Once parseLab has generated a proper parser for the target protocol, the source code that gets generated can be leveraged by a desired application. Since parseLab is able to generate different langauges, there is no standard way to leverage the generated code into a target applicatoin. For this guide, C-Hammer will be used to demonstate this process by compiling the generated Hammer code into a shared library and linking it into both C++ and Python. We will also be using the UDP protocol, so it is explected that the other guide's that describe UDP are well understood.
The general work-flow for this process is to use the Makefile provided with the generated Hammer code to generate a shared library (.so file).
With this shared library, we can either link against it when compiling a C/C++ program or we can use the ctypes
library in Python to import it for use in a python script.
The generated Hammer code will provide an interface into the parser than can be leveraged after linking/importing the library.
Before we take a look at this interface, we will create a new protocol directory to work with for this guide.
# Go to parselab/bin
# Create a new protocol directory for us to work with
./setup.py --protocol ../protocols/udp_app --module hammer
# Verify it was created
ls ../protocols/udp_app
> hammer/ protocol.json
# Copy the UDP example protocol specification to this directory
cp ../examples/udp/protocol.json ../protocols/udp_app/protocol.json
Once again, we will use UDP as an example. At this point, our new protocol directory is prepped for code generation.
# Go to parselab/bin
# Generate the parser code
./generate_parser.py --protocol ../protocols/udp_app --module hammer
# Observe generated file structure
ls ${PARSELAB_REPO}/protocols/udp_app/hammer/out
> include/ Makefile src/ tests/
Now that the code was generated, lets take a look at the files that were generated - specifically the src/parser.c
Inside src/parser.c
we can find two functions: int parse(const uint8_t* msg, int size
and HParser *init_parser(void)
These two functions are more than enough to parse the serialized data for your application.
The init_parser()
function is responsible for returning an instance of the HParser
object, which contains all of the parse rules for the target protocol.
The HParser
object works with the h_parse()
function, which can be seen in the parse()
The contents of this function are not important to understand at this time, and can mostly be ignored.
Technically, to leverage the shared library to its fullest, this function is all you need to reference with your target application.
However, for simplicity, we have also created the parse()
function which can be referenced for an easy start to get parsing.
The parse()
function contains the logic which actually runs the Hammer parser against a set of input data.
As stated above, the way that this happens is through the h_parse()
function in tandem with the HParser
object returned from init_parser()
int parse(const uint8_t* msg, int size) {
size_t inputsize = size;
uint8_t input[inputsize];
memcpy(input, msg, inputsize);
const HParser *parser = init_parser();
HParseResult* result = h_parse(parser, input, inputsize);
if (result != NULL) {
return 0;
return 1;
This function's job is to consume serialized data, instantiate an instance of our generated parser, parse the data, then return the parse sucess status.
The parse success status is handled by checking if the return value of h_parse
is NULL (or not).
If the returned value is NULL, then the parse failed.
Likewise, if the returned value is not, then the parse succeeded.
For many cases, this boolean return value is sufficient... but for the cases where it is not, users are able to circumvent this parse function and create their own inside the target application or with a wrapper library around this one.
If we jump over to the cpp application example, we can find two python scripts: simple.py
and custom.py
These two scripts represent the two options that users have:
simple.py - Leverage the provided parse()
function and only process boolean return values.
custom.py - Circumvent the provided parse()
function and define custom logic for how the parse result should be processed.
Upon inspection of simple.py
, we can find a pretty straight forward way of using our generated parser's shared library.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import ctypes
import struct
from UDP import UDP
def main():
# Import parse() function from libparser.so
libparser = ctypes.CDLL("libparser.so")
# Generate a UDP message
udp_msg = UDP(25515, 32316, "This is a data payload")
# Parse the UDP Message
ret = libparser.parse(udp_msg.serialized, len(udp_msg.serialized))
if not ret:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Although the nicities of Python makes this relatively simple, the process is pretty much the same across all languages that can import/link/include C code through shared libraries.
We can see that after importing the library, it is as simple as calling the provided parse()
function and checking its boolean return value.
For this simple example, we are just calling print()
on the result, but this could be expanded to do anything from logging parse results to actively dropping packets that fail the parse so that they don't reach down-stream components in the application.
In order to run the simple.py
script, you need to have created the udp_app
protocol directory as directed above.
Once the udp_app
is created and a parser was generated for it, run the following lines:
# Go to the C++ application example directory
cd ${PARSELAB_REPO}/examples/cpp_application
# Run the build script
# Run simple.py
> pass
Although it could have been done in Python, to show more ways of referencing the generated parser's shared library, the custom.py
script leverages a parse()
function that was written in a C++ application.
With that being said, instead of looking at custom.py
, we will start with parse_wrapper.cpp
which contains the code for the custom parse()
Taking a look at the custom parse()
function, custom_parse()
, we can see that it starts off pretty simiar to the provided parse()
extern "C" udp_msg_t* custom_parse(const uint8_t* msg, int size) {
size_t inputsize = size;
uint8_t input[inputsize];
memcpy(input, msg, inputsize);
// Create an instace of our generated parser
const HParser *parser = init_parser();
// Run the input data through the parser
HParseResult* result = h_parse(parser, input, inputsize);
In the first part of the code, we create the buffer from the input data that we want to pass into h_parse
We then instantiate the HParser
object from our library's init_parser
Just like before, we get an HParseResult
object from parsing the data.
