Tags: monitoring,
Type: string
Format: JsonObject
Default value: {} (blank JsonObject)
defines essential Kafka producer configs with ssl.
comes as a JsonObject, and it can have any of the following
- bootstrapServers, specifies the list of kafka brokers you are trying to connect to. This is a mandatory property to use kafka for reporting any events.
- valueSerializer, specifies the name of the serializer class for the value that implements
interface - keySerializer, specifies the name of the serializer class for the key that implements
interface - topicName, specifies the name of the Kafka topic the event is emitted to.
- schemaRegistryClass, is an optional parameter that specifics the name of schema registry class in case you host the data contract for kafka in a specific schema registry
- schemaRegistryUrl, is an optional parameter that specifies the url of schema registry, typically schema registry itself can be a service that should be able to support REST API
SSL attributes to connect to Kafka
- securityProtocol, specifies the type of SSL supported by default we set SSL protocol
- keyStoreType, specifies keystore type default is
- keyStorePath, specifies file path to key store file
- keyStorePassword, specifies the key to decrypt key store file
- keyPassword, specifies the password to decrypt the key
- trustStorePath, specifies the file path to trust store
- trustStorePassword, specifies the key to decrypt trust store
- connectionTimeoutSeconds, wait time for establishing a connection
"bootstrapServers": "kafka.corp.com:1000",
"valueSerializer": "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer",
"keySerializer": "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer",
"schemaRegistryUrl": "http://schemaregistry.corp.com:1001/schemaRegistry/schemas",
"schemaRegistryClass": "org.apache.gobblin.kafka.schemareg.LiKafkaSchemaRegistry",
"topicName": "CdiTrackingEvent",
"keyStoreType": "pkcs12",
"keyStorePath": "/User/test/identity.p12",
"keyStorePassword": "test_pass",
"keyPassword": "test_pass",
"trustStorePath": "/User/test/certs",
"trustStorePassword": "test_pass",
"securityProtocol": "SSL"
Besides, if you need to pass additional Kafka producer related properties they can be passed as regular key value pairs in your job file. For more additional properties please refer to https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#producerconfigs