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Learning and reasoning



{% comment %}
News items are one or two sentences long, ideally containing a link to more information. They include:
- Any new member of the group
- Journal/conference papers we would like to highlight (generally at acceptance). We don't have to have a news item for
  all papers.
- Group members are referred to by first name, unless they're being introduced.
- Only the subject of the news message gets a link.
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    <dt>February 6, 2025</dt>
        <dd> Filip Ilievski received tenure in the department.</dd>
    <dt>January 17, 2025</dt>
        <dd> Filip Ilievski published his book, <a href=""> Human-Centric AI with Common Sense, </a> as part of the Springer Nature Synthesis book series. </dd>
    <dt>December 16, 2024</dt>
        <dd> Daniel Daza successfully defended his PhD dissertation, <a href="">"Exploiting Subgraphs and Attributes for Representation Learning on Knowledge Graphs"</a>, earning the cum laude distinction.
    <dt>December 10, 2024</dt>
        <dd> Frank van Harmelen has been appointed as foreign member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts.
    <dt>December 1, 2024</dt>
        <dd> Gabriella Bollici joins us as a PhD student, working with Filip.</dd>
    <dt>November 26-27, 2024</dt>
        <dd>We organized LoG local event where over 70 researchers working on learning on graphs joined us to discuss their research.
    <dt>October 9-10, 2024</dt>
        <dd>During this years' group outing, we organized a project proposal writing workshop
        and wrote six proposals at a lovely beachfront hotel in Egmond and Zee. We also
        enjoyed each others' company at the beach during walks, a run and a powerkiting activity.

