Tags: schema
Type: string
Format: A JsonObjects
Default value: "{}" (a blank JsonOjbect)
Schema cleansing replaces special characters in the schema element names based on a pattern. By default, it will replace all blank spaces, $, and @ to underscores.
is a JsonObject, and it supports the following elements:
- enabled : true|false
- pattern: if enabled, it has default value "(\s|\$|@)"
- replacement: if enabled, it has default value "_"
- nullable: whether to force nullability.
has default value "false".
If true, all fields will be forced to be nullable.
If false, the schema inference will try to detect nullability from samples.
This configuration has no impact on schemas from metadata stores.
If defined, ms.schema.cleansing
supersedes ms.enable.cleansing
If ms.schema.cleansing
is not defined, DIL will check ms.enable.cleansing
If ms.enable.cleansing
is true, DIL will do the default cleansing.
Alert: This feature should be used only on need basis, for example, where source data element names are un-conforming, such as containing spaces, and needed standardization. In large datasets cleansing can be expensive.
will be deprecated.
The following makes all inferred schema fields nullable.
ms.schema.cleansing={"enabled": "true", "nullable": "true"}
The following additionally replaces "-" (hyphen) with "_"(underscore).
ms.schema.cleansing={"enabled": "true", "pattern": "(\\s|\\$|@|-)"}