diff --git a/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-general.png b/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-general.png index af056b8be..972ae83c2 100644 Binary files a/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-general.png and b/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-general.png differ diff --git a/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-review.png b/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-review.png index a39d5e3cd..d2cf05f89 100644 Binary files a/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-review.png and b/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-review.png differ diff --git a/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-service-account.png b/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-service-account.png index c808c8198..06651e390 100644 Binary files a/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-service-account.png and b/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-service-account.png differ diff --git a/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-set-gke-cluster.png b/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-set-gke-cluster.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec733430c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/images/setup_installation/managed/gcp/create-instance-set-gke-cluster.png differ diff --git a/docs/setup_installation/gcp/cluster_creation.md b/docs/setup_installation/gcp/cluster_creation.md index 8d2cc9dcc..f8681e357 100644 --- a/docs/setup_installation/gcp/cluster_creation.md +++ b/docs/setup_installation/gcp/cluster_creation.md @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ Enter the name of the bucket in which the Hopsworks cluster will store its data !!! warning The bucket must be empty and must be in a region accessible from the region in which the cluster is deployed. +The artifact registry used to store the clusters docker images (9) +
@@ -97,7 +99,17 @@ To backup the storage bucket data when taking a cluster backup we need to set a
@@ -183,7 +195,7 @@ configuration as this might affect Cluster creation.
-### Step 11 Review and create +### Step 12 Review and create Review all information and select *Create*:diff --git a/docs/setup_installation/gcp/getting_started.md b/docs/setup_installation/gcp/getting_started.md index 30a27c82b..2a8fddb11 100644 --- a/docs/setup_installation/gcp/getting_started.md +++ b/docs/setup_installation/gcp/getting_started.md @@ -24,11 +24,12 @@ To run all the commands on this page the user needs to have at least the followi storage.buckets.create ``` -Make sure to enable *Compute Engine API*, *Cloud Resource Manager API*, and *Identity and Access Management (IAM) API* on the GCP project. This can be done by running the following commands. Replacing *$PROJECT_ID* with the id of your GCP project. +Make sure to enable *Compute Engine API*, *Cloud Resource Manager API*, *Identity and Access Management (IAM) API*, and *Artifact Registry* on the GCP project. This can be done by running the following commands. Replacing *$PROJECT_ID* with the id of your GCP project. ```bash gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID services enable compute.googleapis.com gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID services enable cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID services enable iam.googleapis.com +gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID services enable artifactregistry.googleapis.com ``` You can find more information about GCP cloud APIs in the [GCP documentation](https://cloud.google.com/apis/docs/getting-started). ## Step 1: Connecting your GCP account @@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ gsutil mb -p $PROJECT_ID -l US gs://$BUCKET_NAME ## Step 3: Creating a service account for your cluster instances -The cluster instances will need to be granted permission to access the storage bucket. You achieve this by creating a service account that will later be attached to the Hopsworks cluster instances. This service account should be different from the service account created in step 1, as it has only those permissions related to storing objects in a GCP bucket. +The cluster instances will need to be granted permission to access the storage bucket and the artifact registry. You achieve this by creating a service account that will later be attached to the Hopsworks cluster instances. This service account should be different from the service account created in step 1, as it has only those permissions related to storing objects in a GCP bucket and docker images in an artifact registry repository. ### Step 3.1: Creating a custom role for accessing storage Create a file named *hopsworksai_instances_role.yaml* with the following content: @@ -84,6 +85,12 @@ includedPermissions: - storage.objects.get - storage.objects.list - storage.objects.update +- artifactregistry.repositories.create +- artifactregistry.repositories.get +- artifactregistry.repositories.uploadArtifacts +- artifactregistry.repositories.downloadArtifacts +- artifactregistry.tags.list +- artifactregistry.tags.delete ``` !!! note diff --git a/docs/setup_installation/gcp/gke_integration.md b/docs/setup_installation/gcp/gke_integration.