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simple ffi examples
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simple ffi examples

- store effect is now more general (can be polymorphic in ctx dep bit)
- delimlang embedded into a language with higher-order heap
- type system + interpretation + safety wrt GITree eq. th.
- an example without glue code, which is well-typed, but
  unguarded shift captures heap lang ctx, which results in a wrong computation

missing build instruction
  • Loading branch information
Kaptch committed Jun 24, 2024
1 parent 179a0f0 commit d44fc3c
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,542 additions and 110 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _CoqProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ theories/examples/delim_lang/hom.v

Expand Down
32 changes: 18 additions & 14 deletions theories/effects/store.v
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Expand Up @@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ End constructors.

Section wp.
Context {n : nat}.
Variable (rs : gReifiers NotCtxDep n).
Context {R} `{!Cofe R}.
Context `{!SubOfe unitO R}.

Context {a : is_ctx_dep}.
Variable (rs : gReifiers a n).
Context {R} {CR : Cofe R}.
Context {SO : SubOfe unitO R}.
Notation F := (gReifiers_ops rs).
Notation IT := (IT F R).
Notation ITV := (ITV F R).
Expand All @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Section wp.
iModIntro. iExists sg. by iFrame.

Context `{!subReifier reify_store rs}.
Context `{!subReifier (sReifier_NotCtxDep_min reify_store a) rs}.
Context `{!invGS_gen HasLc Σ, !stateG rs R Σ}.
Notation iProp := (iProp Σ).

Expand All @@ -169,6 +169,10 @@ Section wp.
(∃ σ, £ 1 ∗ has_substate σ ∗ own heapG_name (●V σ))%I.
Definition pointsto (l : loc) (α : IT) : iProp :=
own heapG_name $ gmap_view_frag l (DfracOwn 1) (Next α).
Global Instance pointsto_proper l : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (pointsto l).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance pointsto_ne l : NonExpansive (pointsto l).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

Lemma istate_alloc α l σ :
σ !! l = None →
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,7 +229,7 @@ Section wp.
iIntros (Hee) "#Hcxt H".
unfold READ. simpl.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'. simpl.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep_lift''.
iInv (nroot.@"storeE") as (σ) "[>Hlc [Hs Hh]]" "Hcl".
iApply (fupd_mask_weaken E1).
{ set_solver. }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,7 +285,7 @@ Section wp.
WP@{rs} WRITE l β @ s {{ Φ }}.
iIntros (Hee) "#Hcxt H".
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'. simpl.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep_lift''. simpl.
iInv (nroot.@"storeE") as (σ) "[>Hlc [Hs Hh]]" "Hcl".
iApply (fupd_mask_weaken E1).
{ set_solver. }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,7 +331,7 @@ Section wp.
WP@{rs} ALLOC α k @ s {{ Φ }}.
iIntros "Hh H".
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'. simpl.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep_lift''. simpl.
iInv (nroot.@"storeE") as (σ) "[>Hlc [Hs Hh]]" "Hcl".
iApply (lc_fupd_elim_later with "Hlc").
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,7 +359,7 @@ Section wp.
WP@{rs} DEALLOC l @ s {{ Φ }}.
iIntros (Hee) "#Hcxt H".
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep'. simpl.
iApply wp_subreify_ctx_indep_lift''. simpl.
iInv (nroot.@"storeE") as (σ) "[>Hlc [Hs Hh]]" "Hcl".
iApply (fupd_mask_weaken E1).
{ set_solver. }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,9 +399,9 @@ Section wp.

End wp.

Arguments heapG {_} rs R {_} Σ.
Arguments heapPreG {_} rs R {_} Σ.
Arguments heapΣ {_} rs R {_}.
Arguments heap_ctx {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments pointsto {_ _ _ _ _ _} _ _.
Arguments heapG {_} {_} rs R {_} Σ.
Arguments heapPreG {_} {_} rs R {_} Σ.
Arguments heapΣ {_} {_} rs R {_}.
Arguments heap_ctx {_ _} rs {_ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Arguments pointsto {_ _ _ _ _ _ _} _ _.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/examples/affine_lang/lang.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Section affine.

Lemma wp_Thunk (β:IT) s (Φ:ITV → iProp) `{!NonExpansive Φ} :
⊢ heap_ctx -∗
⊢ heap_ctx rs -∗
▷ (∀ l, pointsto l (Ret 0) -∗ Φ (thunkedV β l)) -∗
WP@{rs} Thunk β @ s {{ Φ }}.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions theories/examples/affine_lang/logrel1.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ Section logrel.

Notation ssubst_valid := (ssubst_valid_fin1 rs ty (λ x, protected (interp_ty x)) expr_pred).

Definition valid1 {S : Set} `{!EqDecision S} `{!Finite S} (Ω : S → ty)
Program Definition valid1 {S : Set} `{!EqDecision S} `{!Finite S} (Ω : S → ty)
(α : interp_scope S -n> IT) (τ : ty) : iProp :=
∀ ss, heap_ctx
∀ ss, heap_ctx rs
-∗ (ssubst_valid Ω ss)
-∗ expr_pred (α ss) (interp_ty τ).

Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions theories/examples/affine_lang/logrel2.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Section glue.

Lemma compat_glue_from_affine_bool α :
valid2 □ α tBool ⊢
heap_ctx -∗ io_valid □ α Tnat.
heap_ctx rs -∗ io_valid □ α Tnat.
iIntros "H #Hctx".
iIntros (σ ss) "Hs Hss".
Expand All @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Section glue.

Lemma compat_glue_from_affine_nat α :
valid2 □ α tInt ⊢
heap_ctx -∗ io_valid □ α Tnat.
heap_ctx rs -∗ io_valid □ α Tnat.
iIntros "H #Hctx".
iIntros (σ ss) "Hs Hss".
Expand All @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Section glue.

Lemma compat_glue_from_affine_unit α :
valid2 □ α tUnit ⊢
heap_ctx -∗ io_valid □ (constO (glue_from_affine _ ty_conv_unit (α ı_scope))) Tnat.
heap_ctx rs -∗ io_valid □ (constO (glue_from_affine _ ty_conv_unit (α ı_scope))) Tnat.
iIntros "H #Hctx".
iIntros (σ ss) "Hs Hss".
Expand All @@ -174,9 +174,9 @@ Section glue.
(∀ α, io_valid □ α τ1'
⊢ valid2 □ (constO (glue_to_affine (α ı_scope))) τ1) →
(∀ α, valid2 □ (constO α) τ2
⊢ heap_ctx -∗ io_valid □ (constO (glue_from_affine α)) τ2') →
⊢ heap_ctx rs -∗ io_valid □ (constO (glue_from_affine α)) τ2') →
valid2 □ (constO α) (tArr τ1 τ2)
⊢ heap_ctx -∗
⊢ heap_ctx rs -∗
io_valid □
(constO (glue_from_affine_fun _ glue_from_affine glue_to_affine α))
(Tarr (Tarr Tnat τ1') τ2').
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ Section glue.
(∀ α, io_valid □ α τ2'
⊢ valid2 Ω (constO (glue_to_affine (α ı_scope))) τ2) →
(∀ α, valid2 □ (constO α) τ1
⊢ heap_ctx -∗ io_valid □ (constO (glue_from_affine α)) τ1') →
⊢ heap_ctx rs -∗ io_valid □ (constO (glue_from_affine α)) τ1') →
io_valid □ α (Tarr (Tarr Tnat τ1') τ2')
⊢ valid2 Ω
(constO (glue_to_affine_fun _ glue_from_affine glue_to_affine (α ı_scope)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ Section glue.
io_valid □ α τ1' ⊢ valid2 Ω (constO (glue_to_affine _ Hconv (α ı_scope))) τ1
with glue_from_affine_compatibility (τ1 : ty) (τ1' : io_lang.ty)
(Hconv : ty_conv τ1 τ1') (α : IT) :
valid2 □ (constO α) τ1 ⊢ heap_ctx -∗ io_valid □ (constO (glue_from_affine _ Hconv α)) τ1'.
valid2 □ (constO α) τ1 ⊢ heap_ctx rs -∗ io_valid □ (constO (glue_from_affine _ Hconv α)) τ1'.
- destruct Hconv.
+ by iApply compat_glue_to_affine_bool.
Expand Down
166 changes: 83 additions & 83 deletions theories/examples/delim_lang/example.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,102 +9,102 @@ Open Scope syn_scope.
Example p : expr Empty_set :=
((#1) + (reset ((#3) + (shift/cc ((($0) @k #5) + (($0) @k #6)))))).

Local Definition rs : gReifiers _ _ := gReifiers_cons reify_delim gReifiers_nil.
(* Local Definition Hrs : subReifier reify_delim rs. *)
(* Proof. unfold rs. apply subReifier_here. Qed. *)

Notation F := (gReifiers_ops rs).
Context {R} `{!Cofe R}.
Context `{!SubOfe natO R, !SubOfe unitO R}.
Notation IT := (IT F R).
Notation ITV := (ITV F R).
Context (env : @interp_scope F R _ Empty_set).

Example ts := interp_config rs (Cexpr p) env.
Definition t := fst ts.
Definition σ := snd ts.

Context `{!invGS Σ, !stateG rs R Σ, !heapG rs R Σ}.
Notation iProp := (iProp Σ).

