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Cormac Anderson edited this page Aug 8, 2016 · 56 revisions

CoBL Wiki Reference Pages

These pages, through the links below or in the column to the right, set out CoBL policies and guidelines for consistency in data entry, along with precise definitions and examples for each comparison meaning in our Jena 200 meaning list.

Data Entry Policies and Guidelines

Help on Using the CoBL Website

Jena 200 List: Quick Links to Meaning Definitions

Links are also shown alongside each meaning in the CoBL database webpages themselves.

. . . . .
ant ash back bad bark
belly big bird bite bitter
black blood blow bone breathe
burn carry chest child claw
cloud cold come count cry
cut day die dig dirty
do dog drink dry dust
ear earth eat egg eye
fall far fat father fear
feather fight fire fish five
flower fly (noun) fly (verb) fog foot
forest four freeze fruit full
give go good grass green
grind guts hair hand hard
head hear heart heavy here
hide hit horn hot house
how hunt I ice kill
knee know lake laugh leaf
left leg lie live liver
long louse man meat moon
mother mountain mouth nail name
narrow navel near neck new
night nose not old one
person play pull push rain
red right river root rotten
round run salt sand say
scratch sea see seed sew
shadow sharp short sing sit
skin sky sleep small smell
smoke smooth snake snow spit
stand star stick stone straight
sun sweet swell swim tail
take that there they thick
thigh think thin this three
throw tie tongue tooth tree
true turn two vomit walk
wash water we wet what
when where white who wide
wind wing with woman worm
year yellow yesterday you (pl.) you (sg.)


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