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simplify ctxdep reifiers
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Kaptch committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent 3188e35 commit 733ff1d
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,661 additions and 1,858 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion _CoqProject
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ vendor/Binding/Resolver.v


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16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions theories/affine_lang/lang.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,12 +7,14 @@ Module io_lang.
Definition state := input_lang.lang.state.
Definition ty := input_lang.lang.ty.
Definition expr := input_lang.lang.expr.
Definition tyctx := tyctx ty.
Definition typed {S} := input_lang.lang.typed (S:=S).
Definition interp_closed {sz} (rs : gReifiers sz) `{!subReifier reify_io rs} (e : expr []) {R} `{!Cofe R, !SubOfe natO R} : IT (gReifiers_ops rs) R :=
input_lang.interp.interp_expr rs e ().
Definition tyctx {S : Set} := S → ty.
Definition typed {S : Set} := input_lang.lang.typed (S:=S).
Program Definition ı_scope {sz} (rs : gReifiers NotCtxDep sz) `{!subReifier reify_io rs} {R} `{!Cofe R} : @interp_scope (gReifiers_ops NotCtxDep rs) R _ Empty_set := λne (x : ∅), match x with end.
Definition interp_closed {sz} (rs : gReifiers NotCtxDep sz) `{!subReifier reify_io rs} (e : expr ∅) {R} `{!Cofe R, !SubOfe natO R} : IT (gReifiers_ops NotCtxDep rs) R :=
input_lang.interp.interp_expr rs e (ı_scope rs).
End io_lang.

From gitrees Require Export lang_affine.

Inductive ty :=
tBool | tInt | tUnit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,15 +44,15 @@ Inductive expr : scope → Type :=
| Alloc {S} : expr S → expr S
| Replace {S1 S2} : expr S1 → expr S2 → expr (S1++S2)
| Dealloc {S} : expr S → expr S
| EEmbed {τ1 τ1' S} : io_lang.expr [] → ty_conv τ1 τ1' → expr S
| EEmbed {τ1 τ1' S} : io_lang.expr Empty_set → ty_conv τ1 τ1' → expr S

Section affine.
Context {sz : nat}.
Variable rs : gReifiers sz.
Variable rs : gReifiers NotCtxDep sz.
Context `{!subReifier reify_store rs}.
Context `{!subReifier reify_io rs}.
Notation F := (gReifiers_ops rs).
Notation F := (gReifiers_ops NotCtxDep rs).
Context {R : ofe}.
Context `{!Cofe R, !SubOfe unitO R, !SubOfe natO R, !SubOfe locO R}.
Notation IT := (IT F R).
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188 changes: 26 additions & 162 deletions theories/affine_lang/logrel1.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(** Unary (Kripke) logical relation for the affine lang *)
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From gitrees Require Export lang_generic gitree program_logic.
From gitrees Require Export lang_affine gitree program_logic.
From gitrees.affine_lang Require Import lang.
From gitrees.examples Require Import store pairs.
Require Import iris.algebra.gmap.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ Inductive typed : forall {S}, tyctx S → expr S → ty → Prop :=

Section logrel.
Context {sz : nat}.
Variable rs : gReifiers sz.
Variable rs : gReifiers NotCtxDep sz.
Context `{!subReifier reify_store rs}.
Context `{!subReifier input_lang.interp.reify_io rs}.
Notation F := (gReifiers_ops rs).
Notation F := (gReifiers_ops NotCtxDep rs).
Context {R} `{!Cofe R}.
Context `{!SubOfe natO R}.
Context `{!SubOfe unitO R}.
Expand All @@ -67,12 +67,8 @@ Section logrel.
(* parameters for the kripke logical relation *)
Variable s : stuckness.
Context `{A:ofe}.
Variable (P : A → iProp).
Context `{!NonExpansive P}.
Variable (P : A -n> iProp).
Local Notation expr_pred := (expr_pred s rs P).
Context {HCI :
∀ o : opid (sReifier_ops (gReifiers_sReifier rs)),
CtxIndep (gReifiers_sReifier rs) IT o}.

