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Nicolas Nardino committed Feb 27, 2024
1 parent c29257b commit 40d672b
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Showing 4 changed files with 2,967 additions and 0 deletions.
204 changes: 204 additions & 0 deletions theories/examples/input_lang_delim/example.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
From gitrees Require Import gitree.
From gitrees.examples.input_lang_delim Require Import lang interp.
Require Import gitrees.lang_generic.
From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl auth gmap_view.
From iris.proofmode Require Import base classes tactics environments.
From iris.base_logic Require Import algebra.

Open Scope syn_scope.

Example p : expr Empty_set :=
((#1) + (reset ((#3) + (shift/cc ((($0) @k #5) + (($0) @k #6)))))).

Local Definition rs : gReifiers _ := gReifiers_cons reify_delim gReifiers_nil.
(* Local Definition Hrs : subReifier reify_delim rs. *)
(* Proof. unfold rs. apply subReifier_here. Qed. *)

Notation F := (gReifiers_ops rs).
Context {R} `{!Cofe R}.
Context `{!SubOfe natO R, !SubOfe unitO R}.
Notation IT := (IT F R).
Notation ITV := (ITV F R).
Context (env : @interp_scope F R _ Empty_set).

Example ts := interp_config rs (Cexpr p) env.
Definition t := fst ts.
Definition σ := snd ts.

Context `{!invGS Σ, !stateG rs R Σ, !heapG rs R Σ}.
Notation iProp := (iProp Σ).

Lemma wp_t (s : gitree.weakestpre.stuckness) :
has_substate σ -∗
WP@{rs} t @ s {{βv, βv ≡ RetV 18}}.
iIntros "Hσ".
(* first, reset *)
lazymatch goal with
| |- context G [ofe_mor_car _ _ RESET ?t] => set (e := t)
lazymatch goal with
| |- context G [ofe_mor_car _ _ 𝒫 (?kk (ofe_mor_car _ _ RESET e))] => remember (𝒫 ◎ kk) as k
lazymatch goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ ?t _ _ _) => set (α := t)
assert (NonExpansive k).
{ subst. intros ????. solve_proper. }
assert (α ≡ (λne x, k x) (RESET e)) as -> by (by simpl; subst).
clear α.
iApply (wp_reset with "Hσ").
{ subst. simpl. apply IT_hom_compose; first apply _.
refine (IT_HOM _ _ _ _ _ ).
- apply NATOP_Tick. by rewrite !hom_tick.
- rewrite !hom_vis. f_equiv. intro. simpl. done.
- by rewrite !hom_err.
iIntros "!> Hl Hσ".

(* then, shift *)
lazymatch goal with
| |- context G [ofe_mor_car _ _ SHIFT ?e] => set (f := e)
(* envs_entails _ (wp _ (ofe_mor_car _ _ SHIFT ?e) _ _ _) => idtac *)
lazymatch goal with
| |- context G [?kk (ofe_mor_car _ _ SHIFT f)] => remember (𝒫 ◎ kk) as k'
lazymatch goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ ?t _ _ _) => set (α := t)
assert (NonExpansive k').
{ subst. intros ????. solve_proper. }
assert (α ≡ (λne y, k' y) (SHIFT f)) as -> by (by simpl; subst).
clear α.
iApply (wp_shift with "Hσ").
{ subst. simpl. simple refine (IT_HOM _ _ _ _ _); intros; simpl.
- by rewrite !hom_tick.
- rewrite !hom_vis. f_equiv. by intro.
- by rewrite !hom_err.
iIntros "!>_ Hσ".

