Zhengyu Wu ID:111601422
Suchang Cao ID:111138591
Haolin Yu ID:111454745
※We use an online server as our database, you can access our datebase with IP:, Database name: STOCKSYSTEM, user name: cse305, password: CSE305XYZ
This project use JDBC connected with SQL database and Bootstrap to simulate an online stock trading experience. Three different person identitie will manipulate differnet data accorss the database. The interface for this project are coded by Bootstrap 4 with Java Servelt. Final website file will be Jsp.war and host by Tomcat.
You should sign up as a Manager in order to added a Customer Representative, or you can directly sign up as a Customer Representative
Note: Customer can only be added as a Customer Representative
You can login by using email and password from step 1
You can use test accounts that we have created, they are
- Alice: Manager Email: Password: test
- John: Customer Rresentative Email: Password: test
- Howard: Customer Email: Password: test
Now you are in the dashboard, you can simple click any option you want to start an online trading experience.
Manager now can use add stock function, which means (TA) don't have to use database to manuliy add stocks.
Added Signup function
Added a new index page for UI
UI improvements across the website,i.e, login,manager home,customer home,.etc