(* interpreting tys *)
Program Definition protected (Φ : ITV -n> iProp) : ITV -n> iProp := λne αv,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,7 +106,7 @@ Section logrel.

Definition ssubst_valid {S} (Ω : tyctx S) ss :=
lang_generic.ssubst_valid rs (λ τ, protected (interp_ty τ)) Ω ss.
lang_affine.ssubst_valid rs (λ τ, protected (interp_ty τ)) Ω ss.

Definition valid1 {S} (Ω : tyctx S) (α : interp_scope S -n> IT) (τ : ty) : iProp :=
∀ ss, heap_ctx -∗ ssubst_valid Ω ss -∗ expr_pred (α (interp_ssubst ss)) (interp_ty τ).
Expand All @@ -119,7 +115,7 @@ Section logrel.
⊢ valid1 Ω1 α τ1 -∗
valid1 Ω2 β τ2 -∗
valid1 (tyctx_app Ω1 Ω2) (interp_pair α β ◎ interp_scope_split) (tPair τ1 τ2).
Proof using HCI.
Opaque pairITV.
iIntros "H1 H2".
iIntros (αs) "#Hctx Has".
Expand All @@ -144,7 +140,7 @@ Section logrel.
⊢ valid1 Ω1 α (tPair τ1 τ2) -∗
valid1 (consC τ1 $ consC τ2 Ω2) β τ -∗
valid1 (tyctx_app Ω1 Ω2) (interp_destruct α β ◎ interp_scope_split) τ.
Proof using HCI.
Opaque pairITV thunked thunkedV projIT1 projIT2.
iIntros "H1 H2".
iIntros (αs) "#Hctx Has".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,7 +207,7 @@ Section logrel.
Lemma compat_alloc {S} (Ω : tyctx S) α τ:
⊢ valid1 Ω α τ -∗
valid1 Ω (interp_alloc α) (tRef τ).
Proof using HCI.
iIntros "H".
iIntros (αs) "#Hctx Has".
iSpecialize ("H" with "Hctx Has").
Expand All @@ -229,7 +225,7 @@ Section logrel.
⊢ valid1 Ω1 α (tRef τ) -∗
valid1 Ω2 β τ' -∗
valid1 (tyctx_app Ω1 Ω2) (interp_replace α β ◎ interp_scope_split) (tPair τ (tRef τ')).
Proof using HCI.
Opaque pairITV.
iIntros "H1 H2".
iIntros (αs) "#Hctx Has".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +266,7 @@ Section logrel.
Lemma compat_dealloc {S} (Ω : tyctx S) α τ:
⊢ valid1 Ω α (tRef τ) -∗
valid1 Ω (interp_dealloc α) tUnit.
Proof using HCI.
iIntros "H".
iIntros (αs) "#Hctx Has".
iSpecialize ("H" with "Hctx Has").
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,7 +324,7 @@ Section logrel.
⊢ valid1 Ω1 α (tArr τ1 τ2) -∗
valid1 Ω2 β τ1 -∗
valid1 (tyctx_app Ω1 Ω2) (interp_app α β ◎ interp_scope_split) τ2.
Proof using HCI.
iIntros "H1 H2".
iIntros (αs) "#Hctx Has".
Expand All @@ -352,7 +348,7 @@ Section logrel.
Lemma compat_lam {S} (Ω : tyctx S) τ1 τ2 α :
⊢ valid1 (consC τ1 Ω) α τ2 -∗
valid1 Ω (interp_lam α) (tArr τ1 τ2).
Proof using HCI.
iIntros "H".
iIntros (αs) "#Hctx Has".
iIntros (x) "Hx".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,7 +393,7 @@ Section logrel.
Lemma fundamental_affine {S} (Ω : tyctx S) (e : expr S) τ :
typed Ω e τ →
⊢ valid1 Ω (interp_expr _ e) τ.
Proof using HCI.
induction 1; simpl.
- by iApply compat_var.
- by iApply compat_lam.
Expand All @@ -420,157 +416,25 @@ Arguments interp_tnat {_ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments interp_tunit {_ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments interp_ty {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} τ.

