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Add a simulation model for the Si57x programmable oscillator
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augustofg committed Jun 20, 2024
1 parent 9257afd commit 33d1b8b
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions sim/si57x_model/
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379 changes: 379 additions & 0 deletions sim/si57x_model/si57x_model.vhd
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-- Title : Si57x simulation model
-- Author : Augusto Fraga Giachero
-- Company : CNPEM LNLS-GIE
-- Platform : Simulation
-- Standard : VHDL'08
-- Description: This is a simualtion model for the Si57x programmable
-- oscilator, it provides an slave I2C interface that mimics the
-- register read and write behavior of the IC. Registers RFREQ, N1
-- and HSDIV are exposed to permit checking if the data written
-- via I2C matches. The *_7PPM registers currently do nothing.
-- Freeze M, FreezeVCADC commands are not implemented.
-- RST_REG (reset the oscillator and I2C interface), RECALL
-- (reload calibrated startup registers), Freeze DCO (don't update
-- the output frequency, useful to make frequency updates atomic),
-- NewFreq (apply the new frequency) commands are supported.
-- Copyright (c) 2024 CNPEM
-- Licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v3.0
-- Revisions :
-- Date Version Author Description
-- 2024-05-20 1.0 augusto.fraga Created

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;

library work;
use work.ifc_common_pkg.all;

entity si57x_model is
generic (
-- Internal crystal frequency, used to compute the output frequency
g_INTERNAL_XTAL_FREQ_HZ: real := 114.285e6;

-- Startup output frequency, used to compute startup registers values
-- together with g_INTERNAL_XTAL_FREQ_HZ
g_STARTUP_FREQ_HZ: real := 100.0e6;

-- I2C 7 bits slave address
g_I2C_SLAVE_ADDR: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1010101"
port (
-- Clock input, must be at least 16x scl_i frequency
clk_i: in std_logic;

-- Sychronous reset, active low
rst_n_i: in std_logic;

-- I2C SCL input
scl_i: in std_logic;

-- I2C SDA input
sda_i: in std_logic;

-- I2C SDA output
sda_o: out std_logic;

-- I2C SDA output enable
sda_oe: out std_logic;

-- Si57x HSDIV register value
hs_div_o: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

-- Si57x N1 register value
n1_o: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

-- Si57x RFREQ register value
rfreq_o: out std_logic_vector(37 downto 0);

-- Effective frequency output in Hz
freq_o: out real
end si57x_model;

architecture rtl of si57x_model is
type t_si57x_state is (IDLE, FIRST_BYTE, REMAINING_BYTES);

type t_byte_arr is array (integer range <>) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

type t_si57x_reg_bytes is record
pll_reg_arr: t_byte_arr(7 to 18);
rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
freeze_dco_reg: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
end record;

type t_si57x_regs is record
hs_div: unsigned(2 downto 0);
n1: unsigned(6 downto 0);
rfreq: unsigned(37 downto 0);
rst_reg: std_logic;
new_freq: std_logic;
freeze_m: std_logic;
freeze_vcadc: std_logic;
freeze_dco: std_logic;
recall: std_logic;
end record;

function f_decode_si57x_bytes(reg_bytes: t_si57x_reg_bytes) return t_si57x_regs is
variable si57x_regs: t_si57x_regs;
variable n1: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
variable rfreq: std_logic_vector(37 downto 0);
si57x_regs.hs_div := unsigned(reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(7)(7 downto 5));
n1 := reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(7)(4 downto 0) &
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(8)(7 downto 6);
si57x_regs.n1 := unsigned(n1);
rfreq := reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(8)(5 downto 0) &
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(9)(7 downto 0) &
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(10)(7 downto 0) &
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(11)(7 downto 0) &
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(12)(7 downto 0);
si57x_regs.rfreq := unsigned(rfreq);
si57x_regs.rst_reg := reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg(7);
si57x_regs.new_freq := reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg(6);
si57x_regs.freeze_m := reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg(5);
si57x_regs.freeze_vcadc := reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg(4);
si57x_regs.recall := reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg(0);
si57x_regs.freeze_dco := reg_bytes.freeze_dco_reg(4);
return si57x_regs;
end function;

function f_encode_si57x_bytes(regs: t_si57x_regs) return t_si57x_reg_bytes is
variable reg_bytes: t_si57x_reg_bytes;
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(7)(7 downto 5) := std_logic_vector(regs.hs_div);
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(7)(4 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(regs.n1(6 downto 2));
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(8)(7 downto 6) := std_logic_vector(regs.n1(1 downto 0));

reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(8)(5 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(regs.rfreq(37 downto 32));
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(9)(7 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(regs.rfreq(31 downto 24));
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(10)(7 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(regs.rfreq(23 downto 16));
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(11)(7 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(regs.rfreq(15 downto 8));
reg_bytes.pll_reg_arr(12)(7 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(regs.rfreq(7 downto 0));

reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg := (others => '0');
reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg(7) := regs.rst_reg;
reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg(6) := regs.new_freq;
reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg(5) := regs.freeze_m;
reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg(4) := regs.freeze_vcadc;
reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg(0) := regs.recall;

reg_bytes.freeze_dco_reg := (others => '0');
reg_bytes.freeze_dco_reg(4) := regs.freeze_dco;
return reg_bytes;
end function;

