Tags: schema, conversion, source
Type: string
Format: A DataHub URN pointing to a dataset or registered schema definition
Default value: blank
Source schema represents the source data structure. Generally, in a data
ingestion scenario, the source data will be read in, projected, filtered, and
converted. Source schema can be read from the source, like for JDBC data sources, or parsed
from actual data, like JSON data, or defined as a string, or defined in a metadata
store. ms.target.schema.urn
address the option that defines source schema in metadata store.
We generally don't define source schema in schema string format. Instead, we directly define the output schema if necessary.
is a URN string of the following forms:
- a dataset URN, if the source schema can be represented by a dataset, the latest schema of the dataset will be read from metadata store, and then parsed to retrieve fields and types, etc.
- a registered schema URN, if the source schema is registered with metadata store in the form of either a pegasus (PDL) or GraphQL schema.
The following use a pre-defined "registered schema" to represent the response structure when calling Google batch upload API.