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co-dan committed Feb 27, 2024
1 parent b3c82d1 commit 426db0a
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Showing 22 changed files with 317 additions and 560 deletions.
19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
# Guarded Interaction Trees

This is the Coq formalization of guarded interaction trees, associated examples and case studies.
Read the [GITrees POPL paper]( describing our work.

## Installation instructions

To install the formalization you will need the Iris, std++, and Equations packages.
To install the formalization you will need Iris and std++ libraries.
The dependencies can be easily installed using [Opam]( with the following commands:

Expand All @@ -24,16 +25,20 @@ All the code lives in the `theories` folder. Below is the quick guide
to the code structure.

- `gitree/` -- contains the core definitions related to guarded interaction trees
- `input_lang/` -- formalization of the language with io, the soundness and adequacy
- `input_lang_callcc/` -- formalization of the language with io, throw and call/cc, the soundness and adequacy
- `affine_lang/` -- formalization of the affine language, type safety of the language interoperability
- `examples/` -- some other smaller examples
- `lang_generic.v` -- generic facts about languages with binders and their interpretations, shared by `input_lang` and `affine_lang`
- `lang_generic_sem.v` -- generic facts about languages with a different representation of binders and their interpretations, used for `input_lang_callcc`
- `lib/` -- derived combinators for gitrees
- `examples/input_lang/` -- formalization of the language with io, the soundness and adequacy
- `examples/input_lang_callcc/` -- formalization of the language with io, throw and call/cc, the soundness and adequacy
- `examples/affine_lang/` -- formalization of the affine language, type safety of the language interoperability
- `effects/` -- concrete effects, their interpretaions, and logics
- `prelude.v` -- some stuff that is missing from Iris
- `lang_generic.v` -- generic facts about languages with binders and their interpretations, shared by `input_lang` and `affine_lang`
- `vendor/Binding/` -- the functorial syntax library used for

### References from the paper to the code

The version of the formalization that corresponds to the paper can be found under the [tag `popl24`](
Below we describe the correspondence per-section.

- **Section 3**
+ Definition of guarded interaction trees, constructors, the
recursion principle, and the destructors are in `gitree/core.v`
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion _CoqProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ theories/program_logic.v


Expand All @@ -53,4 +54,4 @@ theories/lib/while.v

5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions coq-gitrees.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,13 @@ opam-version: "2.0"
name: "coq-gitrees"
synopsis: "Guarded Interaction Trees"
version: "dev"
maintainer: "..."
authors: "..."
maintainer: "Logsem"
authors: "Logsem"
license: "BSD"
build: [make "-j%{jobs}%"]
install: [make "install"]
remove: ["rm" "-rf" "%{lib}%/coq/user-contrib/gitrees"]
depends: [
"coq-equations" { (= "1.3+8.17") }
"coq-iris" { (= "4.1.0") }
"coq-iris-heap-lang" { (= "4.1.0") }
"coq-stdpp" { (= "1.9.0") }
Expand Down
125 changes: 7 additions & 118 deletions theories/effects/store.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -224,10 +224,7 @@ Section wp.
iIntros (Hee) "#Hcxt H".
unfold READ. simpl.
match goal with
| |- context G [Vis ?a ?b ?c] => assert (c ≡ idfun ◎ (subEff_outs ^-1)) as ->
end; first solve_proper.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'. simpl.
iInv (nroot.@"storeE") as (σ) "[>Hlc [Hs Hh]]" "Hcl".
iApply (fupd_mask_weaken E1).
{ set_solver. }
Expand All @@ -249,16 +246,9 @@ Section wp.
iFrame "Hs".
repeat iSplit.
- assert ((option_bind _ _ (λ x, Some (x, σ)) (σ !! l)) ≡
(option_bind _ _ (λ x, Some (x, σ)) (Some (Next β')))) as H.
+ f_equiv.
* solve_proper.
* by rewrite Hx Hb'.
+ simpl in H.
rewrite <-H.
unfold mbind.
f_equiv; last done.
(option_bind _ _ (λ x, Some (x, σ)) (Some (Next β')))) as <-.
{ rewrite Hx /= ; solve_proper. }
simpl. iPureIntro. by f_equiv.
- iPureIntro. apply ofe_iso_21.
- iNext. iIntros "Hlc Hs".
iMod ("Hback" with "Hp") as "Hback".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,8 +280,7 @@ Section wp.
WP@{rs} WRITE l β @ s {{ Φ }}.
iIntros (Hee) "#Hcxt H".
unfold READ. simpl.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'. simpl.
iInv (nroot.@"storeE") as (σ) "[>Hlc [Hs Hh]]" "Hcl".
iApply (fupd_mask_weaken E1).
{ set_solver. }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -337,7 +326,7 @@ Section wp.
WP@{rs} ALLOC α k @ s {{ Φ }}.
iIntros "Hh H".
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'. simpl.
iInv (nroot.@"storeE") as (σ) "[>Hlc [Hs Hh]]" "Hcl".
iApply (lc_fupd_elim_later with "Hlc").
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,8 +354,7 @@ Section wp.
WP@{rs} DEALLOC l @ s {{ Φ }}.
iIntros (Hee) "#Hcxt H".
unfold DEALLOC. simpl.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'. simpl.
iInv (nroot.@"storeE") as (σ) "[>Hlc [Hs Hh]]" "Hcl".
iApply (fupd_mask_weaken E1).
{ set_solver. }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,105 +392,6 @@ Section wp.
iModIntro. done.

