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Re-organise switcher directory + encode number of arguments
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JuneRousseau committed Jun 14, 2024
1 parent 766feff commit f7ba437
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Showing 3 changed files with 473 additions and 170 deletions.
223 changes: 53 additions & 170 deletions tests/test_files/switcher/switcher.s
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,152 +1,77 @@
#{0: ([R X SR], Global, switcher, switcher_end, switcher_cc)} ; import switcher
#{9: (R, Global, ext_adv, ext_adv_end, ext_adv+2)} ; import ext

mov cra PC
lea cra -1
load ct1 cra ; ct1 := entry point
lea cra -1
load cra cra ; cra := switcher
store csp r22
lea csp -1
jalr cra cra

mov cra PC
lea cra -9
load ct1 cra ; ct1 := entry point
lea cra -1
load cra cra ; cra := switcher
jalr cra cra


mov ca0 1
mov ca1 42
mov ca2 43
jalr cra cra

;; This file is the non commented version of switcher_commented.s
;; Concatenate this file at the end of any example that require the switcher
#[SU, Global, 9, 10, 9]


;; cs0 -> scratch register
;; cs1 -> scratch register
;; ct1 / rentry -> contains the sealed target capability
;; cra / rlink -> contains the sentry back to caller's compartment
;; csp / rstk -> contains the compartment's stack capability
;; ct2 -> scratch register
;; ctp -> scratch register
;; ca1 -> return value 1
;; ca2 -> return value 2
;; STEP 1: store content in compartment's stack
store csp cs0
lea csp -1
store csp cs1
lea csp -1
store csp cra
lea csp -1
store csp cgp

;; STEP 2: verify csp contains a valid stack pointer
;; verify permissions
getp ct2 csp
mov ctp [R W WL]
sub ct2 ct2 ctp
jnz ct2 2
jmp 2
fail ; ct2 :=/= 0, ie. not the right permissions
;; SKIP verify alignments

;; STEP 3: verify valid trusted stack
;; movsr r21 mtdc
;; geta r20 r21
;; gete r21 r21
;; add r20 r20 1
;; lt r20 r20 r21 ; r20 contains 0 if a >= e
;; jnz r20 2
;; fail ; r20 := 0, i.e, the stack does not have enough space

;; STEP 4: prepare the tstack frame
movsr ct2 mtdc
lea ct2 -1
store ct2 csp
movsr mtdc ct2 ; NOTE: in the actual implementation,
; mtdc is not updated, but the offset of the current
; stack frame is stored directly in the tstack
; Should I do that too ?

;; STEP 5: restrict bounds of the stack
geta cs0 csp ; cs0 := a
getb cs1 csp ; cs1 := b
subseg csp cs1 cs0 ; csp := (p,g,b,a,a)

;; STEP 6: zero the callee's stack frame
movsr mtdc ct2
geta cs0 csp
getb cs1 csp
subseg csp cs1 cs0
sub cs0 cs1 cs0 ; cs0 := b-a
mov cs1 csp ; cs1 := (p,g,b,a,a)
lea cs1 cs0 ; cs1 := (p,g,b,a,b)
;; cs0: i := -(b-a)
sub cs0 cs1 cs0
mov cs1 csp
lea cs1 cs0
jnz cs0 2 ; if (i = 0) then (end of loop), otherwise continue
jmp (switcher_zero_stk_end_pre - switcher_zero_stk_loop_pre - 1) ;

store cs1 0 ; mem[b+i] := 0
lea cs1 1 ; cs1 := (p,g,b,a,b+i)
add cs0 cs0 1 ; i := i + 1
jnz cs0 2
jmp (switcher_zero_stk_end_pre - switcher_zero_stk_loop_pre - 1)
store cs1 0
lea cs1 1
add cs0 cs0 1
jmp (switcher_zero_stk_loop_pre - switcher_zero_stk_loop_end_pre)
lea csp -1

;; STEP 7: unseal the callee's entry point
; LoadCapPCC ......
getb cs1 PC ; cs1 := b_cc
geta cs0 PC ; cs0 := a_cc
sub cs1 cs1 cs0 ; cs1 := b_cc - a_cc
mov cs0 PC ; cs0 := (RX_SR, Global, b_cc, e_cc, a_cc+2)
lea cs0 cs1 ; cs0 := (RX_SR, Global, b_cc, e_cc, b_cc+2)
lea cs0 -2 ; cs0 := (RX_SR, Global, b_cc, e_cc, b_cc)
load cs0 cs0 ; cs0 := #[SU, Global, 9, 10, 9]

