diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index a107bf2..069e176 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
FROM linkyard/alpine-helm:2.16.7
LABEL maintainer "mario.siegenthaler@linkyard.ch"
-RUN apk add --update --upgrade --no-cache jq bash curl git gettext libintl
+RUN apk add --update --upgrade --no-cache jq bash curl git gettext libintl python
+RUN curl -sSL https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
+ENV PATH $PATH:/root/google-cloud-sdk/bin
RUN curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/kubectl https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v${KUBERNETES_VERSION}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl; \
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f7bf584..f8545ce 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,36 +16,44 @@ resource_types:
## Source Configuration
-* `cluster_url`: *Optional.* URL to Kubernetes Master API service. Do not set when using the `kubeconfig_path` parameter, otherwise required.
-* `cluster_ca`: *Optional.* Base64 encoded PEM. Required if `cluster_url` is https.
-* `insecure_skip_tls_verify`: *Optional* Skips verifying the `cluster_ca`. (Default: false). Ignored unless `cluster_url` is https. Useful for self-signed certificates. It is not recommended to use blindly.
-* `token`: *Optional.* Bearer token for Kubernetes. This, 'token_path' or `admin_key`/`admin_cert` are required if `cluster_url` is https.
-* `token_path`: *Optional.* Path to file containing the bearer token for Kubernetes. This, 'token' or `admin_key`/`admin_cert` are required if `cluster_url` is https.
-* `admin_key`: *Optional.* Base64 encoded PEM. Required if `cluster_url` is https and no `token` or 'token_path' is provided.
-* `admin_cert`: *Optional.* Base64 encoded PEM. Required if `cluster_url` is https and no `token` or 'token_path' is provided.
-* `release`: *Optional.* Name of the release (not a file, a string). (Default: autogenerated by helm)
-* `namespace`: *Optional.* Kubernetes namespace the chart will be installed into. (Default: default)
-* `tillerless`: *Optional.* Set to true to use tiller-less mode (Default: false). See .
-* `tillerless_silent`: *Optional.* Set to `true` to make tiller-less mode silent (Default: true). Activating tillerless helm without making it silent **will make credentials to leak in the build output** when using `override_values` parameter with `hide: true`.
-* `helm_init_server`: *Optional.* Installs helm into the cluster if not already installed. (Default: false). Not supported when using tillerless.
-* `tiller_namespace`: *Optional.* Kubernetes namespace where tiller is running (or will be installed to). (Default: kube-system)
-* `tiller_cert`: *Optional* Certificate for Tiller (only applies if tls_enabled and helm_init_server are true).
-* `tiller_key`: *Optional* Key created for Tiller when doing a secure Tiller install (only applies if tls_enabled and helm_init_server are true).
-* `tiller_service_account`: *Optional* Name of the service account that tiller will use (only applies if helm_init_server is true).
-* `helm_ca`: *Optional* Private CA that is used to issue certificates for Tiller clients and servers (only applies if tls_enabled is true).
-* `helm_cert`: *Optional* Certificate for Client (only applies if tls_enabled is true).
-* `helm_key`: *Optional* Key created for Client when doing a secure Tiller install (only applies if tls_enabled is true).
-* `tls_enabled`: *Optional* Uses TLS for all interactions with Tiller. (Default: false). Not supported when using tillerless.
-* `helm_history_max`: *Optional.* Limits the maximum number of revisions. (Default: 0 = no limit)
-* `helm_host`: *Optional* Address of Tiller. Skips helm discovery process. (only applies if `helm_init_server` is false).
-* `repos`: *Optional.* Array of Helm repositories to initialize, each repository is defined as an object with properties `name`, `url` (required) username and password (optional).
-* `plugins`: *Optional.* Array of Helm plugins to install, each defined as an object with properties `url` (required), `version` (optional).
-* `stable_repo`: *Optional* Override default Helm stable repo . Useful if running helm deploys without internet access.
-* `kubeconfig_namespace`: *Optional.* Use the kubeconfig context namespace as the helm namespace. (Default: false)
-* `kubeconfig_tiller_namespace`: *Optional.* Use the kubeconfig context namespace as the tiller namespace. (Default: false)
-* `tracing_enabled`: *Optional.* Enable extremely verbose tracing for this resource. Useful when developing the resource itself. May allow secrets to be displayed. (Default: false)
-* `helm_init_wait`: *Optional.* When initializing the helm server, use the `--wait` option. (Default: false)
-* `helm_setup_purge_all`: *Optional.* Delete and purge every helm release. Use with extreme caution. (Default: false)
+- `gcloud_cluster_auth`: _Optional._ Set to true to use gcloud service account file for kubernetes cluster authentication.