(** * The logical relation TODO *)
(* Definition N := nroot.@"heh". *)
(* Definition logrel_expr V (α : IT) : iProp := *)
(* (heap_ctx -∗ WP@{rs} α {{ V }})%I. *)

(* Context `{!SubOfe natO R, !Inhabited R}. *)

(* Definition logrel_nat (βv : ITV) : iProp := *)
(* (∃ n : nat, βv ≡ RetV n)%I. *)
(* Definition logrel_arr V1 V2 (βv : ITV) : iProp := *)
(* (∃ f, IT_of_V βv ≡ Fun f ∧ □ ∀ αv, V1 αv -∗ *)
(* logrel_expr V2 (APP' (Fun f) (IT_of_V αv)))%I. *)
(* Definition logrel_ref V (l : loc) : iProp := *)
(* (inv (N.@l) (∃ βv, pointsto l (IT_of_V βv) ∗ V βv))%I. *)

(* Lemma logrel_alloc V V2 (αv :ITV) (k : locO -n> IT) `{!forall v, Persistent (V v)} *)
(* `{NonExpansive V2} : *)
(* V αv -∗ *)
(* (∀ l, logrel_ref V l -∗ logrel_expr V2 (k l)) -∗ *)
(* logrel_expr V2 (ALLOC (IT_of_V αv) k). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iIntros "#HV H". *)
(* iIntros "#Hh". *)
(* iApply (wp_alloc with "Hh"). *)
(* iNext. iNext. *)
(* iIntros (l) "Hl". *)
(* iMod (inv_alloc (N.@l) _ (∃ βv, pointsto l (IT_of_V βv) ∗ V βv)%I with "[Hl]") *)
(* as "#Hinv". *)
(* { eauto with iFrame. } *)
(* iSpecialize ("H" with "Hinv"). *)
(* by iApply "H". *)
(* Qed. *)

(* Opaque Ret. (*TODO*) *)
(* Lemma logrel_write V αv l `{!forall v, Persistent (V v)} : *)
(* logrel_ref V l -∗ *)
(* V αv -∗ *)
(* logrel_expr logrel_nat (WRITE l (IT_of_V αv)). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iIntros "#Hl #Hav #Hctx". *)
(* iApply wp_subreify'. *)
(* iInv (nroot.@"storeE") as (σ) "[>Hlc [Hs Hh]]" "Hcl1". *)
(* iInv (N.@l) as "HH" "Hcl2". *)
(* iDestruct "HH" as (βv) "[Hbv #HV]". *)
(* iApply (lc_fupd_elim_later with "Hlc"). *)
(* iNext. *)
(* iAssert (⌜is_Some (σ !! l)⌝)%I as "%Hdom". *)
(* { iApply (istate_loc_dom with "Hh Hbv"). } *)
(* iExists σ, (),(<[l:=Next (IT_of_V αv)]>σ),(Ret ()). *)
(* iFrame "Hs". *)
(* iSimpl. repeat iSplit; [ done | done | ]. *)
(* iNext. iIntros "Hlc Hs". *)
(* iMod (istate_write _ _ (IT_of_V αv) with "Hh Hbv") as "[Hh Hlav]". *)
(* iMod ("Hcl2" with "[Hlav]") as "_". *)
(* { iNext. iExists _; by iFrame. } *)
(* iMod ("Hcl1" with "[Hlc Hh Hs]") as "_". *)
(* { iNext. iExists _; by iFrame. } *)
(* iModIntro. *)
(* iApply wp_val. iModIntro. *)
(* iExists (). unfold RetV. done. *)
(* Qed. *)

