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Replace E-perm by reserved sealed otype
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JuneRousseau committed Jun 13, 2024
1 parent 7a84d72 commit a57daa3
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Showing 17 changed files with 78 additions and 83 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ let mtdc = Reg 31

module Perm = struct
type t =
| E (* sentry --- sealed value with otype 1, 2 or 3 *)
| R (* read --- LG, MC and LD *)
| X (* execute --- EX *)
| W (* write --- LM, MC and SD *)
Expand All @@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ module Perm = struct
(* Just an order for pretty printing *)
let weight p =
match p with E -> 0 | R -> 1 | X -> 2 | W -> 3 | WL -> 4 | SR -> 5 | DL -> 6 | DI -> 7
match p with R -> 0 | X -> 1 | W -> 2 | WL -> 3 | SR -> 4 | DL -> 5 | DI -> 6
weight p2 - weight p1
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34 changes: 16 additions & 18 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -87,14 +87,13 @@ let perm_encoding (p : Perm.t) : Z.t =
match p with
| E -> 0b10000000
| R -> 0b01000000
| X -> 0b00100000
| W -> 0b00010000
| WL -> 0b00001000
| SR -> 0b00000100
| DL -> 0b00000010
| DI -> 0b00000001
| R -> 0b1000000
| X -> 0b0100000
| W -> 0b0010000
| WL -> 0b0001000
| SR -> 0b0000100
| DL -> 0b0000010
| DI -> 0b0000001

let fperm_encoding (fp : PermSet.t) : Z.t =
PermSet.fold (fun p res -> Z.logor (perm_encoding p) res) fp (Z.of_int 0b0)
Expand All @@ -103,18 +102,17 @@ let perm_decoding (i : Z.t) : Perm.t =
let dec_perm_exception _ =
raise @@ DecodeException "Error decoding permission: unexpected encoding"
if Z.(i > of_int 0b11111111) then dec_perm_exception ()
if Z.(i > of_int 0b1111111) then dec_perm_exception ()
let b k = Z.testbit i k in
match (b 7, b 6, b 5, b 4, b 3, b 2, b 1, b 0) with
| true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false -> E
| false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false -> R
| false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false -> X
| false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false -> W
| false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false -> WL
| false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false -> SR
| false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false -> DL
| false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true -> DI
match (b 6, b 5, b 4, b 3, b 2, b 1, b 0) with
| true, false, false, false, false, false, false -> R
| false, true, false, false, false, false, false -> X
| false, false, true, false, false, false, false -> W
| false, false, false, true, false, false, false -> WL
| false, false, false, false, true, false, false -> SR
| false, false, false, false, false, true, false -> DL
| false, false, false, false, false, false, true -> DI
| _ -> dec_perm_exception ()

let fperm_decoding (i : Z.t) : PermSet.t =
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion lib/lexer.mll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ rule token = parse

(* permissions *)
| 'O' { O }
| 'E' { E }
| 'R' { R }
| 'X' { X }
| 'W' { W }
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion lib/lexer_regfile.mll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ rule token = parse

(* permissions *)
| 'O' { O }
| 'E' { E }
| 'R' { R }
| 'X' { X }
| 'W' { W }
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43 changes: 30 additions & 13 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ let arch_root_memory_perm = PermSet.of_list [ R; W; WL ]
(* - executable root, EX_LD_LG_LM_MC_SR --> R_X_SR *)
let arch_root_executable_perm = PermSet.of_list [ R; X; SR ]

let otype_sentry : Z.t =

let get_perm (w : Ast.word) : Ast.PermSet.t =
match w with
| I _ -> Ast.PermSet.empty
Expand All @@ -34,16 +36,24 @@ let get_perm (w : Ast.word) : Ast.PermSet.t =

let is_derived_from (p_dst : PermSet.t) (p_src : PermSet.t) =
if PermSet.equal p_dst p_src (* p <= p *) then true
else if PermSet.mem E p_dst (* E <= RX *) then
PermSet.equal (PermSet.of_list [ E ]) p_dst
&& PermSet.mem R p_src && PermSet.mem X p_src
&& (not (PermSet.mem DL p_src))
&& not (PermSet.mem DI p_src)
(* p_dst ⊆ p_src, except that we can add DI or DL *)
PermSet.subset (PermSet.remove DL (PermSet.remove DI p_dst)) p_src