Ltac shift_hom :=
Global Ltac shift_hom :=
match goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ (ofe_mor_car _ _ (λne x, ?k1 x) (?k2 ?t)) _ _ _) =>
assert ((ofe_mor_car _ _ (λne x, k1 x) (k2 t)) ≡ (λne x, k1 (k2 x)) t) as -> by done
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ (?k ?t) _ _ _) =>
assert (k t ≡ (λne x, k x) t) as -> by done

Ltac shift_natop_l :=
Global Ltac shift_natop_l :=
match goal with
| |- envs_entails _ (wp _ (ofe_mor_car _ _ (λne x, ?k1 x)
(ofe_mor_car _ _
(ofe_mor_car _ _
(NATOP (do_natop lang.Add)) ?t) (IT_of_V ?e))) _ _ _) =>
(ofe_mor_car _ _
(ofe_mor_car _ _
(NATOP (do_natop lang.Add)) ?t) (IT_of_V ?e))) _ _ _) =>
assert ((ofe_mor_car _ _ (λne x, k1 x) (NATOP (do_natop lang.Add) t (IT_of_V e))) ≡
(λne x, k1 (NATOP (do_natop lang.Add) x (IT_of_V e))) t) as -> by done

Lemma wp_t (s : gitree.weakestpre.stuckness) :
has_substate σ -∗
WP@{rs} t @ s {{βv, βv ≡ RetV 18}}.
iIntros "Hσ".
(* first, reset *)
do 2 shift_hom.
iApply (wp_reset with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ Hσ". simpl.
Section proof.

Context {sz : nat}.
Variable rs : gReifiers CtxDep sz.
Context `{!subReifier reify_delim rs}.

Notation F := (gReifiers_ops rs).
Context {R} `{!Cofe R}.
Context `{!SubOfe natO R}.
Notation IT := (IT F R).
Notation ITV := (ITV F R).

Context `{!invGS Σ, !stateG rs R Σ}.
Notation iProp := (iProp Σ).

Lemma wp_t σ (s : gitree.weakestpre.stuckness) :
(⊢ has_substate σ
-∗ WP@{rs} (interp_expr _ p ı_scope) @ s
{{ βv, βv ≡ RetV 18
∗ has_substate σ }})%I.
iIntros "Hσ".
(* first, reset *)
do 2 shift_hom.
iApply (wp_reset with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ Hσ". simpl.

(* then, shift *)
do 2 shift_hom.
iApply (wp_shift with "Hσ").
{ rewrite laterO_map_Next. done. }
iIntros "!>_ Hσ".

(* then, shift *)
do 2 shift_hom.
iApply (wp_shift with "Hσ").
{ rewrite laterO_map_Next. done. }
iIntros "!>_ Hσ".
(* the rest *)
rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 6) get_val_ITV'. simpl.
rewrite get_fun_fun. simpl.
do 2 shift_hom.
iApply (wp_app_cont with "Hσ"); first done.
iIntros "!> _ Hσ". simpl.
rewrite later_map_Next -Tick_eq.
iApply wp_tick. iNext.
rewrite IT_of_V_Ret NATOP_Ret. simpl.
rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 9).
iApply (wp_pop_cons with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ Hσ".

(* the rest *)
rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 6) get_val_ITV'. simpl.
rewrite get_fun_fun. simpl.
do 2 shift_hom.
iApply (wp_app_cont with "Hσ"); first done.
iIntros "!> _ Hσ". simpl.
rewrite later_map_Next -Tick_eq.
iApply wp_tick. iNext.
rewrite IT_of_V_Ret NATOP_Ret. simpl.
rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 9).
iApply (wp_pop_cons with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ Hσ".
shift_hom. shift_natop_l.
rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 5) get_val_ITV'. simpl.
shift_hom. shift_natop_l.
rewrite get_fun_fun. simpl.
shift_hom. shift_natop_l.
iApply (wp_app_cont with "Hσ"); first done.
iIntros "!> _ Hσ". simpl.
rewrite later_map_Next -Tick_eq.
iApply wp_tick. iNext.
rewrite (IT_of_V_Ret 5) NATOP_Ret. simpl.
rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 8).
iApply (wp_pop_cons with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ Hσ".
rewrite (IT_of_V_Ret 8).
simpl. rewrite IT_of_V_Ret NATOP_Ret.
simpl. rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 17).
iApply (wp_pop_cons with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ Hσ". simpl.
rewrite IT_of_V_Ret NATOP_Ret.
simpl. rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 18).
iApply wp_val.
iFrame "Hσ".

shift_hom. shift_natop_l.
rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 5) get_val_ITV'. simpl.
shift_hom. shift_natop_l.
rewrite get_fun_fun. simpl.
shift_hom. shift_natop_l.
iApply (wp_app_cont with "Hσ"); first done.
iIntros "!> _ Hσ". simpl.
rewrite later_map_Next -Tick_eq.
iApply wp_tick. iNext.
rewrite (IT_of_V_Ret 5) NATOP_Ret. simpl.
rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 8).
iApply (wp_pop_cons with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ Hσ".
rewrite (IT_of_V_Ret 8).
simpl. rewrite IT_of_V_Ret NATOP_Ret.
simpl. rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 17).
iApply (wp_pop_cons with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ Hσ". simpl.
rewrite IT_of_V_Ret NATOP_Ret.
simpl. rewrite -(IT_of_V_Ret 18).
iApply (wp_pop_end with "Hσ").
iIntros "!> _ _".
iApply wp_val. done.
End proof.

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