- ensure overseer comment entity has current user (91f8430)
- Ensure pdf generation works for tests (f06e371)
- ensure rake db:init is available for new deployments (e5e1092)
- Ensure signif works on integers (011478f)
- Ensure status comments are marked as read on create (171ec76)
- Ensure that group tests work with new (7aa14e6)
- Ensure that students can reply to others in group comments (83bc4d7)
- Ensure that updating task status returns update only task details (5c35915)
- Ensure that user is saved on generate of auth token (0627780)
- ensure unit roles always include the unit id (9b624e5)
- Ensure user accessed correctly in unit entity (98a2d59)
- Ensure using throw abort in before destroy on error (e503ca2)
- Ensure webcal method use correct auth methods (71773b6)
- Fix and use bundler2.0 in CI (631d339)
- Fix error when change code to factorybot (59fc722)
- fix logger syntax error (e87fcc1)
- Fix Travis CI error (ae6e151)
- fix typos in authentication helper doc (7cdb854)
- Grape now uses body to return data update in teaching periods (a7ebcda)
- Grape params are now hash - update file upload field access to read from hash (b4366fc)
- improve reliability of get awaiting feedback test (318c9bc)
- Incorrect use of self to access activee record rows (8424272)
- lock listen gem version (49c907c)
- Migrate to unit entity and fix unit api tests (f38c377)
- pass required username to sign_in page (58a9fc2)
- read saml config from hash correctly (0e17743)
- reenforce bundler version in dockerfile (0d5341b)
- remote username mangling (e7accd9)
- remove all use of active model serializers (f628ff4)
- remove clock drift from settings object (1d63e9c)
- remove create_and_post_user method (12237a8)
- remove down migration data update for auth tokens. (bbeef86)
- remove duplicate index on learning outcomes (6d23243)
- remove old bundler version specified (348b9c2)
- remove postgres from Gemfile.lock (83150d9)
- remove references to discussion comment table (d6507cf)
- Remove return from TaskEntity other projects (f396596)
- Remove sample html file (51ef0d6)
- remove task comment foreign key in id migration (58c264e)
- Remove trace from group tests (deed1e7)
- remove unnecessary access token from action (c4c34de)
- Remove unneeded email from tutor in tutorial (00f5082)
- remove unused devise routes (a270d25)
- rename not_queued enum constant (55a86e3)
- revert gemfile lock (73721d2)
- support zeitwerk mode loader (15e3f96)
- Switch auth and user to grape entity (b92d3db)
- Switch file access to hash (38d7a3c)
- Switch from after to before update where changed used (3bd7d4b)
- Switch from around to before update (69cbe06)
- switch latex config to use recipe (7e75c15)
- switch scopes to methods (989e8c2)
- Switch tutorial api to use new entity (be9ead0)
- Update authentication in Sign-out API (1e843e2)
- update bunny pub sub to fix subscriber launch (37de3bc)
- Update faker deprecated methods (f19928d)
- update migration for ralls 6 (348b4b3)
- Update migration to work with new code on migrate without data loss (c032ec3)
- update model object to work with ruby 3.1 (ebc5832)
- Update status tests based on new read by everyone on status comments (ebc8694)
- Update tutorial enrolments to use new entities (1fe02c3)
- Update use of update attributes (b5e5d46)
- Update zip filename access (77f7b70)
- Updated activity types, campuses and csv tests (5710753)
- Updated comments and units tests (e760fff)
- Updated tutorials, unit roles, units and users tests (8d2035f)
- Updated unit testing for all /api/activity_types_api_test endpoint (1df78d9)
- Updated unit testing for all /api/auth endpoint (ae3e8cf)
- Updated Unit tests for groups, projects, students and api (0aac2de)
- upgrade callbacks and use of _changed? and _was to new rails 6 behaviour (20f779b)
- Upgrade ruby version to 2.6 in CI (7603cb8)
- use new Grape Entity model for overseer (9632b88)
- use password auth if not aaf or saml (aee8d6b)
- Use presenter in portfolio evidence api (a8ee43e)
- use puts instead of y (312390e)
5.0.7 (2021-12-09)
- Add support for files from Elements of Computer Systems (#333) (a3742a5)
- make portfolio evidence relative (701f58c)
- correct convert submission to pdf to use new folder by default (f216834)
- esure changes to portfolio evidence apply to task (6ade5f1)
- remote username mangling (789fed1)
5.0.4 (2021-12-06)
- add script to sync enrolments (bc65722)
- remove set environment from scripts (f3437bd)
5.0.3 (2021-11-19)
- log messages to stdout on all environments (31041c6)
- correct error message on submission process fail (b789239)
- ensure populator works with init (89ae68b)
- update bunny pub sub to fix logging and launch issues (a3ae105)
5.0.2 (2021-11-19)
- update bunny pub sub version (f594bdf)
5.0.1 (2021-10-27)
5.0.0 (2021-10-13)
- add ability to export auth tokens for migration from 5 to 6 (b40bdd9)
- Add ability to init production (bd200e6)
- Add missing comma in unit.rb (36c4fac)
- Add missing self keyword (f4be643)
- Add rescue/ensure block to ontrack_receive_action (53d8d3c)
- align overseer assessment with single assessment comment (25dbaf8)
- Allow protocol to be included in host configuration (142d80d)
- Change password back to what it was (73e6bd8)
- correct convert submission to pdf to use new folder by default (a4ed642)
- correct development redirect url on aaf auth (badf14f)
- correct hard coded path to overseer instance (627d257)
- correct overseer env settings in compose (1daabe8)
- correct port for developemnt to use 3000 (778442d)
- Correct request in skip prod to use STDIN (6c2c8ef)
- Download the task assessment resources authorisation (d2ae227)
- Ensure docker image installs bundler (26110d7)
- ensure tasks with assessments can be destroyed cleanly (e322b8d)
- ensure that init does not add task status twice (86d9dd4)
- ensure two newlines between comment text in assessment comment (3dd7021)
- File permissions for overseer to operate upon (e3708aa)
- Gemfile.lock revision for bunny-pub-sub (c5b137a)
- Include :has_task_assessment_resources? (6975790)
- Let config.overseer_images exist without OVERSEER_ENABLED flag (56e6874)
- Missing
method error (94fd461) - New assessment API bugs (0f4273c)
- Quotes in application.rb (d55ec13)
- Remove breaking empty test (97a9c3d)
- Remove bundle exec rake db:setup step (fcc7e26)
- Remove clutter from submission API (15f0361)
- Require bunny-pub-sub in all environments (bf75374)
- Routes param description for docker_image_name_tag (eec9ed3)
- Set default units.assessment_enabled to true (d2b1c89)
- Strip path till submission history for easy mounting (c3d43b0)
- Strip till /doubtfire-api instead (e0b599c)
- Switch task definition to use docker image model (68212eb)
- Task comments generation (91eacae)
- Task status error (01a0f9e)
- test moving file into place (fe0681d)
- Typo in application.rb (9e8e930)
- Update bunny-pub-sub version (6e3cbe5)
- Update bunny-pub-sub version in Gemfile.lock (971eb80)
- Update config in compose to include production (941ea1c)
- Update overseer actions to work with new structure (96836d2)
- Update overseer config to use new fixed settings (a520b64)
- Uploading new files replaces existing files in student_work/new/task_id folder (a8a4563)
- Validation for docker_image_name_tag now respects nil values (23408f7)