-- Compute the output frequency from internal registers
function f_calc_fout(pll_regs: t_si57x_regs) return real is
variable v_eff_rfreq, v_eff_hs_div: real;
variable v_eff_n1: natural;
v_eff_rfreq := real(to_integer(pll_regs.rfreq(30 downto 0))) +
real(to_integer(pll_regs.rfreq(37 downto 31))) * 2.0**31;
v_eff_hs_div := real(to_integer(pll_regs.hs_div) + 4);
v_eff_n1 := to_integer(pll_regs.n1) + 1;
if v_eff_n1 > 1 and (v_eff_n1 mod 2) = 1 then
v_eff_n1 := v_eff_n1 + 1;
end if;
return (g_INTERNAL_XTAL_FREQ_HZ * v_eff_rfreq * 2.0**(-28)) / (real(v_eff_n1) * v_eff_hs_div);
end function;

-- Calculate the best register values that aproximates a given frequency
function f_calc_pll_regs(freq: real; rst_ctrl_regs: boolean := false) return t_si57x_regs is
constant c_hsdivs: integer_vector(0 to 5) := (11, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4);
variable v_best_freq_err: real := 1.0e9;
variable v_freq_err_now: real := 1.0e9;
variable v_rfreq_real: real;
variable v_fdco: real;
variable v_rfreq_int_tmp: natural;
variable v_best_si57x_regs: t_si57x_regs;
for hs_idx in c_hsdivs'range loop
for n1 in 1 to 128 loop
if (n1 mod 2) = 0 or n1 = 1 then
v_rfreq_real := (freq * real(c_hsdivs(hs_idx)) * real(n1) * 2.0**28) / g_INTERNAL_XTAL_FREQ_HZ;
v_fdco := v_rfreq_real * g_INTERNAL_XTAL_FREQ_HZ * 2.0**(-28);
-- The internal digital controlled oscillator frequency should
-- be between 4.85 GHz and 5.67 GHz
if v_fdco > 4.85e9 and v_fdco < 5.67e9 then
v_freq_err_now := abs(freq - (v_fdco / (real(c_hsdivs(hs_idx)) * real(n1))));
if (v_freq_err_now < v_best_freq_err) then
v_freq_err_now := v_best_freq_err;
v_best_si57x_regs.n1 := to_unsigned(n1 - 1, 7);
v_best_si57x_regs.hs_div := to_unsigned(c_hsdivs(hs_idx) - 4, 3);
-- We can't convert v_rfreq_real to integer directly, because
-- VHDL integers are limited to 2^31 - 1, so we convert it in
-- two steps, the 37 to 7 bit slice first, then the remaining
-- last 7 bits later
v_rfreq_int_tmp := integer(v_rfreq_real * 2.0**(-7));
v_best_si57x_regs.rfreq(37 downto 7) := to_unsigned(v_rfreq_int_tmp, 31);
v_rfreq_int_tmp := integer(v_rfreq_real - real(v_rfreq_int_tmp) * 2.0**(7));
v_best_si57x_regs.rfreq(6 downto 0) := to_unsigned(v_rfreq_int_tmp, 7);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
if rst_ctrl_regs then
v_best_si57x_regs.rst_reg := '0';
v_best_si57x_regs.new_freq := '0';
v_best_si57x_regs.freeze_m := '0';
v_best_si57x_regs.freeze_vcadc := '0';
v_best_si57x_regs.recall := '0';
v_best_si57x_regs.freeze_dco := '0';
end if;
return v_best_si57x_regs;
end function;

-- Translate addresses to fields in a t_si57x_reg_bytes record and
-- write data to si57x_regs
procedure f_write_si57x_regs(reg_addr: in integer;
data: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal si57x_regs: out t_si57x_reg_bytes) is
if reg_addr >= 7 and reg_addr <= 18 then
si57x_regs.pll_reg_arr(reg_addr) <= data;
elsif reg_addr = 135 then
si57x_regs.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg <= data;
elsif reg_addr = 137 then
si57x_regs.freeze_dco_reg <= data;
report "Register address '" & to_string(reg_addr) & "' out of rage"
severity warning;
end if;
end procedure;

