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fixed some rules + a tiny example that takes way too long to prove
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Nicolas Nardino committed Feb 26, 2024
1 parent 4a128e7 commit b2c9453
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Showing 2 changed files with 40 additions and 6 deletions.
31 changes: 25 additions & 6 deletions theories/input_lang_delim/interp.v
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Expand Up @@ -277,34 +277,53 @@ Section weakestpre.

Lemma wp_pop_end (v : ITV) (k : IT -n> IT) {Hk : IT_hom k}
Lemma wp_pop_end (v : ITV)
Φ s :
has_substate [] -∗
▷ (£ 1 -∗ has_substate [] -∗ WP@{rs} IT_of_V v @ s {{ Φ }}) -∗
WP@{rs} k $ 𝒫 (IT_of_V v) @ s {{ Φ }}.
WP@{rs} 𝒫 (IT_of_V v) @ s {{ Φ }}.
iIntros "Hs Ha".
rewrite get_val_ITV. simpl. rewrite hom_vis.
rewrite get_val_ITV. simpl.
iApply (wp_subreify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ((Next $ IT_of_V v)) with "Hs").
- simpl. reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- done.

Lemma wp_pop_cons (σ : state) (v : ITV) (k : IT -n> IT) {Hk : IT_hom k}
Lemma wp_pop_cons (σ : state) (v : ITV) (k : IT -n> IT)
Φ s :
has_substate ((laterO_map k) :: σ) -∗
▷ (£ 1 -∗ has_substate σ -∗ WP@{rs} k $ IT_of_V v @ s {{ Φ }}) -∗
WP@{rs} k $ 𝒫 (IT_of_V v) @ s {{ Φ }}.
WP@{rs} 𝒫 (IT_of_V v) @ s {{ Φ }}.
iIntros "Hs Ha".
rewrite get_val_ITV. simpl. rewrite hom_vis.
rewrite get_val_ITV. simpl.
iApply (wp_subreify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ((laterO_map k (Next $ IT_of_V v))) with "Hs").
- simpl. reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- done.

Lemma wp_app_cont (σ : state) (e : laterO IT) (k' : laterO (IT -n> IT))
(k : IT -n> IT) {Hk : IT_hom k}
Φ s :
has_substate σ -∗
▷ (£ 1 -∗ has_substate ((laterO_map k) :: σ) -∗
WP@{rs} later_car (laterO_ap k' e) @ s {{ Φ }}) -∗
WP@{rs} k (APP_CONT e k') @ s {{ Φ }}.
iIntros "Hs Ha".
unfold APP_CONT. simpl. rewrite hom_vis.
iApply (wp_subreify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (laterO_ap k' e) with "Hs").
- simpl. do 2 f_equiv.
trans (laterO_map k :: σ); last reflexivity.
rewrite ccompose_id_l. f_equiv. intro. simpl. by rewrite ofe_iso_21.
- reflexivity.
- iApply "Ha".

End weakestpre.

Section interp.
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions theories/input_lang_delim/lang.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -655,9 +655,24 @@ Global Instance AppNotationRK {S : Set} {F : Set -> Type} `{AsSynExpr F} : AppNo
__app e K := cont_compose K (AppRK (__asSynExpr e) END)

Class AppContNotation (A B C : Type) := { __app_cont : A -> B -> C }.

Global Instance AppContNotationExpr {S : Set} {F G : Set -> Type} `{AsSynExpr F, AsSynExpr G} : AppContNotation (F S) (G S) (expr S) := {
__app_cont e₁ e₂ := AppCont (__asSynExpr e₁) (__asSynExpr e₂)

Global Instance AppContNotationLK {S : Set} : AppContNotation (cont S) (val S) (cont S) := {
__app_cont K v := cont_compose K (AppContLK v END)

Global Instance AppContNotationRK {S : Set} {F : Set -> Type} `{AsSynExpr F} : AppContNotation (F S) (cont S) (cont S) := {
__app_cont e K := cont_compose K (AppContRK (__asSynExpr e) END)

Notation of_val := Val (only parsing).

Notation "x '⋆' y" := (__app x%syn y%syn) (at level 40, y at next level, left associativity) : syn_scope.
Notation "x '@k' y" := (__app_cont x%syn y%syn) (at level 40, y at next level, left associativity) : syn_scope.
Notation "x '+' y" := (__op x%syn Add y%syn) : syn_scope.
Notation "x '-' y" := (__op x%syn Sub y%syn) : syn_scope.
Notation "x '*' y" := (__op x%syn Mult y%syn) : syn_scope.
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