- Validators for docker_image_name_tag (372fe97)
- Variable name (5303ceb)
- YAML Docker image name, disable image (3fe985b)
5.0.0-rc1 (2021-08-03)
- Correctly assign webcal reminder descriptions. Fixes #316 (fa178b7)
- Ensure Deakin star activities only include associated teaching period (1e3e981)
- Remove harcoded user ID in webcal exclusion update (d7e66aa)
- Run migration ChangeDoNotResubmit (6354aff)
- Add ability to init production (bd200e6)
- Remove empty check for potentially null group set on import (c771c7b)
- .ceil of an integer not returning what was expected (686e08d)
review by @macite (c5f8d90)- Add :download_csv to tutor_role_permissions (45dc74d)
- Add a page break to LOs in portfolio (28922fc)
- Add a preliminary line before the weekly summary (b1a6d23)
- Add ability to redirect on AAF signout (9d071f2)
- Add additional character support to latex (6c13ea8)
- Add additional packages for latex install in CI (dbc085b)
- Add anchors to duplicate dev secrets in test & replica (19255c7)
- Add application csv as mime time for csv upload (88b784b)
- Add application/ogg for audio files (ceaf809)
- Add attachment to task sheet and adjust attachment logic (6fe7f00)
- Add auto extension to params for unit put (92d39bf)
- Add back plagiarism pages to the ui (236d1f4)
- Add campus and capacity while importing tutorials from csv (1f9bf57)
- Add campus id to add tutorial (863507e)
- Add capacity to group set serializer (023d14e)
- Add ccheccks for group tasks on batch marking (09f4da3)
- Add check to ensure some rake tasks fail in production (2c2efe3)
- Add comma to assertion (0e28203)
- Add converters to student import (7da182f)
- Add correct conditions for recipient (75b56e7)
- Add correct conditions for recipient (2f61e80)
- Add correct table names to migration (20a5824)
- Add correct table names to migration (a8f149e)
- Add correct validations to TaskComment model (f6662bc)
- Add default coment for audio and image comments (3b63a5d)
- Add exception details for unhandled exceptions to log (eca1389)
- Add from_existing_unit to duplicate task def call (7096cae)
- Add guard so only one team member can submit at a time (2a43a35)
- Add lock check to permissions on group set (58baed3)
- Add log info to report MOSS urls (fb7d859)
- Add migration to extend text size (4947bbd)
- Add minitest-arount back to gemfile (b1a1b95)
- Add missing bcrypt import to user model (dafaac2)
- Add missing bind option to accept all connections (200b0c9)
- Add missing comma in unit permissions array (ea89bdb)
- Add missing comma in unit.rb (36c4fac)
- Add missing copy of files processed in accept submission (c87c016)
- Add missing CSV header (4a57bc5)
- Add missing default on extend_authentication_token (2626b99)
- Add missing desc: parameter in tasks.rb (153a71c)
- Add missing grade to shallow task serializer (1620b00)
- Add missing logger to PortfolioEvidence (8cf4ee9)
- add missing migration for unit_role change (714a9c7)
- add missing migration script (bf77914)
- Add missing module function for put_json (bcedfd4)
- Add missing module function for with_auth_token (3f2db3c)
- add missing optional task parameter details to learning alignment api (e760fe8)
- Add missing password setter for dev environment (99f5b4e)
- Add missing RAILS_ENV for docker api (8db9e70)
- Add missing self keyword (f4be643)
- add missing serializer (a11029a)
- Add missing static function returning singleton logger (c7d0d33)
- Add missing static function returning singleton logger (28b4cd7)
- Add missing status weight for time exceeded (0fd4aaf)
- Add missing task argument to task script (e1847a8)
- Add num_new_comments to shallow project serializer (cc54dcf)
- Add permissions for admin and convenors to exceed capacity (4dade19)
- Add post test for group_sets_api (185ed0f)
- Add required start_date to populate script (b628cfd)
- Add rescue/ensure block to ontrack_receive_action (53d8d3c)
- Add seperate DB for minitest tests (3448abe)
- Add seperate DB for minitest tests (dd676fd)
- Add similarity count to task inbox/feedback API (2108db2)
- Add space in between nickname and name for project serializer (0072400)
- Add sql file type and move mime types checks to helper (5f33ac5)
- Add task definition validation before update (c4f950a)
- Add task_comment_id to where validation (472b0e6)
- Add task_comment_id to where validation (e44557b)
- Add tests and fix issue with rolling over group tasks (c4825d0)
- Add thread variable for current user in task serializer (c704dde)
- Add time exceeded to ilo scale calculations (91082ba)
- Add tutorial stream to task definition on create (1c9de29)
- Add ui changes to handle sql and vb files (27d5e21)
- Add units to teaching period serializer (71c263c)
- Add user parameter to feedback test (4dca03d)
- Add validation that weighting must be present (2bad398)
- Add validation to check uniqueness of tasks (0be2114)
- Address issue of breaks updated in the wrong teaching period (ef2700c)
- Adjust dates when current teaching period present (b1a5f44)
- adjust error message on comment post rejection (61e07f0)
- Adjust faker unique clear order to attempt to address duplicate issues (8fc016c)
- adjust filters for portfolio tasks (08c7fa5)
- Adjust force ssl for staging and use in AAF redirect (55aaae1)
- Adjust force ssl for staging and use in AAF redirect (7c39055)
- adjust processing time for ghostscript to 30 seconds (83cbcb2)
- Adjust pygments language to include python and use extension if unknown (1d7ecda)
- Adjust task test to make sure full path is used in tasks test (1bdc229)
- adjust upload file limit to 5MB (d0fe0e3)
- align overseer assessment with single assessment comment (25dbaf8)
- allow alignments to have no description on import (ad8af0b)
- Allow development to redirect AAF auth (58381ec)
- allow due date to be optional on task creation (85a7262)
- allow grade_task to work without ui from csv upload. (8768dc7)
- Allow indifferent access to institution config hash (6d04780)
- Allow institution imports to customise tutorial change behaviour (574115f)
- allow portfolio tasks to include some tasks in higher grades if they are included, aligned, and have a PDF. (8db0ee2)
- allow portfolio tasks to include some tasks in higher grades if they are included, aligned, and have a PDF. (43bf33d)
- allow portfolio tasks to include some tasks in higher grades if they are included, aligned, and have a PDF. (ed87a77)
- Allow protocol to be included in host configuration (142d80d)
- Allow special characters in task files (eb2adb6)
- allow students to work on group tasks independently (task status) (17d226c)
- Allow text file upload for code (f5207ed)
- Allow tutorial to be set to no campus (8f9076f)
- Amend API URL to Deakin test server (92c83a5)
- Amend API URL to Deakin test server (8be1064)
- Amend incompatible Ruby versions in Dockerfile (297d025)
- Amend invalid migration for is_graded (cdc3a0f)
- Amend invalid syntax for grade_task method (f1f17a8)
- Assign and use expected_auth in put test (14b8a5f)
- Attempt 2 at converting active to boolean in Project api (ccaf855)
- Attempt 2 to convert Project active to boolean in MySql (f93b0c1)
- Attempt switching group's tutorial only if tutorial ID specified (546a9ce)
- Attempt to fix username factory issue (701f8fd)