+- `gcloud_service_account_key_file`: _Optional_ Manadatory if gcloud_cluster_auth is set to true. Pass gcloud service accon json contents as value.
+- `gcloud_project_name`: _Optional_ Manadatory if gcloud_cluster_auth is set to true. Pass gcloud project name where cluster is installed.
+- `gcloud_k8s_cluster_name`: _Optional_ Manadatory if gcloud_cluster_auth is set to true. Pass gcloud cluster name.
+- `gcloud_k8s_zone`: _Optional_ Manadatory if gcloud_cluster_auth is set to true. Pass gcloud kubernetes cluster zone.
+- `cluster_url`: _Optional._ URL to Kubernetes Master API service. Do not set when using the `kubeconfig_path` parameter, otherwise required.
+- `cluster_ca`: _Optional._ Base64 encoded PEM. Required if `cluster_url` is https.
+- `token`: _Optional._ Bearer token for Kubernetes. This, 'token_path' or `admin_key`/`admin_cert` are required if `cluster_url` is https.
+- `token_path`: _Optional._ Path to file containing the bearer token for Kubernetes. This, 'token' or `admin_key`/`admin_cert` are required if `cluster_url` is https.
+- `admin_key`: _Optional._ Base64 encoded PEM. Required if `cluster_url` is https and no `token` or 'token_path' is provided.
+- `admin_cert`: _Optional._ Base64 encoded PEM. Required if `cluster_url` is https and no `token` or 'token_path' is provided.
+- `release`: _Optional._ Name of the release (not a file, a string). (Default: autogenerated by helm)
+- `namespace`: _Optional._ Kubernetes namespace the chart will be installed into. (Default: default)
+- `tillerless`: _Optional._ Set to true to use tiller-less mode (Default: false). See .
+- `helm_init_server`: _Optional._ Installs helm into the cluster if not already installed. (Default: false). Not supported when using tillerless.
+- `tiller_namespace`: _Optional._ Kubernetes namespace where tiller is running (or will be installed to). (Default: kube-system)
+- `tiller_cert`: _Optional_ Certificate for Tiller (only applies if tls_enabled and helm_init_server are true).
+- `tiller_key`: _Optional_ Key created for Tiller when doing a secure Tiller install (only applies if tls_enabled and helm_init_server are true).
+- `tiller_service_account`: _Optional_ Name of the service account that tiller will use (only applies if helm_init_server is true).
+- `helm_ca`: _Optional_ Private CA that is used to issue certificates for Tiller clients and servers (only applies if tls_enabled is true).
+- `helm_cert`: _Optional_ Certificate for Client (only applies if tls_enabled is true).
+- `helm_key`: _Optional_ Key created for Client when doing a secure Tiller install (only applies if tls_enabled is true).
+- `tls_enabled`: _Optional_ Uses TLS for all interactions with Tiller. (Default: false). Not supported when using tillerless.
+- `helm_history_max`: _Optional._ Limits the maximum number of revisions. (Default: 0 = no limit)
+- `helm_host`: _Optional_ Address of Tiller. Skips helm discovery process. (only applies if `helm_init_server` is false).
+- `repos`: _Optional._ Array of Helm repositories to initialize, each repository is defined as an object with properties `name`, `url` (required) username and password (optional).
+- `plugins`: _Optional._ Array of Helm plugins to install, each defined as an object with properties `url` (required), `version` (optional).
+- `stable_repo`: _Optional_ Override default Helm stable repo . Useful if running helm deploys without internet access.
+- `kubeconfig_namespace`: _Optional._ Use the kubeconfig context namespace as the helm namespace. (Default: false)
+- `kubeconfig_tiller_namespace`: _Optional._ Use the kubeconfig context namespace as the tiller namespace. (Default: false)
+- `tracing_enabled`: _Optional._ Enable extremely verbose tracing for this resource. Useful when developing the resource itself. May allow secrets to be displayed. (Default: false)
+- `helm_init_wait`: _Optional._ When initializing the helm server, use the `--wait` option. (Default: false)
+- `helm_setup_purge_all`: _Optional._ Delete and purge every helm release. Use with extreme caution. (Default: false)
## Behavior
@@ -63,44 +71,41 @@ on the cluster.
#### Parameters
-* `chart`: *Required.* Either the file containing the helm chart to deploy (ends with .tgz), the path to a local directory containing the chart or the name of the chart from a repo (e.g. `stable/mysql`).
-* `namespace`: *Optional.* Either a file containing the name of the namespace or the name of the namespace. (Default: taken from source configuration).
-* `release`: *Optional.* Either a file containing the name of the release or the name of the release. (Default: taken from source configuration).
-* `values`: *Optional.* File containing the values.yaml for the deployment. Supports setting multiple value files using an array.