Local Definition rs : gReifiers 2 := gReifiers_cons reify_store (gReifiers_cons input_lang.interp.reify_io gReifiers_nil).

Local Instance CtxIndepInputLang R `{!Cofe R} (o : opid (sReifier_ops (gReifiers_sReifier rs))) :
CtxIndep (gReifiers_sReifier rs) (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) R) o.
destruct o as [x o].
inv_fin x.
- simpl. intros [[]| [[]| [[] | [| []]]]].
+ constructor.
unshelve eexists (λne '(l,(σ, σ')), x ← σ !! l;
Some (x, (σ, σ'))).
* apply _.
* apply _.
* solve_proper_prepare.
destruct x as [? [? ?]]; destruct y as [? [? ?]]; simpl in *.
apply (option_mbind_ne _ (λ n, Some (n, _)) (λ n, Some (n, _))).
-- intros ? ? ?; repeat f_equiv; [done | |]; apply H.
-- rewrite lookup_ne; last apply H.
apply H.
* intros.
destruct σ as [? [? ?]].
match goal with
| |- context G [@mbind option option_bind _ _ ?a ?b] => set (x := b)
match goal with
| |- context G [@mbind option option_bind _ _ ?a ?b] => set (y := b)
assert (y = x) as ->.
{ reflexivity. }
destruct x as [x |]; reflexivity.
+ constructor.
unshelve eexists (λne '((l,n),(s, s'')), let s' := <[l:=n]>s
in Some ((), (s', s''))).
* apply _.
* solve_proper_prepare.
destruct x as [[? ?] [? ?]]; destruct y as [[? ?] [? ?]]; simpl in *.
do 3 f_equiv; last apply H.
rewrite insert_ne; [| apply H | apply H].
apply H.
* intros.
destruct i as [? ?].
destruct σ as [? [? ?]].
+ constructor.
unshelve eexists (λne '(n,(s, s'')), let l := Loc.fresh (dom s) in
let s' := <[l:=n]>s in
Some (l, (s', s''))).
* apply _.
* apply _.
* solve_proper_prepare.
destruct x as [? [? ?]]; destruct y as [? [? ?]]; simpl in *.
do 2 f_equiv.
-- f_equiv.
destruct H as [_ [H _]]; simpl in H.
apply gmap_dom_ne in H.
apply H.
-- f_equiv; last apply H.
rewrite insert_ne; [| apply H | apply H].
destruct H as [_ [H _]]; simpl in H.
apply gmap_dom_ne in H.
by rewrite H.
* intros.
destruct i as [? ?].
destruct σ as [? [? ?]].
+ constructor.
unshelve eexists (λne '(l,(σ, σ')), Some ((), (delete l σ, σ'))).
* apply _.
* solve_proper_prepare.
destruct x as [? [? ?]]; destruct y as [? [? ?]]; simpl in *.
do 2 f_equiv.
f_equiv; last apply H.
rewrite delete_ne; last apply H.
apply H.
* intros.
destruct σ as [? [? ?]].
- intros x; inv_fin x.
+ simpl. intros [[]| [[]| []]].
* constructor.
unshelve eexists (λne '(_, (a, (b, c))), SomeO (_, (_, (_, c)))).
-- simpl in *.
apply ((input_lang.lang.update_input b).1).
-- apply a.
-- apply ((input_lang.lang.update_input b).2).
-- solve_proper_prepare.
destruct x as [? [? [? ?]]]; destruct y as [? [? [? ?]]].
simpl in *.
do 2 f_equiv.
++ do 2 f_equiv.
apply H.
++ f_equiv; first apply H.
f_equiv; last apply H.
do 2 f_equiv; apply H.
-- intros.
destruct σ as [? [? ?]].
* constructor.
unshelve eexists (λne '(x, (y, z)), SomeO ((), _)).
-- simpl in *.
apply (y, ((input_lang.lang.update_output x (fstO z)), ())).
-- solve_proper_prepare.
destruct x as [? [? [? ?]]]; destruct y as [? [? [? ?]]].
simpl in *.
do 2 f_equiv.
apply pair_ne.
++ apply H.
++ do 2 f_equiv; apply H.
-- intros.
destruct σ as [σ1 [? []]]; simpl in *.
+ intros i; by apply fin_0_inv.
Local Definition rs : gReifiers NotCtxDep 2 :=
gReifiers_cons NotCtxDep reify_store (gReifiers_cons NotCtxDep input_lang.interp.reify_io (gReifiers_nil NotCtxDep)).