- Bump web server with latest changes (dcbec16)
- Bump web server with latest changes (8510870)
- Bump web version (bf34e28)
- Call add_teaching_period before the save (1a113ce)
- call to student_target_grade_stats (f6b49f0)
- Cannot destroy a campus with projects and tutorials (e9af00b)
- Change copy of files to move dir (13fb77a)
- Change get tests for group_sets_api (65099e9)
- Change get tests for group_sets_api (bee0ba1)
- Change get tests for group_sets_api (702c367)
- Change get tests for group_sets_api (16ab11e)
- Change get tests for group_sets_api (f59848e)
- Change get tests for student_api (ce04c12)
- Change get tests for student_api (00abdc7)
- Change get tests for student_api (1b1e691)
- Change get tests for student_api (3aae341)
- Change get tests for students_api (b86964f)
- Change get tests for students_api (efde42f)
- Change get tests for students_api (0eaac76)
- Change get tests for students_api (2f8c7cf)
- Change get tests for students_api (5163a71)
- Change get tests for students_api (53131cb)
- Change get tests for students_api (e77f8e7)
- Change get tests for students_api (4d92402)
- Change get tests for students_api (1b3e6de)
- Change password back to what it was (73e6bd8)
- Change post test for group_sets_api (dbc8aa9)
- Change post test for group_sets_api (50bc51a)
- Change post test for group_sets_api (3a0abab)
- Change post test for group_sets_api (aee466e)
- Change post test for group_sets_api (bed8bbf)
- Change post test for group_sets_api (bdd3085)
- Change post test for group_sets_api (bcf9cc9)
- change task sequence to use start date (fff536d)
- Change task_definitions to support date submitted and count (de6138d)
- Changed string quotes (d8f21a6)
- Changeget tests for group_sets_api (efb4295)
- Check error count of b2 in test break not colliding (34b24d9)
- Check file upload on unit student csv (724e1c6)
- Check if path exists before removing in zip submissions (feb2e30)
- Check if task pdf files exist with . replaced with _ (91d869d)
- Check if tutorial stream is present before serializing (01ca99a)
- Check object has hasKey? in group serializer (d836d3b)
- Clear and update plagiarism data on td change (9ff0792)
- Clear and update plagiarism data on td change (e88b59b)
- Code in test unit import file (9a15317)
- Comment Serialize (d3ff751)
- Concurrency issue with project tasks duplication (952c213)
- Conversion of file encoding for code (80fafa8)
- correct API for getting task status -- return data in task/tutorial groups (13c8e7f)
- Correct auto extension param syntax (bf7b512)
- correct convert submission to pdf to use new folder by default (a4ed642)
- Correct CSV tests to use new response codes (21f7d3a)
- Correct date range for ahead tasks (2edb15e)
- correct development redirect url on aaf auth (badf14f)
- Correct enrolment into groups restricted by tutorial (5c715fe)
- Correct erbs with product name (7a8ef48)
- Correct error message for grade fail on task (3c6ba6d)
- Correct error messages when group or groupset locked (d48aced)
- Correct error reporting in sync enrolments (76b0334)
- Correct error with checking mime types for a file (6a5059a)
- Correct extraction of tutorial id from params on switch tutorial (3aa75e0)
- Correct file name of portfolio in zip (a498fa3)
- Correct filenames for task sheet and portfolio downloads (2bc28a4)
- Correct grade of time exceeded tasks (962b7e6)
- Correct group modification when same tutorial true (c824d44)
- Correct group serialisation of student count (0721277)
- correct hard coded path to overseer instance (627d257)
- Correct importing of task definitions with groups (f921271)
- Correct indentation in sync code (636e21c)
- Correct invalid code within group set test (4ee7d46)
- Correct issue causing task feedback test fails (b59e868)
- Correct issue in breaks api test (3fc3e4a)
- Correct issue linking students to timetable data (b71e355)
- Correct issue when no tasks failed to query students (72158f8)
- Correct issue when uploading empty comment attachment (e59b7d8)
- Correct issue with adding auth token in tests (3c8b12c)
- Correct issue with changes to group task with extension test (8152dfb)
- Correct issue with compressing images (74bc733)
- Correct issue with concurrency bug on team submissions (b21d7ec)
- Correct issue with conversion of due date to day based (dec0d4a)
- Correct issue with creating users failing as no password (7f5d3ba)
- Correct issue with delete and foreign key relationship for breaks (17c6e5f)
- Correct issue with duplication of cloud tutorials (6fa167e)
- Correct issue with empty alignment rational (63aa732)
- Correct issue with limiting tasks by grade in unit student tasks (842ca5b)
- Correct issue with name of new tutorial stream (456e829)
- Correct issue with pdf erb (b6a263a)
- correct issue with populate script failing (4c94a88)
- Correct issue with portfolio creation (8dabf0c)
- correct issue with student created task alignments (b11eda3)
- Correct issue with task completion CSV (ad2ba69)
- Correct issue with task pdf creation (9f0e2e7)
- Correct issue with task stats including tasks for higher grades (7d29f65)
- Correct issue with tracking of task submissions (3fa2d37)
- Correct issue with tutorial enrolment change validations (b43ace3)
- Correct issue with use of unit in group import (07ab84a)
- Correct issue with variable use in enrol (ad99b16)
- Correct issue with withdraw students (a517502)
- Correct issues with role checks to ensure all paths return values (4c6f69e)
- Correct issues with task stats inc withdrawn students (b95de0f)
- Correct issues with task status tests (5b9eab5)
- Correct logging of stream in timetable sync (93e4728)
- Correct logic error in group membership (f6bd82d)
- Correct missing end in settings (5e9af5a)
- Correct order and remove typo in unit (5bd67b9)
- correct overseer env settings in compose (1daabe8)
- Correct placeholder pdfs and responses when files missing (a16bed7)
- correct port for developemnt to use 3000 (778442d)
- Correct request in skip prod to use STDIN (6c2c8ef)
- Correct return codes for csv tests (d490faf)
- Correct schema version (6fcc3cb)
- Correct sending of portfolio emails to come from main convenor (91ca609)
- Correct sort order issue in ui (69d176f)
- Correct star import creation of tutorials (f046233)
- Correct status upon submit (987b37f)
- Correct student list query to ensure all students appear (5ee1cbf)
- Correct student tutorial list (ad4ec4b)
- Correct sync enrolments with to work with tutorial list (98c6f3b)
- Correct sync of classes to only skip if not in streams (2d6b3fa)
- Correct syncing of cloud units (4dc96bd)
- Correct tasks API for steam changes (a00743c)
- Correct tests to make use of FactoryBot (73e1833)
- Correct tests to use FactoryBot (5601b5d)
- Correct tests to use FactoryBot (34947fa)
- Correct top tasks and revert to use extensions (516edae)
- Correct tutorial tests (8cae99e)
- Correct typo in tutorial day for cloud (9417915)
- correct unit role serialiser to work with or without start date (f6b75f1)
- Correct uploader to allow txt submissions (1376716)
- Correct use of project tutorial id in summary email (ded0868)
- Correct use of tutorial enrolments for tutor assessments (0fff45d)
- Correct user import to avoid error on blank row (1761c57)