(* Lemma logrel_read V l `{!forall v, Persistent (V v)} : *)
(* logrel_ref V l -∗ *)
(* logrel_expr V (READ l). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iIntros "#Hr #Hctx". *)
(* iApply wp_subreify'. *)
(* iInv (nroot.@"storeE") as (σ) "[>Hlc [Hs Hh]]" "Hcl1". *)
(* iInv (N.@l) as "HH" "Hcl2". *)
(* iDestruct "HH" as (βv) "[Hbv #HV]". *)
(* iAssert (▷ (σ !! l ≡ Some (Next (IT_of_V βv))))%I as "#Hlookup". *)
(* { iNext. iApply (istate_read with "Hh Hbv"). } *)
(* iAssert (▷ ⌜is_Some (σ !! l)⌝)%I as "#Hdom". *)
(* { iNext. iApply (istate_loc_dom with "Hh Hbv"). } *)
(* iDestruct "Hdom" as ">%Hdom". *)
(* destruct Hdom as [x Hx]. *)
(* destruct (Next_uninj x) as [β' Hb']. *)
(* iAssert (▷ ▷ (β' ≡ IT_of_V βv))%I as "#Hbv'". *)
(* { iNext. rewrite Hx. rewrite option_equivI. *)
(* rewrite Hb'. by iNext. } *)
(* iClear "Hlookup". *)
(* iApply (lc_fupd_elim_later with "Hlc"). *)
(* iNext. iSimpl. *)
(* iExists σ,(Next β'),σ,β'. iFrame "Hs". *)
(* repeat iSplit. *)
(* { iPureIntro. rewrite Hx/= Hb'. done. } *)
(* { rewrite ofe_iso_21//. } *)
(* iNext. iIntros "Hlc Hs". *)
(* iMod ("Hcl2" with "[Hbv]") as "_". *)
(* { iNext. eauto with iFrame. } *)
(* iMod ("Hcl1" with "[Hlc Hh Hs]") as "_". *)
(* { iNext. eauto with iFrame. } *)
(* iModIntro. *)
(* iRewrite "Hbv'". *)
(* iApply wp_val. *)
(* iModIntro. done. *)
(* Qed. *)

End wp.

Arguments heapG {_} rs R {_} Σ.
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions theories/examples/affine_lang/lang.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ From gitrees.examples.input_lang Require Import lang interp.
From gitrees.effects Require Import store.
From gitrees.lib Require Import pairs.

Require Import Binding.Resolver Binding.Lib Binding.Set Binding.Auto Binding.Env.

(* for namespace sake *)
Module io_lang.
Definition state := input_lang.lang.state.
Expand All @@ -14,8 +16,6 @@ Module io_lang.
input_lang.interp.interp_expr rs e ı_scope.
End io_lang.

Require Import Binding.Resolver Binding.Lib Binding.Set Binding.Auto Binding.Env.

Inductive ty :=
tBool | tInt | tUnit
| tArr (τ1 τ2 : ty) | tPair (τ1 τ2 : ty)
Expand All @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Inductive expr : ∀ (S : Set), Type :=
| Alloc {S : Set} : expr S → expr S
| Replace {S1 S2 : Set} : expr S1 → expr S2 → expr (sum S1 S2)
| Dealloc {S : Set} : expr S → expr S
| EEmbed {S : Set} {τ1 τ1'} : io_lang.expr Empty_set → ty_conv τ1 τ1' → expr S
| EEmbed {S : Set} {τ1 τ1'} : io_lang.expr → ty_conv τ1 τ1' → expr S

Section affine.
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions theories/examples/affine_lang/logrel1.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
(** Unary (Kripke) logical relation for the affine lang *)
Require Import iris.algebra.gmap.
From gitrees Require Export gitree program_logic greifiers.
From gitrees.examples.affine_lang Require Import lang.
From gitrees.effects Require Import store.
From gitrees.lib Require Import pairs.
From gitrees.utils Require Import finite_sets.