Variable Hdisj : ∀ (Σ : gFunctors) (P Q : iProp Σ), disjunction_property P Q.

Lemma logrel1_adequacy cr Σ R `{!Cofe R, !SubOfe natO R, !SubOfe unitO R, !SubOfe locO R} `{!invGpreS Σ}
`{!statePreG rs R Σ} `{!heapPreG rs R Σ} τ
(α : unitO -n> IT (gReifiers_ops rs) R) (β : IT (gReifiers_ops rs) R) st st' k :
(α : unitO -n> IT (gReifiers_ops NotCtxDep rs) R) (β : IT (gReifiers_ops NotCtxDep rs) R) st st' k :
(∀ `{H1 : !invGS Σ} `{H2: !stateG rs R Σ} `{H3: !heapG rs R Σ},
(£ cr ⊢ valid1 rs notStuck (λ _:unitO, True)%I empC α τ)%I) →
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier rs) (α ()) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier rs) β st' β1 st1)
(£ cr ⊢ valid1 rs notStuck (λne _: unitO, True)%I empC α τ)%I) →
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) (α ()) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) β st' β1 st1)
∨ (∃ βv, IT_of_V βv ≡ β).
intros Hlog Hst.
destruct (IT_to_V β) as [βv|] eqn:Hb.
{ right. exists βv. apply IT_of_to_V'. rewrite Hb; eauto. }
cut ((∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier rs) β st' β1 st1)
cut ((∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) β st' β1 st1)
∨ (∃ e, β ≡ Err e ∧ notStuck e)).
{ intros [?|He]; first done.
destruct He as [? [? []]]. }
Expand All @@ -586,9 +450,9 @@ Proof.
iMod (new_heapG rs σ) as (H3) "H".
iAssert (has_substate σ ∗ has_substate ios)%I with "[Hst]" as "[Hs Hio]".
{ unfold has_substate, has_full_state.
assert (of_state rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) st ≡
of_idx rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state σ)
⋅ of_idx rs (IT (gReifiers_ops rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state ios)) as ->; last first.
assert (of_state NotCtxDep rs (IT (gReifiers_ops NotCtxDep rs) _) st ≡
of_idx NotCtxDep rs (IT (gReifiers_ops NotCtxDep rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state σ)
⋅ of_idx NotCtxDep rs (IT (gReifiers_ops NotCtxDep rs) _) sR_idx (sR_state ios)) as ->; last first.
{ rewrite -own_op. done. }
unfold sR_idx. simpl.
intro j.
Expand All @@ -615,10 +479,10 @@ Qed.

Definition R := sumO locO (sumO unitO natO).

Lemma logrel1_safety e τ (β : IT (gReifiers_ops rs) R) st st' k :
Lemma logrel1_safety e τ (β : IT (gReifiers_ops NotCtxDep rs) R) st st' k :
typed empC e τ →
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier rs) (interp_expr rs e ()) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier rs) β st' β1 st1)
ssteps (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) (interp_expr rs e ()) st β st' k →
(∃ β1 st1, sstep (gReifiers_sReifier NotCtxDep rs) β st' β1 st1)
∨ (∃ βv, IT_of_V βv ≡ β).
intros Hty Hst.
Expand Down

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