- Correct username from Deakin STAR import (7332810)
- Correct validation for tasks past deadline (58e02b3)
- Correct variable name for allow revert (8a4272c)
- Correct variable name in task def tests (6a6591e)
- Correctly reference host symbol (5af5c3d)
- Create 1 enrolment to avoid duplicate error (908a455)
- Create Teaching Period before rolling over (f5a3e8a)
- Create tmp portfolio dir when copying (08ba248)
- Create unique username and password (4584380)
- Date format in latex (26b36b5)
- Delay redirect for token time out (176d407)
- delete useless code and useless test (8db1523)
- derp... add migration (c46b21d)
- Determine the content type of attachment comment (ef59b02)
- Do not create tutorial with empty string (df54b02)
- Do not recreate zip downloads if they exist (9d6d269)
- Do not resubmit name in database (087f0ce)
- docker-compose.yml (48ec2e6)
- Download tasks for task def (7b163b9)
- Download the task assessment resources authorisation (d2ae227)
- Email validation for user model (b7ef5f2)
- Enable comment attachments for group tasks (9e138c4)
- Enable video/webm audio for chrome recordings (ba9ef6b)
- Ensure a project only has a portfolio when it is available (5ec938c)
- ensure achievement stats include 'all' students and work with small numbers of task completions (21fd3fc)
- Ensure active is returned as a boolean in projects (98223fe)
- Ensure add_auth_token respects user provided (16e1b17)
- Ensure add_response methods return true and cleanup temp files (80ad993)
- Ensure all images are converted to jpg on upload despite filename (007cb32)
- Ensure all latex escaped text is raw in erb (527185f)
- Ensure backports is only updated (cb04e40)
- Ensure better timeouts for PDF creation (810611b)
- Ensure better timeouts for PDF creation (9895773)
- Ensure break is added after save (59c0e00)
- Ensure campus is correctly cached (b1d546b)
- Ensure comment type defaults to text (52531ce)
- Ensure comments are not saved in transcode fails (869cb9e)
- Ensure comments are propogates for comments when group (769cc13)
- Ensure comments can be deleted across project teams by tutors (8dca331)
- Ensure compress returns false if zip does not exist (3a261ee)
- Ensure correct files in the zip download of tasks (16f3035)
- Ensure correct propogation of status comments for tasks (6acc140)
- Ensure count is before date in should revert test (7dbce57)
- Ensure created messages are read correctly (da3984c)
- Ensure created_at is only accessed if the comment receipt exists (5b8a6d1)
- Ensure CSV check works with Tempfiles (1349ca2)
- Ensure date checks work in invalid cases (87a8d09)
- Ensure db populate can create user roles and task status (e030f1c)
- Ensure db populator has ULO ratings between 1 and 5 (04e4689)
- Ensure deleting a stream deletes tutorials (f089700)
- Ensure DiscussionComment is returned in post (4556d50)
- Ensure docker image installs bundler (26110d7)
- Ensure DoubtfireLogger initialises with nil (04fe736)
- Ensure DoubtfireLogger initialises with nil (f52816d)
- Ensure duplicate student ids raise exceptions on csv import (e039b84)
- Ensure empty groups can be returned (aa305cc)
- Ensure enroling in tutorial replaces other enrolments if needed (aa854a9)
- Ensure enrolment updates tutorial (092faa2)
- Ensure enrolments are encapsulated in an object on post (3bf2abe)
- Ensure enrolments correctly returned when no stream (47402cf)
- Ensure error handling of rollover to past occurs (9f3d5d5)
- Ensure errors are handled (f18b12b)
- ensure feedback tasks have has_pdf attribute (ce60acb)
- Ensure file checking of audio uses list of allowed types (8a4b7df)
- Ensure file only checked when provided in comment (d72f08f)
- Ensure FileHelper uses extend rather than include for logger (55dc966)
- Ensure force_ssl production config is false (ff10c7b)
- Ensure group capacity checks project enrolment (6fb7c76)
- Ensure group capacity is checked on re-enrolment of students (4cecbd1)
- Ensure group membership checks project enrolment on validate (1526cb8)
- Ensure group saves on switch tutorial (0650920)
- Ensure group set api works when tutorial nil for group (cf2cd8a)
- Ensure group submissions cleared when group removed from td (5927711)
- Ensure group switch tutorial validates membership tutorial appropriately (d4386ce)
- Ensure group task marking uploads work (e33f3ca)
- Ensure groups are mapped correctly to task completion CSV (b2574cb)
- Ensure groups delete memberships on destroy (079c905)
- Ensure headers in CSV parsing are in lowercase (7fc9180)
- Ensure import works with campus and streams (6de8cac)
- Ensure institution config can be overriden by ENV (92af516)
- Ensure institution config can be overriden by ENV (7abb482)
- Ensure left outer join is used on get_all_tasks (a361f34)
- Ensure lists are cloned in unit factory (d802e30)
- Ensure localhost used for AAF in development only (9ece7af)
- Ensure localhost used for AAF in development only (7b49bae)
- Ensure logger writes to default log file (ca8d5e4)
- ensure median works when there are no task alignment details (e44e152)
- Ensure member exists and is active before add (8c2fc54)
- Ensure minitest framework is used for all test files (5b77519)
- Ensure names are always capitalized (09313ce)
- Ensure new checks dont override dismissed (a011fc8)
- Ensure new comment creates read receipt (4db68b3)
- Ensure new comment creates read receipt (6eb665f)
- Ensure new files override unprocessed files (d89fa20)
- Ensure new group number is dependent on previous num (ea993da)
- Ensure new group submissions do not override marked work (0d7cf91)
- Ensure only staff can change group tutorial (487d022)
- ensure only started projects are included in ilo progress stats (4673e0c)
- Ensure only tutors with classes reported in convenor summary email (5560491)
- Ensure password fields checked on user creation (8cfbdbd)
- Ensure PDF seek checks file size (c232ae1)
- Ensure plagiarism links are removed on task updates (7ac5b90)
- Ensure populate works as expected (a43540e)
- Ensure portfolio can compile (eb95576)
- Ensure portfolio compiles if no additional files (cb0c0e4)
- Ensure portfolio creation works with dnr color (49e21f9)
- Ensure portfolio includes additional files (69b6ff8)
- Ensure portfolio zip uses tutor details (362777b)
- Ensure project select only returns distinct units (449e6d5)
- ensure project stats are updated when tasks are added or removed (c3eddcf)
- Ensure relation order to allow unit destroy (470d04a)
- Ensure reply_to is an integer in database (01935b2)
- Ensure resources work with sanatised paths (06e1374)
- Ensure resources work with sanatised paths (ae5f51f)
- Ensure rever to pass uses dates (33820b2)
- Ensure revert does not occur at start or end of unit (67f45db)
- Ensure scans only run once until next upload (188341f)
- Ensure Star day test is not case sensitive (c2ab887)
- Ensure start and end executing use correct scope (510e2b2)
- Ensure status emails are not sent after the unit ends or before it starts (5aecd0f)
- Ensure status key is returned in task mappings (dc7ee7a)
- Ensure student download only includes active students (1465bb4)
- Ensure student grades does include student id (e76c5ea)
- Ensure student id is added if not present (dae20a7)
- Ensure students from the right tutorial can only be add (54a574d)