-* `override_values`: *Optional.* Array of values that can override those defined in values.yaml. Each entry in
- the array is a map containing a key and a value or path. Value is set directly while path reads the contents of
- the file in that path. A `hide: true` parameter ensures that the value is not logged and instead replaced with `***HIDDEN***`.
- A `type: string` parameter makes sure Helm always treats the value as a string (uses the `--set-string` option to Helm; useful if the value varies
- and may look like a number, eg. if it's a Git commit hash).
- A `verbatim: true` parameter escapes backslashes so the value is passed as-is to the Helm chart (useful for `((credentials))`).
- The default behaviour of backslashes in `--set` is to quote the next character so `val\ue` is treated as `value` by Helm.
-* `token_path`: *Optional.* Path to file containing the bearer token for Kubernetes. This, 'token' or `admin_key`/`admin_cert` are required if `cluster_url` is https.
-* `version`: *Optional* Chart version to deploy, can be a file or a value. Only applies if `chart` is not a file.
-* `delete`: *Optional.* Deletes the release instead of installing it. Requires the `name`. (Default: false)
-* `test`: *Optional.* Test the release instead of installing it. Requires the `release`. (Default: false)
-* `purge`: *Optional.* Purge the release on delete. (Default: false)
-* `replace`: *Optional.* Replace deleted release with same name. (Default: false)
-* `force`: *Optional.* Force resource update through delete/recreate if needed. (Default: false)
-* `devel`: *Optional.* Allow development versions of chart to be installed. This is useful when wanting to install pre-release
- charts (i.e. 1.0.2-rc1) without having to specify a version. (Default: false)
-* `debug`: *Optional.* Dry run the helm install with the debug flag which logs interpolated chart templates. (Default: false)
-* `wait_until_ready`: *Optional.* Set to the number of seconds it should wait until all the resources in
- the chart are ready. (Default: `0` which means don't wait).
-* `check_is_ready`: *Optional.* Requires that `wait_until_ready` is set to Default. Applies --wait without timeout. (Default: false)
-* `atomic`: *Optional.* This flag will cause failed installs to purge the release, and failed upgrades to rollback to the previous release. (Default: false)
-* `recreate_pods`: *Optional.* This flag will cause all pods to be recreated when upgrading. (Default: false)
-* `show_diff`: *Optional.* Show the diff that is applied if upgrading an existing successful release. Will not be used when `devel` is set. (Default: false)
-* `exit_after_diff`: *Optional.* Show the diff but don't actually install/upgrade. (Default: false)
-* `reuse_values`: *Optional.* When upgrading, reuse the last release's values. (Default: false)
-* `reset_values`: *Optional.* When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart. (Default: false)
-* `wait`: *Optional.* Allows deploy task to sleep for X seconds before continuing to next task. Allows pods to restart and become stable, useful where dependency between pods exists. (Default: 0)
-* `kubeconfig_path`: *Optional.* File containing a kubeconfig. Overrides source configuration for cluster, token, and admin config.
+- `chart`: _Required._ Either the file containing the helm chart to deploy (ends with .tgz), the path to a local directory containing the chart or the name of the chart from a repo (e.g. `stable/mysql`).
+- `namespace`: _Optional._ Either a file containing the name of the namespace or the name of the namespace. (Default: taken from source configuration).
+- `release`: _Optional._ Either a file containing the name of the release or the name of the release. (Default: taken from source configuration).
+- `values`: _Optional._ File containing the values.yaml for the deployment. Supports setting multiple value files using an array.
+- `override_values`: _Optional._ Array of values that can override those defined in values.yaml. Each entry in
+ the array is a map containing a key and a value or path. Value is set directly while path reads the contents of
+ the file in that path. A `hide: true` parameter ensures that the value is not logged and instead replaced with `***HIDDEN***`.
+ A `type: string` parameter makes sure Helm always treats the value as a string (uses the `--set-string` option to Helm; useful if the value varies
+ and may look like a number, eg. if it's a Git commit hash).
+- `token_path`: _Optional._ Path to file containing the bearer token for Kubernetes. This, 'token' or `admin_key`/`admin_cert` are required if `cluster_url` is https.
+- `version`: _Optional_ Chart version to deploy, can be a file or a value. Only applies if `chart` is not a file.
+- `delete`: _Optional._ Deletes the release instead of installing it. Requires the `name`. (Default: false)
+- `test`: _Optional._ Test the release instead of installing it. Requires the `release`. (Default: false)
+- `purge`: _Optional._ Purge the release on delete. (Default: false)
+- `replace`: _Optional._ Replace deleted release with same name. (Default: false)
+- `force`: _Optional._ Force resource update through delete/recreate if needed. (Default: false)
+- `devel`: _Optional._ Allow development versions of chart to be installed. This is useful when wanting to install pre-release
+ charts (i.e. 1.0.2-rc1) without having to specify a version. (Default: false)
+- `debug`: _Optional._ Dry run the helm install with the debug flag which logs interpolated chart templates. (Default: false)
+- `wait_until_ready`: _Optional._ Set to the number of seconds it should wait until all the resources in
+ the chart are ready. (Default: `0` which means don't wait).