However, unlike just checking if this object was NULL or not, we are going to do some processing on the HParseResult
(assuming it wasn't returned as NULL).
extern "C" udp_msg_t* custom_parse(const uint8_t* msg, int size) {
HParseResult* result = h_parse(parser, input, inputsize);
// Allocate enough memory for a udp_msg_t which we will set as a return
// from this function
udp_msg_t* udp_msg = (udp_msg_t*)malloc(sizeof(udp_msg_t));
Lets pretend that we want to consume the parsed data that comes from the HParsedResult
and put it into a struct that defines the UDP format: udp_msg_t
To do that, we will first create a pointer instance of this struct (technically, this does not need to be a pointer, but it adds some extra complications with freeing memory that I wanted to show later)
Now that we have an instance of the udp_msg_t
struct, we can start filling out the data by pulling the data out of the returned HParsedResult
Before that though, it is important to understand what the HParsedResult
However, this is not going to be a Hammer Library tutorial, so I would heavily recommend going through the Hammer code and trying to understand the data types contained in the HParsedResult
, which can be found in Hammer's repo in hammer/src/hammer.h
The src/hammer.h
and src/glue.h
are very helpful resources for understanding all of the data types and concepts within Hammer.
Knowledge of Hammer's HParseToken
and HParseResult
isn't required but definitely advised past this point.
So lets see how we can go about filling in our new udp_msg_t
extern "C" udp_msg_t* custom_parse(const uint8_t* msg, int size) {
udp_msg_t* udp_msg = (udp_msg_t*)malloc(sizeof(udp_msg_t));
if (result != NULL) {
udp_msg->src_port = H_CAST_UINT(result->ast->seq->elements[0]);
udp_msg->dest_port = H_CAST_UINT(result->ast->seq->elements[1]);
udp_msg->length = H_CAST_UINT(result->ast->seq->elements[2]);
udp_msg->checksum = H_CAST_UINT(result->ast->seq->elements[3]);
I have omitted any comments from this file, as to not make this document overly long and hard to read, but there are comments on almost every line in this file if you open it up yourself.
First, we should notice the result != NULL
check which is the same as the provided parse()
We need to check this first, because if the returned result was NULL, we won't be able to process anything from it.
We then iterate over the variables within the udp_msg_t
struct and set them equal to data we can pull from the HParseResult
Starting with the src_port
variable, we see that we are using the H_CAST_UINT
macro from the Hammer library which converts a HParsedToken
into a uint
data type.
Inside of this macro, we are doing a lot of pointing... but its not as bad as it looks.
First, we take the result
which is of type HParseResult
and get the ast
, or "AbstractSyntaxTree" from it.
The ast is a tree structure which represents the grammar that denotes the parsed object.
In our case, our ast is rather simple, it is mostly a flat array that we need to iterate over.
As a result, we then need to grab the seq
or "token sequence" from the ast
, then grab the elements
or "list of HParseToken
objects that are in our "token sequence".
Since the src_port
is the first element in our sequence (as defined by our protocol specification file), we grab the 0th
element and convert that to a uint
We can pretty much just keep repeating this same structure until we get to the data
field, which is only slightly more complicated.
The data
field is an array of uint8_t
This means that when we get to this HParseToken
element in the ast
, it is actually a "token sequence" on its own.
Because of the nested nature of this, we can see a second seq->elements
extern "C" udp_msg_t* custom_parse(const uint8_t* msg, int size) {
if (result != NULL) {
udp_msg->checksum = H_CAST_UINT(result->ast->seq->elements[3]);
for (int i = 0; i < udp_msg->length; i++) {
udp_msg->data[i] = H_CAST_UINT(result->ast->seq->elements[4]->seq->elements[i]);
Since the data
field is a "token sequence" or seq
on its own, we then have to grab the elements of it to iterate over it, which is done with the second ->seq->elements
Just like we iterate over the ast
elements, we do the same with the data
As we iterate, using the length found in the 2nd
element of the ast
, we put the data into our udp_msg->data
array one by one.
At this point, the entire HParseResult
was processed and your target applicatoin is able to do anything with it.
But the NULL case still needs to be handled.
I have chosen to simply zero-out the struct for NULL instances, but obviously every application is going to have a different need.
extern "C" udp_msg_t* custom_parse(const uint8_t* msg, int size) {
if (result != NULL) {
else {
udp_msg->src_port = 0;
udp_msg->dest_port = 0;
udp_msg->length = 0;
udp_msg->checksum = 0;
return udp_msg;
At this point, our custom parse()
function is completed and can be used.
I have chosen to use it in a small Python script, similar to simply.py
Using the custom parse function is the same as using the simple parse function, but since our custom parse function is doing more than just returning a boolean, it might be helpful to see an implementation of it.
For that, we can take a look at custom.py
However, since the process to implement the different return value is more of an exercise in the chosen languge of the target application as opposed to parseLab/Hammer specific, I'm not going to explain it here.
In order to run the custom.py
script, you need to have created the udp_app
protocol directory as directed above.
Once the udp_app
is created and a parser was generated for it, run the following lines:
# Go to the C++ application example directory
cd ${PARSELAB_REPO}/examples/cpp_application
# Run the build script
# Run custom.py
> Parsed Data:
> Source Port: 25515
> Destination Port: 32316
> Payload Length: 22
> Checksum: 2009
> Data: This is a data payload