- Ensure students only get feedback emails if option selected (421bd28)
- Ensure students without tasks are include in unit student list (b9fd92d)
- Ensure target grade used in task stats on student query (85c3e82)
- Ensure task assessment csv works with streams (b0a09e3)
- Ensure task completion CSV works when no tasks for one stream (8f18139)
- ensure task ILO stats only include enrolled students, and round values to 1 decimal place (7839925)
- Ensure task is stored before using it in endpoints (04188dd)
- Ensure task sheet can be viewed (6303f57)
- Ensure task sheets are copied on definition copy (f863e7e)
- ensure task stats have correct values on new student enrolement and remove progress stat values (97592e1)
- Ensure task status id in selection for task inbox (8f34f68)
- Ensure task status is not case sensitive (87f4cd9)
- Ensure task status only notified to students (9c3ed72)
- Ensure task uploads work when no group set (3954a1d)
- Ensure task validation does not need due date (17c28c0)
- ensure tasks can be switched using demo for demonstrate (ea09dda)
- Ensure tasks have dismissed similar count (cd1c674)
- Ensure tasks un/pinnable only by tutors or convenors of relevant unit (f3b5dca)
- ensure tasks with assessments can be destroyed cleanly (e322b8d)
- Ensure teaching periods can be retrieved without auth token (56bed7a)
- Ensure that activity type cache works (2d9fa42)
- Ensure that add text comment is used to add automated comments (4c2e6d9)
- Ensure that additional files dont include "." (c3c35c0)
- Ensure that all escaped latex text removes non-printable characters (3a2f6e2)
- ensure that all group members can see comments (ca56e2e)
- Ensure that campus is correctly synched for units (9386073)
- Ensure that capacity adjustment works on group import (55611d6)
- Ensure that code files are UTF8 in portfolio creation (1c2cd9b)
- Ensure that comment recipient uses correct email (7d36e8a)
- Ensure that convenors can create tutors (eedafb3)
- Ensure that CSVs are ascii without BOM (34fd070)
- Ensure that date changes for teaching periods are propogated to units (e99401a)
- Ensure that deny records a extension response (f941bb3)
- Ensure that Doubtfire logger does not rotate (ceeed68)
- ensure that end of week processing updates both discuss and demonstrate tasks (197899e)
- Ensure that grade details can be downloaded with task data (d96eb75)
- Ensure that grade details can be downloaded with task data (7df917e)
- Ensure that group status of task cannot change after submissions (ce1ac7a)
- Ensure that group submissions do not replace complete tasks (25dfe25)
- Ensure that importing does not change tutorials if any tutorial present (cff31e4)
- ensure that init does not add task status twice (86d9dd4)
- Ensure that languages map to pygments lexers (0073cb2)
- Ensure that main convenor is cleared on destroy of unit (2b6eab3)
- ensure that members are restricted to the group tutorial on group change (12da642)
- Ensure that multipel assessments create multiple submission (5190845)
- Ensure that mutli-unit handles withdrawal from one unit while enrolled in the other (6edc8b8)
- Ensure that new tutorial streams check for name or abbreviation uniqueness (19df3e2)
- ensure that null header on CSV import succeeds without error. (c6f43e2)
- Ensure that plagiarism data is json in csv (1591cab)
- Ensure that role for works with nil user in project (33cf184)
- Ensure that save of task definition raises any exceptions (a7b833e)
- Ensure that status emails are send with better date range (4c19983)
- Ensure that student CSV import promotes enrol over withdraw (e9e289e)
- ensure that student project query only returns active projects (a6b9215)
- ensure that student tasks only includes tasks that students will attempt based on their target grade. (6275455)
- ensure that students are in a group before updating task state, and allow student to change tutorial when in a group (removes them from the group if restricted to same tutorial) (d1c2fba)
- Ensure that students can change tutorials (85b2b22)
- Ensure that students include those with no tasks (1d92a74)
- Ensure that task can return zip path when definition group changed (2ac1ca3)
- ensure that task definition CSV contains is_graded for import/export (b7d388c)
- ensure that task outcome alignments can be updated by students even if a task id is not provided -- we know it is related from the link details (3b6b43b)
- ensure that task resoures and task sheets can be uploaded if the task folder does not yet exist (d9593b1)
- ensure that task transition triggers work with fix and include as well as do not resubmit (5f60fd3)
- Ensure that tasks can have -1 quality pts (1b4a1fb)
- Ensure that teaching period destroy is graceful (56018d2)
- Ensure that tutorial enrolment changes are present for project validation on enrol (3e20a40)
- Ensure that tutorial enrolment checked on for enrolled students (9ddf35a)
- Ensure that unit can add student when multi code (88711d1)
- Ensure that units with tutorial enrolments can be destroyed (56a82c7)
- Ensure the server pid is only removed if it exists (0c2c522)
- Ensure time exceeded can be resubmitted (434f00a)
- Ensure titleize retains text where possible (7285f2a)
- Ensure top tasks are correctly calculated and displayed (9358c9f)
- Ensure tutorial abbreviation works on group import (2f0c636)
- Ensure tutorial change check uses project (a531e2b)
- Ensure tutorial enrolment changes validate project (bdd4642)
- Ensure tutorial returns id when no streams (f0d368d)
- ensure tutorial validations raise errors on creation (1c9df6c)
- Ensure tutorials are correctly linked in task completion CSV (f58dea0)
- ensure two newlines between comment text in assessment comment (3dd7021)
- Ensure unit role tasks awaiting feedback matches details from unit (8396d36)
- Ensure unit shows students when no tasks interacted with (9c47175)
- Ensure upload group can update group details (a85a10d)
- Ensure upload of users works with xlsx (bf4a7d0)
- Ensure upload task definitions uses exported CSV for xlsx (8f80197)
- Ensure urls are encoded for tests (0245aca)
- Ensure user notification preferences must be set (f5da5a1)
- Ensure we have the campus for tutorial sync (e288d6b)
- Ensure withdraw on sync checks if student is enrolled (48574dd)
- Ensure withdraw only occurs for existing users on sync (8f5b307)
- Ensure withdrawn students are correctly reported on csv sync (bb757a8)
- Ensure you can delete tutorials without enrolled students (ed28c43)
- Ensure you can remove a tutorial from an unenrolled student (1340b55)
- Entend burndown 3 weeks past the end of the unit (5a9108f)
- Error reporting fail in portfolio evidence (152ea6b)
- Expand search for EOF in PDFs (8125a54)
- Expose postgres port for database container (243ac9c)
- Expose user id of author and recipient of comment (aaa3ef3)
- extend the size of the description for an ILO (5003ebc)
- extend the size of the description for an ILO (a7338fa)
- Extend time for ffmpeg conversion (888f0a2)
- Fetch loop for single project/unit users (71a2d60)
- File permissions for overseer to operate upon (e3708aa)
- Find correct task definition when updating draft task definition (125a9f1)
- Fix allocation of number to group (905b519)
- Fix bug where grading a task was not persisting new grade (331cb79)
