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Lucas M. Nascimento edited this page Jun 13, 2020 · 8 revisions

Oblation for Iansã

Sends prayers directly to Oya
Manipulates strong desert winds

Iansã (or Oya) is the Orisha associated with winds (and many other things, this is an oversimplification)

This item is crafted with 20 Sand Blocks and an Offering at an Eshu Carpet

Oblation for Olorum

Sends prayers directly to Olodumare
Controls the sun

Olorum (or Olodumare) is the Orisha associated with the sun (and many other things, this is an oversimplification)

This item is crafted with 2 Fallen Star and an Offering at an Eshu Carpet

Oblation for Iemanjá

Sends prayers directly to Yemoja
Manipulates the moon and seas

Iemanjá (or Yemoja) is the Orisha associated with the moon (and many other things, this is an oversimplification)

This item is crafted with 2 Fallen Star and an Offering at an Eshu Carpet

Oblation for Oxumaré

Sends prayers directly to Oshumare
Manipulates rain

Oxumaré (or Oshumare) is the Orisha associated with rain (and many other things, this is an oversimplification)

This item is crafted with 20 Clouds and an Offering at an Eshu Carpet

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