(* the rest *)
lazymatch goal with
| |- context G [ofe_mor_car _ _ (get_val ?f) (_ 5)] => remember f as func
lazymatch goal with
| |- context G [ofe_mor_car _ _ (ofe_mor_car _ _ (NATOP _) ?x) ?y] =>
remember x as ex; remember y as ey
remember (λ (x y : IT), 𝒫 $ NATOP (do_natop lang.Add) x y) as kplus.
assert (NonExpansive2 kplus).
{ subst. intros ???????. solve_proper. }
lazymatch goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ ?t _ _ _) => set (α := t)
assert (α ≡ kplus (func (Ret 5)) (func (Ret 6))) as ->.
{ subst kplus α ex ey. f_equiv. f_equiv.
- f_equiv. rewrite -IT_of_V_Ret. apply get_val_ITV'.
- rewrite -IT_of_V_Ret. apply get_val_ITV'.
subst func. simpl.
clear α.
lazymatch goal with
| |- context G [kplus ?scd (ofe_mor_car _ _ (get_fun ?f)
(ofe_mor_car _ _ Fun ?g))] => remember f as func1; remember g as gfunc; remember scd as snd
lazymatch goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ ?t _ _ _) => set (α := t)
assert (α ≡ kplus snd (func1 gfunc)) as ->.
{ subst α kplus func1 gfunc. repeat f_equiv; first by subst.
simpl. by rewrite get_fun_fun.
subst func1 gfunc. simpl.
remember (λ x, kplus snd x) as kkkk.
assert (NonExpansive kkkk) by solve_proper.
clear α.
lazymatch goal with
| |- context G [kkkk ?e] => remember e as newe
lazymatch goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ ?t _ _ _) => set (α := t)

assert (α ≡ (λne x, kkkk x) newe) as -> by (by subst).
subst newe; clear α.
iApply (wp_app_cont with "Hσ").
{ subst. simpl.
simple refine (IT_HOM _ _ _ _ _); intros; simpl.
- by rewrite !hom_tick.
- rewrite !hom_vis. f_equiv. intro. by simpl.
- by rewrite !hom_err.
iIntros "!> _ Hσ".
rewrite later_map_Next -Tick_eq.
iApply wp_tick. iNext.
subst. simpl.
lazymatch goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ ?t _ _ _) => set (α := t)
assert (α ≡ 𝒫 (IT_of_V $ RetV 9)) as ->.
{ subst α. f_equiv. by rewrite NATOP_Ret. }
iApply (wp_pop_cons with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ Hσ".
lazymatch goal with
| |- context G [ofe_mor_car _ _ (get_fun ?f)
(ofe_mor_car _ _ Fun ?g)] => remember f as func1; remember g as gfunc
clear α.
lazymatch goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ ?t _ _ _) =>
assert (t ≡ 𝒫 $ NATOP (do_natop lang.Add) (func1 gfunc) (IT_of_V (RetV 9)))
as -> by (repeat f_equiv; apply get_fun_fun)
subst. simpl.
remember (λ x : IT, 𝒫 (NATOP (do_natop lang.Add) x (IT_of_V (RetV 9)))) as kkkk.
assert (NonExpansive kkkk) by solve_proper.

lazymatch goal with
| |- context G [ofe_mor_car _ _ (ofe_mor_car _ _ (NATOP _) ?e) (IT_of_V (ofe_mor_car _ _ RetV 9))] => remember e as newe
lazymatch goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ ?t _ _ _) =>
assert (t ≡ (λne x, kkkk x) newe)
as -> by by subst
subst newe.
iApply (wp_app_cont with "Hσ").
{ subst. simpl. simple refine (IT_HOM _ _ _ _ _); intros; simpl.
- by rewrite NATOP_ITV_Tick_l hom_tick.
- rewrite NATOP_ITV_Vis_l hom_vis. f_equiv. by intro.
- by rewrite NATOP_Err_l hom_err.
iIntros "!> _ Hσ". simpl.
rewrite later_map_Next -Tick_eq. iApply wp_tick. iNext.
lazymatch goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ ?t _ _ _) => assert (t ≡ 𝒫 (IT_of_V $ RetV 8))
as -> by (f_equiv; by rewrite NATOP_Ret)
iApply (wp_pop_cons with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ Hσ".
simpl. subst kkkk.
lazymatch goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ ?t _ _ _) => assert (t ≡ 𝒫 (IT_of_V $ RetV 17))
as -> by (f_equiv; by rewrite NATOP_Ret)
iApply (wp_pop_cons with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ Hσ".
lazymatch goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ ?t _ _ _) => assert (t ≡ 𝒫 (IT_of_V $ RetV 18))
as -> by (f_equiv; by rewrite NATOP_Ret)
iApply (wp_pop_end with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ _".
iApply wp_val. done.

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