- Fix buggy serialisation of student nickname (55aa5f4)
- Fix corrupted web deploy in 45077dd (ff49ce0)
- Fix cyclic stack overflow when referring to self.logger (38386ae)
- Fix dependency of last group if no groups (9c602ff)
- Fix deprecated all call with order (dd94fc9)
- Fix discussion variable names (8585be8)
- Fix error in string formatting for test_auth_put (7ae25c9)
- Fix error with generating unit data properly (014874c)
- fix errors (092dc1c)
- Fix get all tasks and comments (6e775f8)
- Fix incorrectly replaced find_by_auth_token (c9c5790)
- Fix indetation issue (1eda74a)
- fix indetation issues (352eb29)
- Fix installation script for Sierra compatibility (229ca9b)
- Fix issue with getting units from get /api/units (893e9dc)
- Fix issue with webcal primary key being defined as an integer upon
(9c6c147) - Fix manifest merge issues (06146a0)
- Fix name and ensure file helper test uses temp dir (0848a97)
- Fix populate rake task for unused extend argument (076a45a)
- Fix problem with sorting (f3556b0)
- Fix rubocop breaking portfolio PDF generation (3cc865e)
- Fix rubocop breaking portfolio PDF generation (647f247)
- Fix rubocop syntax change which breaks authorise? (7fb3967)
- Fix spelling mistake in API error message (38f76a1)
- Fix submission with extensions for group tasks (22a5c0e)
- Fix switching group tutorials with group members in it (4332598)
- Fix task comment_by field to user name (b749253)
- Fix tests to user appropriate data in feedback test (2684fc6)
- Fix tutor permissions to download statistics for units/users (eee7b6c)
- Gemfile.lock revision for bunny-pub-sub (c5b137a)
- Get campus from tutorial (afe357b)
- Get the campus from tute in expand first unit (ebc1d21)
- Get the campus in the tutorial enrolment factory (fdfb24d)
- Get tutorial and tutorial enrolment in target grade stats (9e6367d)
- Get tutorial for all tasks (1a50d92)
- grade range in task completion stats (2af36ed)
- Group capacity checks on reenrolment check beyond capacity (0b939a6)
- Group factory names to enaure unique (7e65fa4)
- Handle additional grape exceptions (90119e0)
- Have generate pdfs check pid of process (aebcbdf)
- Helper name (551727e)
- ILO progress summary stat calculation (a025c98)
- ilo_progress_summary will not return an error (a761592)
- Implement WIP fix for tutorial delete (c72cbb5)
- Include current units in webcal (e7ee874)
- Include :has_task_assessment_resources? (6975790)
- Include delete frames and use jpg on compress of images (8c8bd27)
- Include only tasks of the user whose webcal is retrieved (b2d97c9)
- Include Rails
entity (869b416) - Include time exceeded color in portfolio creation (e4956b0)
- Incorrect return in task transition (dbd2794)
- Incorrect use of .nil (41be46c)
- Incorrectly using environment variables in config YAML (9c47948)
- Incorrectly using environment variables in config YAML (04c870d)
- Increase teaching period length (65a45e0)
- Increase year window to 1000 (0bb730a)
- Increment times submitted only if status not ready to mark (af0611a)
- Install ffmpeg which is required by newer api server (d40ec4b)
- Issue exporting grades with not started tasks (b4781b2)
- Issue exporting grades with not started tasks (5083cc8)
- Issue with comments for not submitted tasks (f6d19ce)
- Issue with directory check (ecbd14c)
- Issue with import of student campus data (3ddf25d)
- issue with importing tasks from CSV due to column consgtraints (8f0a0b8)
- Issue with main_tutor if student tutorial has no tutor (1f3158c)
- Issue with re-uploading evidence (6ed5cdf)
- issue with task completion stats when low submissions (6d3e930)
- issues identified by lack of tasks for student projects (08c9807)
- issues with ILO progress stats. (8b3fb82)
- issues with unit_role on student CSV import (7ce89b9)
- Join tutorial enrolment in task completion data base (8047aad)
- Join tutorial enrolment when task def matches tutorial stream or it is null (4d9f213)
- Join tutorial enrolments for student ilo progress stats (4ccbd08)
- Join tutorial enrolments in get all projects (ceedf80)
- Let config.overseer_images exist without OVERSEER_ENABLED flag (56e6874)
- Limit project list to only enrolled units (462a9c4)
- Limit the access of return teaching period information (1929e94)
- Mailer url in notifications (eed80c7)
- Make action_date use last student comment date (8a3e1e6)
- Make campus and activity type factory unique (fbb32e6)
- Make delete of group member consistent with POST (f14822b)
- Make docker-compose working again (29abae8)
- Make grade's default value nil not 0 (d0b4149)
- Make login_id nullable (cb8ce3a)
- Make plagiarism_warn_pct optional (031d624)
- Make sure combination of year and period is unique (cc0d900)
- Make sure that only admin and unit convenor can rollover unit (118430f)
- Make Teaching period hash require instead of optional (33566fc)
- Make use of new id to status in task (46500d5)
- Mark discussion comments as read when replied (e8f603d)
- Mark discussion comments as read when replied (1b36acc)
- Max one validation when tutorial stream is null (dfdfae8)
- Merge in UI fixes for portfolio, alerts, and filters (7dec01b)
- Messages from task processing fail (f6e86b3)
- migration that removed students from unit role -- cannot use project link once unit role code removed (b779a0a)
- migration that removed students from unit role -- cannot use project link once unit role code removed -- attempt 2 (b87b67b)
- Minor issues with UI for task status and plagiarism (f077f61)
- Minor UI fixes for task signoff (97300c0)
- minor ui issue related to portfolio not showing in grading (c86b312)
- minor ui issue related to task url location (1ce5ee4)
- Minted output to add line breaks and change tab size (c73373c)
- Missing
method error (94fd461) - missing details for fetching a unit role (a0c2c91)
- Missing do in mailer action (722bf19)
- Missing end in unit sync code (70910b0)
- Missing reference to grade parameter fixed (5b73228)
- Missing user in non-AAF POST /auth (c8214d7)
- Move convert output params to before out file (80f4aef)
- move reloads of tasks on group submission (221b1f8)
- Move the roll_over method to unit.rb (9e604c9)
- Move the rollover unit API call to units.rb (486483d)
- Move the teaching period info to settings (5b3a305)
- Move tmp files out of tmp (d1af91e)
- Move todo comment on top (ebc6912)
- Moved dev only gems to dev and test (21465f2)
- Moved email validation to User model from User API (3c6871a)
- New assessment API bugs (0f4273c)
- Only check that require AAF config vars are set (9f3c167)
- Only send tutorial stream in task def if it is present (073124d)
- Only use password field in User if AAF is not enabled (e0ea3d7)
- Output to cron on skip generating to help identify cases when processing fails to run (8f8f9ff)
- Overcommit excludes (218d6bf)
- pass week paramter to grant_exztension (bdb225c)
- Patch issue with text comments (7d2ad8c)
- Permit
params when updating groups (a80501c) - Portfolio creation to support more outcome names (c2cca19)
- Portfolio creation with odd abbreviations (4d1ac3e)
- Portfolio review step UI (abe9ff1)
- Portfolio review step UI (606d1f6)
- Prevent different institutions from signing in (2adc19b)
- Prevent group member from being added to group twice (a578a19)
