Simple byte code based vm
A very simple byte code vm which supports five registers: r0,r1,r2,r3,rax and an instruction pointer rip
And 6 instructions: add registers, subtract registers, move registers, add constant, subtract constant, move constant
Semantics are intel syntax: instruction, destination, source Sample
bytecode {
kMovConst, kR0, 10,
kAddConst, kR0, 5,
kMovConst, kR1, 3,
kSubReg, kR0, kR1,
kMovConst, kR1, 4,
kAddReg, kR0, kR1,
kMovReg, kR1, kR0,
kSubConst, kR1, 7,
kMovReg, kRax, kR1,
Result == 9
expected output:
mov reg const
add reg const
mov reg const
sub reg reg
mov reg const
add reg reg
mov reg reg
sub reg const
mov reg reg