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Commit 6bf215c

Browse files
change icons of Jupyter and Models (#260)
* change icons of Jupyter and Models * fix the jupyter icon size and the html attr
1 parent d1d975e commit 6bf215c

File tree

1 file changed

lines changed

1 file changed

lines changed


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ export function getIcon(
d="M7 9.5C7.82843 9.5 8.5 8.82843 8.5 8C8.5 7.17157 7.82843 6.5 7 6.5C6.17157 6.5 5.5 7.17157 5.5 8C5.5 8.82843 6.17157 9.5 7 9.5ZM7 11C8.03353 11 8.94499 10.4774 9.48451 9.68196L14.0524 11.4388C14.018 11.6206 14 11.8082 14 12C14 12.2228 14.0243 12.44 14.0704 12.649L9.38065 15.1742C8.83226 14.4602 7.96988 14 7 14C5.34315 14 4 15.3431 4 17C4 18.6569 5.34315 20 7 20C8.65685 20 10 18.6569 10 17C10 16.8511 9.98915 16.7046 9.96818 16.5615L14.7514 13.9859C15.3011 14.6078 16.1047 15 17 15C18.6569 15 20 13.6569 20 12C20 10.3431 18.6569 9 17 9C16.0739 9 15.2459 9.41961 14.6955 10.0791L9.98814 8.26854C9.99599 8.18008 10 8.09051 10 8C10 6.34315 8.65685 5 7 5C5.34315 5 4 6.34315 4 8C4 9.65685 5.34315 11 7 11ZM7 18.5C7.82843 18.5 8.5 17.8284 8.5 17C8.5 16.1716 7.82843 15.5 7 15.5C6.17157 15.5 5.5 16.1716 5.5 17C5.5 17.8284 6.17157 18.5 7 18.5ZM18.5 12C18.5 12.8284 17.8284 13.5 17 13.5C16.1716 13.5 15.5 12.8284 15.5 12C15.5 11.1716 16.1716 10.5 17 10.5C17.8284 10.5 18.5 11.1716 18.5 12Z"
d="M18.5 5.5C18.5 6.32843 17.8284 7 17 7C16.1716 7 15.5 6.32843 15.5 5.5C15.5 4.67157 16.1716 4 17 4C17.8284 4 18.5 4.67157 18.5 5.5ZM17.75 8.40549C19.0439 8.07245 20 6.89788 20 5.5C20 3.84315 18.6569 2.5 17 2.5C15.3431 2.5 14 3.84315 14 5.5C14 5.62969 14.0082 5.75746 14.0242 5.88281L9.41879 7.72498C8.87272 6.98212 7.99266 6.5 7 6.5C5.34315 6.5 4 7.84315 4 9.5C4 10.8979 4.95608 12.0725 6.25 12.4055V15.5C6.25 15.5315 6.25194 15.5625 6.25572 15.593C6.49371 15.5323 6.74308 15.5 7 15.5C7.25692 15.5 7.50629 15.5323 7.74429 15.593C7.74806 15.5625 7.75 15.5315 7.75 15.5V12.4055C8.34606 12.2521 8.87043 11.9201 9.26267 11.4699L14.0659 13.8716C14.0227 14.0742 14 14.2845 14 14.5C14 14.6297 14.0082 14.7575 14.0242 14.8828L9.41879 16.725C9.45555 16.775 9.49081 16.8262 9.52448 16.8785C8.99072 16.0492 8.0595 15.5 7 15.5C5.34315 15.5 4 16.8431 4 18.5C4 20.1569 5.34315 21.5 7 21.5C8.65685 21.5 10 20.1569 10 18.5C10 18.3705 9.99179 18.2429 9.97587 18.1177L14.5815 16.2754C15.1276 17.0181 16.0075 17.5 17 17.5C18.6569 17.5 20 16.1569 20 14.5C20 12.8431 18.6569 11.5 17 11.5C16.097 