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..26d71ceca --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/setup_installation/gcp/gke_integration.md @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +# Integration with Goolge GKE + +This guide demonstrates the step-by-step process to create a cluster in [managed.hopsworks.ai](https://managed.hopsworks.ai) with integrated support for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). This enables Hopsworks to launch Python jobs, Jupyter servers, and serve models on top of GKE. + +!!! note + Currently, we don't support sharing GKE clusters between Hopsworks clusters. That is, a GKE cluster can be only used by one Hopsworks cluster. Also, we only support integration with GKE in the same project as Hopsworks cluster. + +!!! note + If you prefer to use Terraform over gcloud command line, then you can refer to our Terraform example [here](https://github.com/logicalclocks/terraform-provider-hopsworksai/tree/main/examples/complete/gcp/gke). + +## Step 1: Attach Kuberentes developer role to the service account for cluster instances + +Ensure that the Hopsworks cluster has access to the GKE cluster by attaching the Kubernetes Engine Developer role to the [service account you will attach to the cluster nodes](getting_started.md#step-3-creating-a-service-account-for-your-cluster-instances). Execute the following gcloud command to attach `roles/container.developer` to the cluster service account. Replace *\$PROJECT_ID* with your GCP project id and *\$SERVICE_ACCOUNT* with your service account that you have created during getting started [Step 3](getting_started.md#step-3-creating-a-service-account-for-your-cluster-instances). + +```bash +gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT --role="roles/container.developer" +``` + +## Steps 2: Create a virtual network to be used by Hopsworks and GKE + +You need to create a virtual network and a subnet in which Hopsworks and the GKE nodes will run. To do this run the following commands, replacing *\$PROJECT_ID* with your GCP project id in which you will run your cluster and *\$SERVICE_ACCOUNT* with the service account that you have updated in [Step 1](#step-1-attach-kuberentes-developer-role-to-the-service-account-for-cluster-instances). In this step, we will create a virtual network `hopsworks`, a subnetwork `hopsworks-eu-north`, and 3 firewall rules to allow communication within the virtual network and allow inbound http and https traffic. + +```bash +gcloud compute networks create hopsworks --project=$PROJECT_ID --subnet-mode=custom --mtu=1460 --bgp-routing-mode=regional + +gcloud compute networks subnets create hopsworks-eu-north --project=$PROJECT_ID --range= --stack-type=IPV4_ONLY --network=hopsworks --region=europe-north1 + +gcloud compute firewall-rules create hopsworks-nodetonode --network=hopsworks --allow=all --direction=INGRESS --target-service-accounts=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT --source-service-accounts=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT --project=$PROJECT_ID + +gcloud compute firewall-rules create hopsworks-inbound-http --network=hopsworks --allow=all --direction=INGRESS --target-service-accounts=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT --allow=tcp:80 --source-ranges="" --project=$PROJECT_ID + +gcloud compute firewall-rules create hopsworks-inbound-https --network=hopsworks --allow=all --direction=INGRESS --target-service-accounts=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT --allow=tcp:443 --source-ranges="" --project=$PROJECT_ID + +``` + +## Step 3: Create a GKE cluster + +In this step, we create a GKE cluster and we set the cluster pod CIDR to ``. GKE offers two different modes of operation for clusters: `Autopilot` and `Standard` clusters. Choose one of the two following options to create a GKE cluster. + +### Option 1: Standard cluster + +Run the following gcloud command to create a zonal standard GKE cluster. Replace *\$PROJECT_ID* with your GCP project id in which you will run your cluster. + +```bash +gcloud container clusters create hopsworks-gke --project=$PROJECT_ID --machine-type="e2-standard-8" --num-nodes=1 --zone="europe-north1-c" --network="hopsworks" --subnetwork="hopsworks-eu-north" --cluster-ipv4-cidr="" --cluster-version="1.27.3-gke.100" +``` + +Run the following gcloud command to allow all incoming traffic from the GKE cluster to Hopsworks. + +```bash +gcloud compute firewall-rules create hopsworks-allow-traffic-from-gke-pods --project=$PROJECT_ID --network="hopsworks" --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --action=ALLOW --rules=all --source-ranges="" +``` + +### Option 2: Autopilot cluster + +Run the following gcloud command to create an autopilot