+- `check_is_ready`: _Optional._ Requires that `wait_until_ready` is set to Default. Applies --wait without timeout. (Default: false)
+- `recreate_pods`: _Optional._ This flag will cause all pods to be recreated when upgrading. (Default: false)
+- `show_diff`: _Optional._ Show the diff that is applied if upgrading an existing successful release. Will not be used when `devel` is set. (Default: false)
+- `exit_after_diff`: _Optional._ Show the diff but don't actually install/upgrade. (Default: false)
+- `reuse_values`: _Optional._ When upgrading, reuse the last release's values. (Default: false)
+- `reset_values`: _Optional._ When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart. (Default: false)
+- `wait`: _Optional._ Allows deploy task to sleep for X seconds before continuing to next task. Allows pods to restart and become stable, useful where dependency between pods exists. (Default: 0)
+- `kubeconfig_path`: _Optional._ File containing a kubeconfig. Overrides source configuration for cluster, token, and admin config.
## Example
### Out
-Define the resource:
+Define the resource for authentication with certificates as follows:
@@ -116,6 +121,27 @@ resources:
url: https://somerepo.github.io/charts
+Define the resource for authentication with gcloud sevice account json as follows:
+- name: myapp-helm-gcloud
+ type: helm
+ source:
+ gcloud_cluster_auth: true
+ gcloud_service_account_key_file: _plain service account json file_
+ gcloud_project_name: _project name_
+ gcloud_k8s_cluster_name: _k8s cluster name_
+ gcloud_k8s_zone: _k8s zone_
+ repos:
+ - name: some_repo
+ url: https://somerepo.github.io/charts
Add to job:
diff --git a/assets/common.sh b/assets/common.sh
index 9c90cd2..ec45968 100644
--- a/assets/common.sh
+++ b/assets/common.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
set -e
+setup_gcp_kubernetes() {
+ payload=$1
+ source=$2
+ gcloud_service_account_key_file=$(jq -r '.source.gcloud_service_account_key_file // ""' < $payload)
+ gcloud_project_name=$(jq -r '.source.gcloud_project_name // ""' < $payload)
+ gcloud_k8s_cluster_name=$(jq -r '.source.gcloud_k8s_cluster_name // ""' < $payload)
+ gcloud_k8s_zone=$(jq -r '.source.gcloud_k8s_zone // ""' < $payload)
+ if [ -z "$gcloud_service_account_key_file" ] || [ -z "$gcloud_project_name" ] || [ -z "$gcloud_k8s_cluster_name" ] || [ -z "$gcloud_k8s_zone" ]; then
+ echo "invalid payload for gcloud auth, please pass all required params"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "$gcloud_service_account_key_file" >> /gcloud.json
+ gcloud_service_account_name=($(cat /gcloud.json | jq -r ".client_email"))
+ gcloud auth activate-service-account ${gcloud_service_account_name} --key-file /gcloud.json
+ gcloud config set account ${gcloud_service_account_name}
+ gcloud config set project ${gcloud_project_name}
+ gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${gcloud_k8s_cluster_name} --zone ${gcloud_k8s_zone}
+ kubectl version
setup_kubernetes() {
@@ -25,7 +48,7 @@ setup_kubernetes() {
token=$(jq -r '.source.token // ""' < $payload)
token_path=$(jq -r '.params.token_path // ""' < $payload)
insecure_skip_tls_verify=$(jq -r '.source.insecure_skip_tls_verify // "false"' < $payload)
if [ "$insecure_skip_tls_verify" = true ]; then
kubectl config set-cluster default --server=$cluster_url --insecure-skip-tls-verify
@@ -246,10 +269,21 @@ setup_resource() {
set -x
- echo "Initializing kubectl..."
- setup_kubernetes $1 $2
+ gcloud_cluster_auth=$(jq -r '.source.gcloud_cluster_auth // "false"' < $1)
+ if [ "$gcloud_cluster_auth" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Initializing kubectl access using gcloud service account file"
+ setup_gcp_kubernetes $1 $2
+ else
+ echo "Initializing kubectl using certificates"
+ setup_kubernetes $1 $2
+ fi
+ echo "Updating helm in server side..."
+ helm init --upgrade || true
+ kubectl rollout status deployment tiller-deploy -n kube-system || true
echo "Initializing helm..."
setup_tls $1
setup_helm $1 $2
setup_repos $1