-- Translate addresses to fields in a t_si57x_reg_bytes record and
-- returns the register value
function f_read_si57x_regs(reg_addr: integer;
si57x_regs: t_si57x_reg_bytes) return std_logic_vector is
if reg_addr >= 7 and reg_addr <= 18 then
return si57x_regs.pll_reg_arr(reg_addr);
elsif reg_addr = 135 then
return si57x_regs.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg;
elsif reg_addr = 137 then
return si57x_regs.freeze_dco_reg;
report "Register address '" & to_string(reg_addr) & "' out of rage"
severity warning;
end if;
end function;

constant c_si57x_regs_startup: t_si57x_regs := f_calc_pll_regs(g_STARTUP_FREQ_HZ, true);
signal si57x_reg_bytes: t_si57x_reg_bytes := f_encode_si57x_bytes(c_si57x_regs_startup);
signal si57x_regs: t_si57x_regs := c_si57x_regs_startup;
signal freq: real := f_calc_fout(c_si57x_regs_startup);
signal data_from_master, data_to_master: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal data_to_master_rq, data_from_master_valid: std_logic;
signal start, stop: std_logic;
signal reg_addr: natural := 0;
signal si57x_state: t_si57x_state := IDLE;
signal rst_i2c: std_logic := '1';
si57x_regs <= f_decode_si57x_bytes(si57x_reg_bytes);
rfreq_o <= std_logic_vector(si57x_regs.rfreq);
hs_div_o <= std_logic_vector(si57x_regs.hs_div);
n1_o <= std_logic_vector(si57x_regs.n1);
freq_o <= freq;

cmp_i2c_slave: i2c_slave_iface
generic map (
port map (
clk_i => clk_i,
-- Reset the I2C slave interface if an external reset is issued
-- or an write to RST_REG via I2C is issued
rst_n_i => rst_n_i and rst_i2c,
scl_i => scl_i,
sda_i => sda_i,
sda_o => sda_o,
sda_oe => sda_oe,
data_i => data_to_master,
rd_o => data_to_master_rq,
wr_o => data_from_master_valid,
data_o => data_from_master,
start_o => start,
stop_o => stop

variable update_freq: boolean := true;
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
-- Set rst_i2c to '1' so we don't need to manually set it back
-- to '1' after a RST_REG command is issued
rst_i2c <= '1';

if start = '1' then
-- I2C start condition detected, wait for the first data byte to
-- be received or for an send request
si57x_state <= FIRST_BYTE;
elsif stop = '1' then
-- I2C stop condition detected, set state machine to idle
si57x_state <= IDLE;
reg_addr <= 0;
case si57x_state is
when IDLE =>

when FIRST_BYTE =>
-- The first byte in ther I2C transaction (after sending the slave
-- address) can mean different things if this is a master write
-- (register address) or a master read (register value pointed by
-- the last write to the register address)
if data_from_master_valid = '1' then
reg_addr <= to_integer(unsigned(data_from_master));
si57x_state <= REMAINING_BYTES;
elsif data_to_master_rq = '1' then
data_to_master <= f_read_si57x_regs(reg_addr, si57x_reg_bytes);
reg_addr <= reg_addr + 1;
end if;

-- Remaining bytes, reading / writing, incrementing the internal
-- register address pointer on each valid byte sent / received
if data_from_master_valid = '1' then
f_write_si57x_regs(reg_addr, data_from_master, si57x_reg_bytes);
reg_addr <= reg_addr + 1;
elsif data_to_master_rq = '1' then
data_to_master <= f_read_si57x_regs(reg_addr, si57x_reg_bytes);
reg_addr <= reg_addr + 1;
end if;
end case;
end if;

-- This is my understanding of how the Si57x control works:
-- Before updating the HSDIV, N1 and RFREQ registers, you should write
-- '1' to the Freeze DCO bit. The frequency output will not change while
-- writing to these registers in this case;
-- After you write to the HSDIV, N1 and RFREQ registers, you should
-- unfreeze the DCO (write '0' to the Freeze DCO bit) and, within a
-- window of 10 ms max, you should write '1' to the NewFreq bit.
-- This 10 ms timout is not implemented here, but the requirement of
-- writing '1' to the NewFreq bit is enforced.

if si57x_regs.new_freq = '1' and si57x_regs.freeze_dco = '0' then
si57x_reg_bytes.rst_freeze_mem_ctrl_reg(6) <= '0';
update_freq := true;
end if;

-- If DCO is not froozen, update the output frequency
if si57x_regs.freeze_dco = '1' then
update_freq := false;
end if;

-- Only update the frequency if conditions are met
if update_freq then
freq <= f_calc_fout(si57x_regs);
end if;

-- Restore internal registers startup configuration
if si57x_regs.recall = '1' then
si57x_reg_bytes <= f_encode_si57x_bytes(c_si57x_regs_startup);
update_freq := true;
end if;

-- Restore internal registers startup configuration and reset the I2C
-- controller
if si57x_regs.rst_reg = '1' then
si57x_reg_bytes <= f_encode_si57x_bytes(c_si57x_regs_startup);
update_freq := true;
rst_i2c <= '0';
end if;

-- TODO: Freeze M and Freeze VCADC commands
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions testbench/si57x_model/
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files = ["si57x_model_tb.vhd"]
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions testbench/si57x_model/ghdl/.gitignore
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