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128 lines (88 loc) · 6.42 KB

File metadata and controls

128 lines (88 loc) · 6.42 KB


Tags: watermark & work unit, authentication

Type: string

Format: A JsonArray of JsonObjects, with each JsonObject defines one secondary input.

Default value: "[]" (a blank JsonArray)



Secondary inputs provides additional directives to job execution, in addition to the primary inputs of job execution, which is its metadata, i.e, job configurations.

ms.secondary.input property has attributes to support the following functions:

  • location: a HDFS directory (not file) from where the data will be loaded as secondary input
  • fields: fields that needs to be extracted and added into the work unit state
  • filters: rules to include/exclude records from secondary input
  • Tags: specify the type of secondary input

The following are filtering rules:

  • if multiple fields are filtered, the relationship is AND, that means all condition must be met
  • if a filter is defined on a field, and field value is NULL, the record is rejected
  • if a filter is defined on a field, and the field value is not NULL, the record will be rejected if its value doesn't match the pattern
  • if no filter is defined on a field, the default filter ".*" is applied to the field, and NULL values are accepted

DIL designed 3 categories of secondary inputs:

  • activation: activation secondary input creates work units
  • authentication: authentication secondary input provides authentication information, like access tokens
  • payload: payload secondary input specifies the location to pick additional data that will only be interpreted by connection.

Activation Secondary Input

activation secondary inputs are used to "activate" the job. That means the job will generate work units based on the given values.

For example, if we have a file of a list of Ids to extract from a source, then we can define an activation category of secondary input based on the file.

  • ms.secondary.input=[{"path":"/path","fields":["id"],"category":"activation"}]

At the beginning of job execution, DIL will read the list file and retrieve the ids. Then each id leads to the generation of one work unit, which has an attribute id:value.

Authentication Secondary Input

authentication secondary inputs are used to read dynamic authentication credentials or tokens from a storage location, so that they don't need to be coded in metadata, which is static.

Typical usage is that we use a separate job to get a refreshed access token, and save the access token on media, then the primary integration job can read the access token for subsequent requests.

authentication secondary input doesn't generate work units, and it is passed to all work units, i.e, all work units get the same authentication credentials/tokens.

Payload Secondary Input

payload secondary inputs are used to specify raw payload locations. Payloads are read and passed to connections without processing. The connection will decide what to do about it.

For example, HTTP connection will attach 1 row to 1 HTTP request. If there are multiple rows, HTTP connection will page (see pagination) through them. Therefore, each row of the payload is processed by 1 HTTP request.

payload secondary input is typically used in the egression flows. If there are many rows to send out, they can be "batched" so that the payload file has fewer number of records.

The path of payload can have dynamic variables that came from either ms.watermark, ms.parameters, or activation type secondary input from ms.secondary.input itself. For example, the following configuration used the variable "customId" that is defined in ms.watermark. In execution, there will be 3 work units generated, each processing the payload under "/data/customer1", "/data/customer2", and "/data/customer3".

  • ms.secondary.input=[{"path": "/data/{{customerId}}", "fields": ["dummy"], "category": "payload"}]
  • ms.watermark=[{"name":"customerId","type":"unit","units":"customer1, customer2, customer3"}]

The format of payload defines in which format the payload should be read as. This field is optional and by default the input will be read as a Json array. However, if "format":"binary" is specified, then DIL will simply store the payload path string in payloadsBinaryPath field of extractor keys to be used later. Currently, the binary format is only used in S3 upload use case where an input stream will be opened on the given path and then passed as the input to the putObject method for uploading to S3. In this upload key, the s3 key will be the last part of the path (file name), or can be configured by specifying the uploadS3Key field in the secondary input.

The variable can only be a job-level variables or a work-unit-level static variable. The variable cannot be a work-unit-level dynamic variables, like a pagination variable or a session variable.


In the following, we have a file with a list of ids and their statuses. We expect the job will generate 1 work unit for each id of status "OK" or "Success". The gobblin job will read records from that location and extract the two fields and inject them into the work units. Each work unit then has 2 variables, "id" and "tempId", that can be used as request parameters.

  • ms.secondary.input=[{ "path": "/path/to/hdfs/inputFileDir", "fields": ["id", "tempId"], "filters": {"status": "(OK|Success)"}, "category" "activation" }]

In the following, we only process certain ids from a list. This is typically used in back fill.

  • ms.secondary.input=[{"path": "/path/ids", "fields": ["id"], "filters": {"id": "(19|28|89)"}}]

In the following, we egress the normalized records from a prior job (${})

  • ms.secondary.input=[{"path": "${job.dir}/${extract.namespace}/${}", "fields": ["conversions"], "category": "payload"}]

In the following, we specify the s3 key to upload using s3key parameter

  • ms.secondary.input=[{"path": "${job.dir}/${extract.namespace}/${}", "fields": ["pathName", "uploadS3Key"], "category": "activation"}]

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