cluster. Replace *\$PROJECT_ID* with your GCP project id in which you will run your cluster. + +```bash +gcloud container clusters create-auto hopsworks-gke --project $PROJECT_ID --region="europe-north1" --network="hopsworks" --subnetwork="hopsworks-eu-north" --cluster-ipv4-cidr="" +``` + +Run the following gcloud command to allow all incoming traffic from the GKE cluster to Hopsworks. + +```bash +gcloud compute firewall-rules create hopsworks-allow-traffic-from-gke-pods --project=$PROJECT_ID --network="hopsworks" --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --action=ALLOW --rules=all --source-ranges="" +``` + +## Step 4: Create a Hopsworks cluster + +In [managed.hopsworks.ai](https://managed.hopsworks.ai), follow the same instructions as in [the cluster creation guide](cluster_creation.md) except when setting *Region*, *Managed Containers*, *VPC* and *Subnet*. + +- On the General tab, choose the same region as what we use in [Step 2](#steps-2-create-a-virtual-network-to-be-used-by-hopsworks-and-gke) and [Step 3](#step-3-create-a-gke-cluster) (`europe-north1`) +- On the *Managed Containers* tab, choose **Enabled** and input the name of the GKE cluster that we have created in [Step 3](#step-3-create-a-gke-cluster) (`hopsworks-gke`) +- On the VPC and Subnet tabs, choose the name of the network and subnetwork that we have created in [Step 2](#steps-2-create-a-virtual-network-to-be-used-by-hopsworks-and-gke) (`hopsworks`, `hopsworks-eu-north`). + +## Step 5: Configure DNS + +### Option 1: Standard cluster +In the setup described in [Step 3](#option-1-standard-cluster), we are using the default DNS which is `kube-dns`. Hopsworks automatically configures `kube-dns` during cluster initialization, so there is no extra steps that needs to be done here. + +Alternatively, if you configure `Cloud DNS` while creating the standard GKE cluster, then you would need to add the following firewall rule to allow the incoming traffic from `Cloud DNS` on port `53` to Hopsworks. `` is the ip range used by Cloud DNS to issue DNS requests, check [this guide](https://cloud.google.com/dns/docs/zones/forwarding-zones#firewall-rules) for more details. + +```bash +gcloud compute --project=$PROJECT_ID firewall-rules create hopsworks-clouddns-forward-consul --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network="hopsworks" --action=ALLOW --rules=udp:53 --source-ranges="" +``` + + +### Option 2: Autopilot cluster + +Hopsworks internally uses Consul for service discovery and we automatically forward traffic from Standard GKE clusters to the corresponding Hopsworks cluster. However, Autopilot clusters don't allow updating the DNS configurations through `kube-dns` and they use Cloud DNS by default. Therefore, in order to allow seamless communication between pods running on GKE and Hopsworks, we would need to add a [forwarding zone](https://cloud.google.com/dns/docs/zones/forwarding-zones) to Cloud DNS to forward `.consul` DNS Zone to Hopsworks head node. + +First, we need to get the IP of the Hopsworks head node of your cluster. Replace *\$PROJECT_ID* with your GCP project id in which you will run your cluster, *\$CLUSTER_NAME* with the name you gave to your Hopsworks cluster during creation in [Step 4](#step-4-create-a-hopsworks-cluster). Using the following gcloud command, we will be able to get the internal IP of Hopsworks cluster. + +```bash +HOPSWORKS_HEAD_IP=`gcloud compute instances describe --project=$PROJECT_ID $CLUSTER_NAME-master --format='get(networkInterfaces[0].networkIP)'` +``` + +Use the *\$HOPSWORKS_HEAD_IP* you just got from the above command to create the following forwarding zone on Cloud DNS + +```bash +gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT_ID managed-zones create hopsworks-consul --description="Forward .consul DNS requests to Hopsworks" --dns-name="consul." --visibility="private" --networks="hopsworks" --forwarding-targets=$HOPSWORKS_HEAD_IP +``` + +Finally, you would need to add the following firewall rule to allow the incoming traffic from `Cloud DNS` on port `53` to Hopsworks. `` is the IP range used by Cloud DNS to issue DNS requests, check [this guide](https://cloud.google.com/dns/docs/zones/forwarding-zones#firewall-rules) for more details. + +```bash +gcloud compute --project=$PROJECT_ID firewall-rules create hopsworks-clouddns-forward-consul --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network="hopsworks" --action=ALLOW --rules=udp:53 --source-ranges="" +``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml index a66e4f122..64092b3d0 100644 --- a/mkdocs.yml +++ b/mkdocs.yml @@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ nav: - Getting Started: setup_installation/gcp/getting_started.md - Cluster Creation: setup_installation/gcp/cluster_creation.md - Limiting Permissions: setup_installation/gcp/restrictive_permissions.md + - GKE integration: setup_installation/gcp/gke_integration.md - Common: - The dashboard: setup_installation/common/dashboard.md - Settings: setup_installation/common/settings.md