let is_sentry (w : Ast.word) : bool =
match w with
| Sealed (ot, Cap (_, _, _, _, _)) -> ot = otype_sentry
| _ -> false

let check_word_derived (w : Ast.word) : unit =
if is_sentry w
if is_derived_from (get_perm w) arch_root_executable_perm
then ()
else raise (CheckInitFailed w)
if is_derived_from (get_perm w) arch_root_executable_perm then ()
else if is_derived_from (get_perm w) arch_root_memory_perm then ()
else raise (CheckInitFailed w)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,8 +175,8 @@ let ( !> ) conf = upd_pc conf

let upd_pc_perm (w : word) =
match w with
| Sealable (Cap (p, g, b, e, a)) when PermSet.equal p (PermSet.singleton E) ->
Sealable (Cap (PermSet.of_list [ R; X ], g, b, e, a))
| Sealed ( ot, (Cap (p, g, b, e, a))) when ot = otype_sentry ->
Sealable (Cap (p, g, b, e, a))
| _ -> w

let fetch_decode (conf : exec_conf) : machine_op option =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,9 +262,9 @@ let exec_single (conf : exec_conf) : mchn =
| Halt -> (Halted, conf)
| Jalr (r_dst, r_src) when (not (r_dst = mtdc)) && not (r_src = mtdc) -> (
match PC @! conf with
| Sealable (Cap (_, g, b, e, a)) ->
| Sealable (Cap (p, g, b, e, a)) ->
let new_pc = upd_pc_perm (r_src @! conf) in
let link_cap = Sealable (Cap (PermSet.singleton E, g, b, e, Z.(a + in
let link_cap = Sealed (otype_sentry, (Cap (p, g, b, e, Z.(a + in
(Running, upd_reg PC new_pc (upd_reg r_dst link_cap conf))
| _ -> fail_state)
| Jmp c when not (c = Register mtdc) -> (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,7 +353,7 @@ let exec_single (conf : exec_conf) : mchn =
let w2 = get_word conf c2 in
match (w1, w2) with
| I z1, I z2 ->
if b <= z1 && Z.(~$0 <= z2) && <= e && not (PermSet.mem E p) then
if b <= z1 && Z.(~$0 <= z2) && <= e then
let w = Sealable (Cap (p, g, z1, z2, a)) in
!>(upd_reg r w conf)
else fail_state
Expand All @@ -364,8 +374,7 @@ let exec_single (conf : exec_conf) : mchn =
| Sealable (Cap (p, g, b, e, a)) -> (
let w = get_word conf c in
match w with
| I z when not (PermSet.mem E p) ->
!>(upd_reg r (Sealable (Cap (p, g, b, e, Z.(a + z)))) conf)
| I z -> !>(upd_reg r (Sealable (Cap (p, g, b, e, Z.(a + z)))) conf)
| _ -> fail_state)
| Sealable (SealRange (p, g, b, e, a)) -> (
let w = get_word conf c in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -447,11 +456,19 @@ let exec_single (conf : exec_conf) : mchn =
| Seal (dst, r1, r2) when (not (dst = mtdc)) && (not (r1 = mtdc)) && not (r2 = mtdc) -> (
match (r1 @! conf, r2 @! conf) with
| Sealable (SealRange ((true, _), _, b, e, a)), Sealable sb when b <= a && a < e ->
if a = otype_sentry
(match sb with
| Cap (p,_,_,_,_) when PermSet.mem X p ->
!>(upd_reg dst (Sealed (a, sb)) conf)
| _ -> fail_state)
!>(upd_reg dst (Sealed (a, sb)) conf)
| _ -> fail_state)
| UnSeal (dst, r1, r2) when (not (dst = mtdc)) && (not (r1 = mtdc)) && not (r2 = mtdc) -> (
match (r1 @! conf, r2 @! conf) with
| Sealable (SealRange ((_, true), _, b, e, a)), Sealed (a', sb) ->
| Sealable (SealRange ((_, true), _, b, e, a)), Sealed (a', sb)
when not (a = otype_sentry) ->
if b <= a && a < e && a = a' then !>(upd_reg dst (Sealable sb) conf) else fail_state
| _ -> fail_state)
| _ -> fail_state)
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions lib/parser.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
%token FAIL HALT
%token O E R X W WL SR DI DL
%token O R X W WL SR DI DL
%token SO S U SU
%token Int Cap SealRange Sealed
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ locality:
| GLOBAL; { Global }