unseal ct1 cs0 ct1 ; ct1 := (RO, Global, b_ext, e_ext, a_ext)
; load entry point offset
load cs0 ct1 ; cs0 := encodeEntry(offset, args)
;; TODO for simplicity, we say that args always = 6
;; encodeEntry(offset, args) = offset
;; decodeEntry(z) = (offset, 6)
getb cgp ct1 ; cgp := b_ext
geta cs1 ct1 ; cs1 := a_ext
sub cs1 cgp cs1 ; cs1 := b_ext - a_ext
lea ct1 cs1 ; ct1 := (RO, Global, b_ext, e_ext, b_ext)
load cra ct1 ; cra := PCC
lea ct1 1 ; ct1 := (RO, Global, b_ext, e_ext, b_ext+1)
load cgp ct1 ; cgp := CGP
;; get the actual entry point
lea cra cs0 ; cra := PCC + offset
; load entry point
load cs0 ct1 ; cs0 := encodeEntry(offset, args)

;; STEP 8: zero the unused arguments

getb cs1 PC
geta cs0 PC
sub cs1 cs1 cs0
mov cs0 PC
lea cs0 cs1
lea cs0 -2
load cs0 cs0
unseal ct1 cs0 ct1
load cs0 ct1
rem ct2 cs0 10
sub cs0 cs0 ct2
div cs0 cs0 10
getb cgp ct1
geta cs1 ct1
sub cs1 cgp cs1
lea ct1 cs1
load cra ct1
lea ct1 1
load cgp ct1
lea cra cs0
add ct2 ct2 1
jmp ct2
mov r10 0
mov r11 0
mov r12 0
mov r13 0
mov r14 0
mov r15 0
mov r5 0
mov r0 0
;; r1 / cra ---> contains PCC
;; r2 / csp ---> contains compartment's stack
;; r3 / cgp ---> contains CGP
mov r4 0
;; r5 ---> register stack arguments
mov r6 0
mov r7 0
mov r8 0
mov r9 0
;; r10-15 ---> register arguments
mov r16 0
mov r17 0
mov r18 0
Expand All @@ -162,19 +87,11 @@ switcher_zero_stk_end_pre:
mov r28 0
mov r29 0
mov r30 0
;; r31 ---> contains trusted stack

;; STEP 9: jump to the callee's compartment
jalr cra cra

;; STEP 10: pop topmost trusted stack frame
movsr ctp mtdc
;; TODO make sure that there is a frame left in the trusted stack
;; restore stack pointer and update trusted stack
load csp ctp
lea ctp 1
movsr mtdc ctp
;; spill the saved registers out
load cgp csp
lea csp 1
load ca2 csp
Expand All @@ -183,41 +100,27 @@ switcher_zero_stk_end_pre:
lea csp 1
load cs0 csp
lea csp 1

;; zero the stack frame
geta ct0 csp ; r20 := a
getb ct1 csp ; ctp := b
sub ct0 ct1 ct0 ; ct0 := b-a
mov ct1 csp ; ct1 := (p,g,b,a,a)
lea ct1 ct0 ; ct1 := (p,g,b,a,b)
;; ct0: i := -(b-a)
geta ct0 csp
getb ct1 csp
sub ct0 ct1 ct0
mov ct1 csp
lea ct1 ct0
jnz ct0 2 ; if (i = 0) then (end of loop), otherwise continue
jnz ct0 2
jmp (switcher_zero_stk_end_post - switcher_zero_stk_loop_post - 1) ;

store ct1 0 ; mem[b+i] := 0
lea ct1 1 ; ct1 := (p,g,b,a,b+i)
add ct0 ct0 1 ; i := i + 1
store ct1 0
lea ct1 1
add ct0 ct0 1
jmp (switcher_zero_stk_loop_post - switcher_zero_stk_loop_end_post)

mov cra ca2

;; STEP 11: zero unused registers
mov r0 0
;; r1 / cra ---> saved and restored on trusted stack
;; r2 / csp ---> compartment's stack
;; r3 / cgp ---> saved and restored on trusted stack
mov r4 0
mov r5 0
mov r6 0
mov r7 0
;; r8 / cs0 ---> saved and restored on trusted stack
;; r9 / cs1 ---> saved and restored on trusted stack
;; r10 / ca1 ---> first return value
;; r11 / ca2 ---> second return value
mov r12 0
mov r13 0
mov r14 0
Expand All @@ -237,25 +140,5 @@ switcher_zero_stk_end_post:
mov r28 0
mov r29 0
mov r30 0
;; r31 / mtdc ---> trusted stack
jalr cra cra




;; export table compartment c
#([R X], Global, adv, adv_end, adv) ; PCC
#([R W], Global, data_adv, data_adv_end, data_adv) ; CGP
#00 ; offset + args


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