- Prevent member from being removed if not in group (02e823b)
- Prevent submitted grade update after portfolio submission (797765f)
- Prevent task def check when id is null (091b7d7)
- project serialiser if there are 0 tasks (619f329)
- Project task stats when not started (9cbf395)
- propagate grade updates then update current task's grade. (ed11d61)
- provide a new tasks csv with start dates added (4fd3fbd)
- Provide current user via stubbing first user (7b35118)
- Push lazy project tasks to project.tasks if created (1acc7c4)
- Quotes in application.rb (d55ec13)
- Raise error when break is not added (884b6a9)
- Randomly stub if a task is new for a user (5f33bff)
- Read CSV data from file outside of CSV parse (ef90adc)
- Redirect users back to front end after validating JWT (78d3e6f)
- Reinstate seeds from master (31376f3)
- Reject authorisation where role_obj is nil (1eb9e2c)
- Remove add_teaching_period from teaching_period.rb (23bac26)
- remove additional awaiting signoff references (4af4603)
- Remove an unavailable gem minitest-osx (899671f)
- Remove an unavailable gem minitest-osx (6aa5d5d)
- Remove attachment comment type from task comments (ff473b6)
- Remove bad auth method calls (455e9a0)
- Remove bad table drop from migration (2d9021f)
- Remove belongs to relation between project and tutorial (839cc76)
- Remove breaking empty test (97a9c3d)
- Remove bundle exec rake db:setup step (fcc7e26)
- Remove bundled with command in Gemfile.lock (1227d40)
- Remove calls to puts for debugging (c588c6b)
- Remove campus from tutorial sync search (c461968)
- Remove ci/reporter/rake/rspec from Rakefile (0b0dff8)
- Remove clutter from submission API (15f0361)
- Remove comma from Get all teaching periods (ff39c42)
- Remove creation of any user on init (de2af7a)
- Remove destroy tutorial enrolments on tutorial delete (8ce1afc)
- Remove duplciate count method (8765903)
- Remove duplicate task inbox (8cddbea)
- Remove duplicated libmagic-dev (e829554)
- Remove empty .gitmodules file (ff99a7c)
- Remove extra param to fix circular dependency warning (6dd5d4b)
- Remove git modules to fix Travis error (a18d7a1)
- Remove group number from group import (d99aaf1)
- Remove has_draft_summary_task from project serializer (25eb27b)
- Remove limit on stats for low student numbers (fe9e395)
- Remove main tutor from PlagiarismMatchLink (f9bb866)
- Remove main tutor from portfolio evidence (5ee4f8f)
- Remove main tutor in test cases (39acd18)
- Remove multiple loggers as it is a helper to the Api class (ad140ea)
- Remove need for cached similar to and task stats (50016ba)
- Remove need for PDFTK (7b9cb00)
- Remove need for PDFTK (08f456f)
- Remove non-printable characters from comments in portfolio (cfe0947)
- Remove old code that copied files into place (639e12f)
- Remove old spec (185df83)
- Remove old Task serialisers to fix task comments read in projects (8e8299a)
- Remove output from db helper (5f5f14f)
- Remove paperclip extension from gemfile (bc049b0)
- Remove populate command from Dockerfile (142ff28)
- Remove populator and faker gem for production (0f15cca)
- Remove portfolio compression (eb28fa2)
- Remove puts from task def post (3580f30)
- remove reference to awaiting signoff in enrol student (9f7ddf5)
- Remove referer check due to inconsistent browser behaviour (2c91834)
- Remove replica environment (29c19ca)
- Remove student from group when withdrawn from unit (4f2b72f)
- Remove symbols to use values correctly (95e4e41)
- Remove symbols to use values correctly (ea764ad)
- Remove the authentication for teaching period information (17b3f6d)
- Remove the extra assignment line from add_task_definitions (394a4af)
- Remove theunit associations from teaching period (21915b8)
- Remove tracing code from teaching period (3084182)
- Remove tracing statement from image compression (47e0674)
- Remove tracing statements from tex debugging (3b33542)
- Remove tutor name from project serialize (e0603c4)
- Remove tutor name from projects api (9d89d47)
- Remove tutorial email and main tutor from email (60fb2e8)
- Remove tutorial id from project serializer (60b28b3)
- Remove un-needed code from project.rb (f3f84e8)
- Remove unnecessary test code from previous commit (528c897)
- Remove unused 'notasks' (0be129f)
- Remove unused replica tag from gemfile and install (8001a3f)
- Remove unused replica tag from gemfile and install (0dfd46c)
- Remove unwanted spaces (96b6a3f)
- Remove unwanted spaces from task.rb (711eda2)
- Remove unwanted spaces from units API (6db3971)
- Remove unwanted spaces from user.rb (0e3e095)
- Remove use of Student Project Serialiser (642ff86)
- Rename column group_number to number (c83a62c)
- Rename setting to config.serve_static_files in production (c811da8)
- Replace all Doubtfire references in the erb files (f9c5f41)
- Replace assert with assert_equal (efed739)
- Replace has_one relationship with belongs_to (5848588)
- Replace main tutor with convenor in mailers (1b5f9ae)
- Replace main tutor with tutor for task def in erb (6a505cd)
- Replace not equal with greater than in max one tute enrolment (59d1d89)
- Replace OnTrack with the doubtfire product name (0d1239a)
- Replace roll_over with rollover (696e495)
- Replace type with activity_type in the model (8b5536d)
- Require bunny-pub-sub in all environments (bf75374)
- Restart postgres after Linux installation via setup script (9dec0bf)
- Retry code convert on fail using ascii (1e22eca)
- Return error if replying to invalid comment (045e2f4)
- Return main convenor when tutor is nil (39ddce5)
- Return result in teaching period information (30a6b2e)
- return start_date for unit role and project. Move authorisation to helper location (a36e934)
- Revert "EHHANCE: Modify api to support ..." (41ba3ec)
- Revert changes to Gemfile.lock (30e7e41)
- Revert changes to schema (22a58f1)
- Revert error related to submission date (623e5ec)
- Rollback all db changes (4eb5351)
- Routes param description for docker_image_name_tag (eec9ed3)
- Save the task def after current break (1de336f)
- Serialise main convenor id (f93054f)
- Serialise main convenor id (ce45dae)
- Serialise main convenor id (d627e34)
- Set content type of discussion audio responses (c4b9aef)
- Set default RAILS_ENV in Gemfile to be development (b16943b)
- Set default units.assessment_enabled to true (d2b1c89)
- Simplify creation of streams based on activity type (724255b)
- Simplify fetching a tutorial (1959196)
- Simplify test for validation of extension (1010eb0)
- simulate signoff to better represent real usage (e2b79db)
- some performance issues and add task completion stats (bfb002c)
- Staff count in tutor for task test using new factory (7d93e9b)
- Start and end dates for weekly emails (e0fdedb)
- Store the campus created by Factory girl inside unit factory (fc5dc11)
- Strip path till submission history for easy mounting (c3d43b0)
- Strip till /doubtfire-api instead (e0b599c)
- Student returned on enrol (13d7b91)
- Submission date check in burndown data (1aef3e5)
- Submission for needs help sets submission date (32641a9)
- Switch gsub in lesc to ensure running on text (6084c45)
- Switch Portfolio generation to Latex (c0de443)
- Switch queries to fetch tasks based on id rather than name (e24248b)