| E; { E: Perm.t }
| R; { R: Perm.t }
| X; { X: Perm.t }
| W; { W: Perm.t }
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions lib/parser_regfile.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
%token MAX_ADDR
%token O E R X W WL SR DI DL
%token O R X W WL SR DI DL
%token SO S U SU
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ seal_perm:
| SU; { (true, true) }

| E; { E: Perm.t }
| R; { R: Perm.t }
| X; { X: Perm.t }
| W; { W: Perm.t }
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ let string_of_seal_perm (p : seal_perm) : string =

let string_of_perm (p : Perm.t) : string =
match p with
| E -> "E"
| R -> "R"
| X -> "X"
| W -> "W"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tests/test_files/default/neg/bad_flow1.s
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
mov r1 pc
restrict r1 (E, GLOBAL)
restrict r1 ([R W X], GLOBAL) ; FAIL: attempt to flow from E to RWX
seal r1 r0 r1
unseal r1 r0 r1 ; FAIL: attempt to unseal a sentry
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/test_files/default/neg/bad_flow2.s
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
mov r1 pc
restrict r1 (O, GLOBAL)
restrict r1 (E, GLOBAL) ; FAIL: attempt to flow from O to E
seal r1 r0 r1
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions tests/test_files/default/neg/lea_perm_not_entry.s

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/test_files/default/pos/jmper_jalr.s
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
mov r1 pc
lea r1 5
restrict r1 (E, GLOBAL)
seal r1 r0 r1
jalr r0 r1
add r2 5 7
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/test_files/default/pos/seal_unseal.s
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
subseg r0 0 2
lea r0 1
mov r1 r0
restrict r0 (S, Global)
restrict r1 (U, Global)
Expand Down
26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions tests/test_files/default/pos/sealing_counter.s
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,12 +15,11 @@ init:
mov r0 pc ; r0 = (RWX, init, end, init)
mov r1 r0 ; r1 = (RWX, init, end, init)
lea r1 (data-init) ; r1 = (RWX, init, end, data)
load r1 r1 ; r1 = {0: (RO, counter, counter+1, counter)}
load r1 r1 ; r1 = {1: (RO, counter, counter+1, counter)}

;; prepare the main capability in r0
lea r0 (main+1-init) ; r0 = (RWX, init, end, main+1)
subseg r0 main data ; r0 = (RWX, main, data, main+1)
restrict r0 (E, Global) ; r0 = (E, main, data, main+1)
jalr r0 r0 ; jump to main main

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,20 +47,23 @@ main:

#{0: ([R W], Global, counter, counter+1, counter)}
#{1: ([R W], Global, counter, counter+1, counter)}
#(E, Global, get, incr, get+1) ; get
#(E, Global, incr, end, incr+2) ; incr
;; #(E, Global, get, incr, get+1) ; get
;; #(E, Global, incr, end, incr+2) ; incr
#{0: ([R X], Global, get, incr, get+1)} ; get
#{0: ([R X], Global, incr, end, incr+2)} ; incr
get: ; check whether the otype matches with the actual value
#[SU, Global, 0, 10, 0]
#[SU, Global, 1, 10, 1]
;; r0 contains callback / r1 = {ot: (RO, counter, counter+1, counter)}
mov r2 pc ; r2 = (RX, get, incr, get+1)
lea r2 (-1) ; r2 = (RX, get, incr, get)
load r2 r2 ; r2 = #[SU, 0, 10, 0]
load r2 r2 ; r2 = #[SU, 1, 10, 1]
getotype r3 r1 ; r3 = ot
lea r2 r3 ; r2 = #[SU, 0, 10, ot]
lea r2 r3 ; r2 = #[SU, 1, 10, ot+1]
lea r2 -1 ; r2 = #[SU, 1, 10, ot]
unseal r2 r2 r1 ; r2 = (RO, counter, counter+1, counter)
load r2 r2 ; r2 = val_counter
sub r3 r2 r3 ; r3 = val_counter - ot
Expand All @@ -72,17 +74,17 @@ get: ; check whether the otype matches with the actual value
jalr r0 r0 ; r2 contains the return value
fail ; Case r3 != 0, then fail
#[SU, Global, 0, 10, 0]
#[SU, Global, 1, 10, 1]
#([R W], Global, incr, incr+1, incr)
;; r0 contains callback / r1 = {ot: (RO, counter, counter+1, counter)}
mov r2 pc ; r2 = (RX, incr, end, incr+2)
lea r2 (-2) ; r2 = (RX, incr, end, incr)
load r3 r2 ; r3 = #[SU, 0, 10, ot]
load r3 r2 ; r3 = #[SU, 1, 10, ot]
unseal r1 r3 r1 ; r1 = (RO, counter, counter+1, counter)
load r4 r1 ; r4 = val_counter
add r4 r4 1 ; r4 = val_counter + 1
store r1 r4 ; stores new counter value
lea r3 1 ; r3 = #[SU, 0, 10, ot+1]
lea r3 1 ; r3 = #[SU, 1, 10, ot+1]
lea r2 1 ; r2 = (RX, incr, end, incr+1)
load r2 r2 ; r2 = (RW, incr, incr+1, incr)
store r2 r3 ; stores new sealrange
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion tests/test_files/default/pos/test1_labels.s
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ init:
store r1 r2 ; mem[data] <- (RWL, init, end, data+1) 6
lea r3 (code-init) ; r3 = (RX, init, end, code) 7
subseg r3 code end ; r3 = (RX, code, end, code) 8
restrict r3 (E, GLOBAL) ; r3 = (E, code, end, code) 9
seal r3 r0 r3 ; r3 = {0: (RX, code, end, code)} 9
;; restrict r3 (E, GLOBAL) ; r3 = (E, code, end, code) 9
mov r2 0 ; r2 = 0 10
mov r1 0 ; r1 = 0 11
jalr r2 r3 ; jump to unknown code:
Expand Down
18 changes: 8 additions & 10 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,8 +97,6 @@ let test_jmper_jalr =
test_case "jmper_jalr.s should end in halted state" `Quick (test_state Halted (fst m));
test_case "jmper_jalr.s should end with r2 containing 12" `Quick
(test_const_word Z.(~$12) (get_reg_int_word (Ast.Reg 2) m;
test_case "jmper_jalr.s should contain E permission in r1" `Quick
(test_perm (PermSet.singleton E) (get_reg_cap_perm (Reg 1) m PermSet.empty));

let test_locality_flow =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,29 +149,29 @@ let test_getwtype =
let open Alcotest in
let m = run_prog (test_path "pos/get_wtype.s") in
test_case "get_otype.s should end in halted state" `Quick (test_state Halted (fst m));
test_case "get_otype.s should end with r0 containing 0" `Quick
test_case "get_wtype.s should end in halted state" `Quick (test_state Halted (fst m));
test_case "get_wtype.s should end with r0 containing 0" `Quick
(test_const_word (get_reg_int_word (Ast.Reg 0) m;
test_case "get_otype.s should end with r1 containing 0" `Quick
test_case "get_wtype.s should end with r1 containing 0" `Quick
(test_const_word (get_reg_int_word (Ast.Reg 1) m;
test_case "get_otype.s should end with r2 containing 0" `Quick
test_case "get_wtype.s should end with r2 containing 0" `Quick
(test_const_word (get_reg_int_word (Ast.Reg 2) m;
test_case "get_otype.s should end with r3 containing 0" `Quick
test_case "get_wtype.s should end with r3 containing 0" `Quick
(test_const_word (get_reg_int_word (Ast.Reg 3) m;

let test_sealing =
let open Alcotest in
let m = run_prog (test_path "pos/seal_unseal.s") in
[ test_case "get_otype.s should end in halted state" `Quick (test_state Halted (fst m)) ]
[ test_case "seal_unseal.s should end in halted state" `Quick (test_state Halted (fst m)) ]

let test_sealing_counter =
let open Alcotest in
let m = run_prog (test_path "pos/sealing_counter.s") in
test_case "sealing_counter.s should end in halted state" `Quick (test_state Halted (fst m));
test_case "sealing_counter.s should end with r2 containing 3" `Quick
(test_const_word Z.(~$3) (get_reg_int_word (Ast.Reg 2) m;
test_case "sealing_counter.s should end with r2 containing 4" `Quick
(test_const_word Z.(~$4) (get_reg_int_word (Ast.Reg 2) m;

let () =
Expand Down

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