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Meaning: bark

Paul Heggarty edited this page Jun 13, 2019 · 4 revisions

Illustrative Context

He tore some bark off the tree.


The noun for the bark (outer layer) of a tree, not the verb (or noun) for the sound made by a dog!

Target Sense

  • The most basic, generic term for the outermost layer(s) of the trunk and branches of a tree or shrub, often relatively easily stripped off.
  • Avoid technical terms from botany. Base your lexeme determination on common usage, not on botanical nomenclature and classification. Select the most basic, generic term that includes the outermost layer, even if that popular usage may also include other immediately underlying layers as strictly defined in botany.
  • Avoid terms that mean specifically cork — technically only part of the bark, and not the outermost layer — or any other sub-layer.
  • Avoid terms specific to particular uses of bark, or parts of it, e.g. cork.
  • Avoid terms specific to particular types of bark, or the bark of particular types of tree.
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