- Switch rollover to use day/week for task defsSimplify the logic to make use of the date for week and daycode. Going forward this should be the way oftracking task dates. (38cb540)
- Switch task definition to use docker image model (68212eb)
- Switch to error code 400 for known client errors (70a42a0)
- Switch to hashed resources to help keep clients up to date (1bfedbf)
- Switch to lualatex to better support UTF input (65ba465)
- switch to rails logger in log helper. Ensure failures in pdf generation are written to the terminal for cron to email admin. (662cc4c)
- Switch to unoptimised and hashed output (3b47d0e)
- Switch to use due date in burndown chart (46f4b9e)
- Switch to use new portfolio creation with latex (abccb6a)
- Take dates either from period or manually (3946574)
- Task comments generation (91eacae)
- Task csv columns to match student task status (bb534f6)
- task for task definition to use object (339ba2b)
- Task inbox to return unique with multiple streams (0e2eaab)
- Task PDF importer report success and be more flexible (fa3d667)
- Task status changes bug and limitations (2b4b09b)
- Task status error (01a0f9e)
- Teaching Period create method (8dd2681)
- Teaching Period create method (9f1dfbd)
- Teaching Period errors (23b25df)
- Teaching Period Indentation (b5c96ed)
- Teaching period typo throwing error (9df4c96)
- Teaching Period update return value (0456ead)
- Ternary operator in plagiarism match link (595a65a)
- Test for file upload in task def csvs (1939c91)
- test moving file into place (fe0681d)
- Test task csv with new columns (5f893ee)
- The error statement in add break (6c7eb01)
- The preliminary line in the summary (4b7694a)
- Timeout of token should redirect to sign in (bb9b0d8)
- transitions on tasks propagate even when no prior group submission -- assumes even distribution (b2a53d0)
- Trial CI PDF creation fix (e5f8248)
- Tutorial check in groups validation (27b4835)
- Tutorials without streams mapping in student query (2341ba5)
- Typo in application.rb (9e8e930)
- Typo in grades url on frontend (23521d0)
- Typo in grades url on frontend (aea3829)
- Typo in Tasks.rb (dfc3517)
- UI fix to add missing enrol modal (8655809)
- ui issues related to pdf viewer size, and pagination on grading tab (96fb606)
- Unit dates accessor (0aeb4a8)
- Units start date errors (204a0e1)
- Update ./ (c693a88)
- Update ./ git source for rbenv (5ad2a64)
- Update adding and removing to active group members (bb0d405)
- Update bunny-pub-sub version (6e3cbe5)
- Update bunny-pub-sub version in Gemfile.lock (971eb80)
- Update calculation of task status (b2cfef1)
- Update callista data import format (6dd489e)
- Update compress image use of convert (ae597d9)
- Update config in compose to include production (941ea1c)
- Update database schema (dd5dbf9)
- Update docker-compose run command to use rails (97c45df)
- Update error message in unit details editor (3f7b71c)
- Update exception handling to capture exceptions (5086a19)
- Update font awesome (b509be3)
- Update get campus to avoid duplicate error (27fc53c)
- Update message before stats in html email (3662193)
- Update message before stats in text emails (be0cff3)
- Update overseer actions to work with new structure (96836d2)
- Update overseer config to use new fixed settings (a520b64)
- Update path checking in files for submission test (295d7f6)
- Update PDF viewer api (a0ead5a)
- Update production server API URL to root (ba8f9b9)
- Update production server API URL to root (34d4d99)
- Update some log messages to include additional info (7406ee2)
- Update sync script for importing students (b11d9cd)
- Update task completion csv with group and stars (0f74fa6)
- Update task dependencies (c59bc20)
- Update task returns a value to indicate success (e1243cc)
- update task stats to have fail and demonstrate (1a4a43a)
- Update task status trigger text (813c31c)
- update task status weights for ILO progress calculations (ca9c1fe)
- Update text size to 4096 (b0c989f)
- Update tutorial enrolment factory to ensure unit and campus are same (8dde407)
- Update tutorial should not stream (138af9b)
- update UI resolving duplicate enrolments (96aa913)
- Update UI to accept text code files (db34f90)
- update ui to fix issue with unit creation start dates/times (acc8446)
- update UI with changes to fix issues identified with task admin (9014afd)
- Update UI with fixes (5535199)
- Update UI with fixes and new portfolio process (e74c02b)
- Update ui with fixes for publishing comments (9238bc5)
- Update UI with fixes for the Task list (ab03ede)
- update ui with fixes from usability tests (cb0a19e)
- update ui with fixes from usability tests (7c8dab7)
- Update UI with grading improvements (8932381)
- Update UI with gview or object for PDF (91b7347)
- Update UI with new portfolio assessment pages (2253a9a)
- Update UI with new task assessment details (95864b1)
- Update UI with new task assessment details (5c9a53d)
- Update UI with safari pdf viewer (5aa4842)
- Update UI with task pdf upload changes (9900f1a)
- update UI with unit dates for home page (ec4afc0)
- Update urls to use https in mailer tasks (c68e13c)
- Update web command to npm start in docker-compose (554be09)
- Update weekly student status email. Only if no portfolio (94a7d43)
- updating grade calculates project task stats (b1b925d)
- Uploading new files replaces existing files in student_work/new/task_id folder (a8a4563)
- Use auth_helper methods in api endpoint tests for auth (9bed401)
- Use campus instead of campus_id (17f464e)
- Use correct host path for cover page (bee7dab)
- Use correct institutional host for mailers (2497802)
- Use correct key for plagiarism file data (b937d9d)
- Use correct uniqueness validator in activity type model (9292051)
- Use correct values in methods (248cf69)
- Use correct values in methods (4d92357)
- Use cross institutional domain for default user (de06416)
- Use Doubtfire logger as rails logger (b6e4a6e)
- Use file helper directly from within user model (c104110)
- Use first administrator email if no convenors (0f445f8)
- Use id lookup for another case of status lookup (37c2b0b)
- Use institution name for task and portfolio generation (92269b4)
- Use just the filename for the image in tex (2bce49e)
- Use name instead of nickname for comments GET (4d56c26)
- Use name instead of nickname for comments GET (cb58d46)
- Use new to create Breaks (55a2280)
- Use outer join in get all projects (baad4bd)
- Use single query to retrieve webcal tasks, fix webcal MIME type (8253e15)
- Use time_created of receipt for read time (86ba70d)
- Use tutorial enrolments for checking group tutorial (d5cb9ad)
- Use unit for enroling project in a tutorial (7e33418)
- Use updated enrol student for populator (71e9d59)
- use validations in tutorial creation to ensure tutorial abbreviation is unique. (3855591)
- Validate exactly one of teaching_period or dates must be present (0edaaef)
- Validate text length in rails to avoid sql errors (7f78668)
- Validate that active is true or false (d71c944)
- Validation failed msg in break not colliding (f7a9cce)
- Validation for docker_image_name_tag now respects nil values (23408f7)
- Validators for docker_image_name_tag (372fe97)
- Variable name (5303ceb)
- Weekly Email Summary (145a48d)
- Whitelist Tutorial.find_by_user (e74760f)
- YAML Docker image name, disable image (3fe985b)