Inductive typed : forall {S : Set}, (S → ty) → expr S → ty → Prop :=
(** functions *)
| typed_Var {S : Set} (Ω : S → ty) (v : S) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -525,15 +525,15 @@ Lemma logrel1_adequacy cr Σ R `{!Cofe R, !SubOfe natO R, !SubOfe unitO R, !SubO
(α : interp_scope ∅ -n> IT (gReifiers_ops rs) R) (β : IT (gReifiers_ops rs) R) st st' k :
(∀ `{H1 : !invGS Σ} `{H2: !stateG rs R Σ} `{H3: !heapG rs R Σ},
(£ cr ⊢ valid1 rs notStuck (λne _: unitO, True)%I □ α τ)%I) →
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) (α ı_scope) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) β st' β1 st1)
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier rs) (α ı_scope) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier rs) β st' β1 st1)
∨ (∃ βv, (IT_of_V βv ≡ β)%stdpp).
intros Hlog Hst.
destruct (IT_to_V β) as [βv|] eqn:Hb.
{ right. exists βv. apply IT_of_to_V'. rewrite Hb; eauto. }
cut ((∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) β st' β1 st1)
cut ((∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier rs) β st' β1 st1)
∨ (∃ e, (β ≡ Err e)%stdpp ∧ notStuck e)).
{ intros [?|He]; first done.
destruct He as [? [? []]]. }
Expand All @@ -549,9 +549,9 @@ Proof.
iMod (new_heapG rs σ) as (H3) "H".
iAssert (has_substate σ ∗ has_substate ios)%I with "[Hst]" as "[Hs Hio]".
{ unfold has_substate, has_full_state.
assert (of_state NotCtxDep rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) st ≡
of_idx NotCtxDep rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state σ)
⋅ of_idx NotCtxDep rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state ios))%stdpp as ->; last first.
assert (of_state rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) st ≡
of_idx rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state σ)
⋅ of_idx rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state ios))%stdpp as ->; last first.
{ rewrite -own_op. done. }
unfold sR_idx. simpl.
intro j.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ Definition R := sumO locO (sumO unitO natO).

Lemma logrel1_safety e τ (β : IT (gReifiers_ops rs) R) st st' k :
typed □ e τ →
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) (interp_expr rs e ı_scope) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) β st' β1 st1)
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier rs) (interp_expr rs e ı_scope) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier rs) β st' β1 st1)
∨ (∃ βv, (IT_of_V βv ≡ β)%stdpp).
intros Hty Hst.
Expand Down
18 changes: 8 additions & 10 deletions theories/examples/affine_lang/logrel2.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
From stdpp Require Import finite.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import na_invariants.
From iris.algebra Require Import gmap.
From gitrees Require Export gitree program_logic greifiers.
From gitrees.examples.input_lang Require Import lang interp logpred.
From gitrees.examples.affine_lang Require Import lang logrel1.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -478,15 +476,15 @@ Lemma logrel2_adequacy (cr : nat) R `{!Cofe R, !SubOfe locO R, !SubOfe natO R, !
(τ : ty) (α : interp_scope Empty_set -n> IT (gReifiers_ops rs) R) (β : IT (gReifiers_ops rs) R) st st' k :
(∀ `{H1 : !invGS Σ} `{H2: !stateG rs R Σ} `{H3: !heapG rs R Σ} p,
(£ cr ⊢ valid2 rs p □ α τ)%I) →
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) (α ı_scope) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) β st' β1 st1)
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier rs) (α ı_scope) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier rs) β st' β1 st1)
∨ (β ≡ Err OtherError)%stdpp
∨ (∃ βv, (IT_of_V βv ≡ β)%stdpp).
intros Hlog Hst.
destruct (IT_to_V β) as [βv|] eqn:Hb.
{ right. right. exists βv. apply IT_of_to_V'. rewrite Hb; eauto. }
cut ((∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) β st' β1 st1)
cut ((∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier rs) β st' β1 st1)
∨ (∃ e, (β ≡ Err e)%stdpp ∧ s e)).
{ intros [?|He]; first eauto. right. left.
destruct He as [? [? ->]]. done. }
Expand All @@ -502,9 +500,9 @@ Proof.
iMod (new_heapG rs σ) as (H3) "H".
iAssert (has_substate σ ∗ has_substate ios)%I with "[Hst]" as "[Hs Hio]".
{ unfold has_substate, has_full_state.
assert (of_state NotCtxDep rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) st ≡
of_idx NotCtxDep rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state σ)
⋅ of_idx NotCtxDep rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state ios))%stdpp as ->; last first.
assert (of_state rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) st ≡
of_idx rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state σ)
⋅ of_idx rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state ios))%stdpp as ->; last first.
{ rewrite -own_op. done. }
unfold sR_idx. simpl.
intro j.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -535,8 +533,8 @@ Definition R := sumO locO (sumO natO unitO).

Lemma logrel2_safety e τ (β : IT (gReifiers_ops rs) R) st st' k :
typed_glued □ e τ →
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) (interp_expr rs e ı_scope) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) β st' β1 st1)
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier rs) (interp_expr rs e ı_scope) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier rs) β st' β1 st1)
∨ (β ≡ Err OtherError)%stdpp
∨ (∃ βv, (IT_of_V βv ≡ β)%stdpp).
Expand Down

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