Releases: linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux
Fixed positoin of menu in editor
Updated for 1.2.2
Fixed null ref when F is pressed and no part is selected
Fixed (the right way) the no offset limit tool
Fixed issue where NoOffsetLimits was not working upon entry into editor
Added ability to disable Fine Adjust window
Added window showing angle snaps, clickin on button will set that value
Added code to toggle no offset limit to settings window
Fixed code for toggling the no offset Limit
Added automatic updating of AssemblyVersion, from the .version file, displayed in the Settings window
Removed extra set of configs for the Reflection offsets
Fixed bug with local offset vs absolute offset; Code was not using the local setting, was always using the absolute setting
Fixed menu Show Tweakables, for when Advanced tweakables is enabled, to show at the right height
Fixed resizing of menu
Fixed version file
Added AnglesnapModIsToggle, if enabled, hitting the Mod-C (for Windows,ALT-C) will switch between 1 and the last setting
Added CycleSymmetryModeModIsToggle , if enabled, hitting the Mod-X (for Windows, ALT-X) will switch between 1 and the last setting
Reordered the settings windows, now all keystroke settings are on the Settings 2 window
Commented out old code blocks: SymmetryModeCycle & AngleSnapCycle, which were replaced by Boop's code in Update()
Updated for 1.2.1
Fixed menu height to adjust depending on whether mass tweakables is on or off - Menu needs to be redisplayed by moving the mouse over the toolbar for height to be adjusted
Changed "No Show Autostruts" to "Hide Autostruts" text on buttons
MasterSnap now can be turned off by clicking anywhere not on a part. Previously, had to click on another part