11.5 15.2872 11.8989 14.7372 12.5302L9.93405 10.1286C9.97726 9.92587 10 9.71559 10 9.5C10 9.37048 9.99179 9.24288 9.97587 9.11769L14.5815 7.27543C14.9851 7.82428 15.571 8.23074 16.25 8.40549V11.5C16.25 11.5315 16.2519 11.5625 16.2557 11.593C16.4937 11.5323 16.7431 11.5 17 11.5C17.2569 11.5 17.5063 11.5323 17.7443 11.593C17.7481 11.5625 17.75 11.5315 17.75 11.5V8.40549ZM7 11C7.82843 11 8.5 10.3284 8.5 9.5C8.5 8.67157 7.82843 8 7 8C6.17157 8 5.5 8.67157 5.5 9.5C5.5 10.3284 6.17157 11 7 11ZM17 16C17.8284 16 18.5 15.3284 18.5 14.5C18.5 13.6716 17.8284 13 17 13C16.1716 13 15.5 13.6716 15.5 14.5C15.5 15.3284 16.1716 16 17 16ZM8.5 18.5C8.5 19.3284 7.82843 20 7 20C6.17157 20 5.5 19.3284 5.5 18.5C5.5 17.6716 6.17157 17 7 17C7.82843 17 8.5 17.6716 8.5 18.5Z"
@@ -1579,9 +1579,12 @@ export function getIcon(
d="M9.75 4C9.75 3.58579 10.0858 3.25 10.5 3.25H11C11.4142 3.25 11.75 3.58579 11.75 4V9.38462C11.75 9.525 11.7106 9.66256 11.6363 9.78166L8.39084 14.9827C8.63051 15.0886 8.90289 15.1742 9.19977 15.218C9.93544 15.3266 10.8713 15.1869 11.9061 14.358C13.1795 13.3379 14.4595 13.114 15.5712 13.3194L13.3637 9.78166C13.2894 9.66256 13.25 9.525 13.25 9.38462V4C13.25 3.58579 13.5858 3.25 14 3.25H14.5C14.9142 3.25 15.25 3.58579 15.25 4C15.25 4.32655 15.0413 4.60436 14.75 4.70732V9.16981L20.6363 18.603C20.7806 18.8342 20.7881 19.1255 20.6559 19.3638C20.5236 19.6021 20.2725 19.75 20 19.75H5C4.72745 19.75 4.47636 19.6021 4.34415 19.3638C4.21194 19.1255 4.21943 18.8342 4.36372 18.603L10.25 9.16981V4.70732C9.9587 4.60436 9.75 4.32655 9.75 4ZM17.1794 15.8966L17.1735 15.9015C16.8548 15.5185 16.2374 15.0258 15.4758 14.8331C14.7568 14.6513 13.854 14.7194 12.8439 15.5287C11.4898 16.6135 10.1363 16.8725 8.98078 16.702C8.46264 16.6255 7.99433 16.4644 7.59125 16.2641L6.35204 18.25H18.648L17.1794 15.8966Z"
d="M19.5957 15.0463C17.8929 16.3685 15.1255 17.2286 12.001 17.2286C8.86993 17.2286 6.09748 16.3649 4.39561 15.0379C5.61353 18.04 8.55819 20.1572 11.9973 20.1572C15.4333 20.1572 18.3757 18.044 19.5957 15.0463ZM19.5958 8.86796C17.893 7.54568 15.1256 6.68555 12.001 6.68555C8.86987 6.68555 6.09737 7.54931 4.39551 8.87632C5.61338 5.87411 8.5581 3.75684 11.9973 3.75684C15.4334 3.75684 18.3758 5.87018 19.5958 8.86796Z"
<circle cx="18.4434" cy="3.17145" r="1.17145" fill={color} />
<circle cx="6.436" cy="21.0361" r="1.46432" fill={color} />
<circle cx="4.97147" cy="4.9285" r="0.585727" fill={color} />
case IconName.datasets:

0 commit comments