    <dt>September 23, 2024</dt>
        <dd>BBC published an article based on an interview with Filip: <a href="">When robots can't riddle: What puzzles reveal about the depths of our own minds</a>. The article is part of the series "AI v. the Mind," which explores "the limits of cutting-edge AI and learns a little about how our own brains work along the way."</dd>
    <dt>September 06, 2024</dt>
        <dd><a href="">Mayank Kharbanda</a> joins us as a visitor from Sep 2024 until March 2025</dd>
    <dt>September 01, 2024</dt>
        <dd><a href="">Hossein Khojasteh</a> joins us as a PhD student, working with Filip.</dd>    
    <dt>July 17, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Frank gave a keynote "Ontologies for Machine Learning" at the FOIS conference</dd>
    <dt>July 1, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Daniel Daza started a postdoc at Amsterdam UMC, working on machine learning on graphs with applications in healthcare.</dd>
    <dt>May 27, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Zhan Qu will join us as a visitor from KIT in Karlsruhe for 2 weeks at the end of May.</dd>
    <dt>May 26, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Filip is co-chairing the First International Workshop on Generative Neuro-Symbolic AI (GeNeSy), co-located with ESWC 2024. The workshop features three keynotes, one of which will be given by Frank.</dd>
    <dt>May 14, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Filip and his co-authors won the best paper and presentation awards at the Web Conference workshop "Workshop on Multimodal Content Analysis for Social Good". <a href="">Their paper</a> studies the grounding of internet memes "in the wild" (Reddit and Discord) to an Internet meme KG using visual transformers.</dd>
    <dt>May 6, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Ting Liu successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled  A gut feeling: Biomedical knowledge graphs for interrelating the gut microbiome and mental health.</dd>
    <dt>May 2, 2024</dt>
        <dd>prof. Wael Abd Almageed from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering visited our group for <a href="">a seminar and discussions.</a></dd>
    <dt>April 24, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Frank gave an invited talk on Hybrid Intelligence at the UK summit on AI & Healthcare.</dd>
    <dt>April 22, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Tamar Cucumides from the University of Antwerp visited us and presented her framework for approximate answers to conjunctive queries over knowledge graphs.</dd>
    <dt>April 8, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Klim Zaporojets from Aarhus University visited us and gave a seminar on aligning unstructured text with knowledge graphs for problems like provenance detection and fact checking.</dd>
    <dt>April 5, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Frank gave the first talk in the new series of online talks for the new Neuro-symbolic AI journal: NAI Webinar Series #1: Frank van Harmelen - YouTube with the title: neuro-symbol ≠ neuro-semantic</dd>
    <dt>March 29, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Congratulations to Floris and co-authors, for their <a href="" target="_blank">NAACL</a> Findings accepted paper <a href="" target="_blank"><i>"Conformal Intent Classification and Clarification for Fast and Accurate Intent Recognition"</i></a>.</dd>
    <dt>March 13, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Many congratulations to Filip for being awarded a €900k AINed Fellowship Grant to work on  Synergistic AI Agents with Common Sense.</dd>
    <dt>March 11-15, 2024</dt>
        <dd>Annette and Floris contributed <a href="" target="_blank">a talk</a> on neuro-symbolic medical AI to the <a href="" target="_blank">AI & Health Winter School</a>.
    <dt>November 29-30, 2023</dt>
        <dd> Dimitrios Alivanistos, Daniel Daza, Xander Wilcke, Ruud van Bakel, Taewoon Kim, Yannick Brunink, and Michael Cochez of the L&R group, together with Shujian Yu from the <a href="">QDA</a> group, and Thom Pijnenburg
            from Elsevier  hosted the  <a href="">Learning on Graphs Amsterdam meet-up</a>.
            The event took place in the Elsevier office in Amsterdam with help of the <a href="">Discovery Lab</a>.
            It included talks and posters by Taraneh Younesian, Selene Baez Santamaria, and Daniel Daza.
    <dt>November 24, 2023</dt>
        <dd>Andreas gave an invited talk for the <a href=""> Intelligent and Interactive Systems group </a> at the University of Innsbruck.</dd>
    <dt>October 23, 2023</dt>
        <dd>Daniel Daza and Michael Cochez gave a tutorial at the <a href="">CIKM 2023</a> conference on
        Reasoning beyond Triples: Recent Advances in Knowledge Graph Embeddings
        <a href=""></a>
    <dt>September 13, 2023</dt>
        <dd>Michael Cochez gave a keynote talk at the <a href="">3rd Workshop DL4LD: Addressing Deep Learning, Relation Extraction, and Linguistic Data</a> </dd>
        <dt>September 1, 2023</dt>
        <dd>We are pleased to have <a href="">Floris</a> in our team. Floris will be working on an RL-based assistant for patient-centric decision making within the <a href="">Hybrid Intelligence centre</a>.</dd>
    <dt>September 1, 2023</dt>
        <dd>We are pleased to have <a href="">Fabian</a> in our team.</dd>
    <dt>June 15, 2023</dt>
        <dd>We are happy to welcome <a href="">Francesco Manigrasso</a> to the group for a 3 month visit. We will use his time with us to work on using Real Logic and Logic Tensor Networks to probe large language models for logical knowledge and inference.</dd>
<dt>June 15, 2023</dt>
Michael was teaching and acted as a tutor at the <a href="">5th Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data</a>.
    <dt>May 4, 2023</dt>
        <dd>Thiviyan and Emile are hosting a NeSy-GeMs (Neurosymbolic Generative Models) workshop at ICLR 2023. Take a look at <a href="">the website.</a></dd>

    <dt>May 2</dt>
    <dd>Frank is <a href="">quoted on the NOS website</a>, following Geoffrey Hinton's departure from Google, and his comments about the future of AI.

    <dt>May 1, 2023</dt>
        <dd><a href="">Frank is invited as a keynote speaker at the ISWS 2023 summer school, held from the 11th to 17th of June.</a></dd>

    <dt>Apr 27, 2023</dt>
        <dd><a href="">Peter's work on Transformers, e.g., ChatGPT</a>, has been featured in <a href="">a NYT article.</a></dd>

    <dt>Apr 5, 2023</dt>
        <dd>We are pleased to announce that Xu has successfully defended his PhD.</dd>

    <dt>Mar 28, 2023</dt>
        <dd>Congratulations to Lise and Annette, for their ESWC accepted paper <i>"Explainable Drug Repurposing in Context via Deep Reinforcement Learning"</i>.</dd>

    <dt>Mar 24, 2023</dt>
        <dd>Congratulations to Shuai, Peter, and Frank, for their ESWC accepted paper <i>"Refining Large Integrated Identity Graphs using the Unique Name Assumption"</i>.</dd>

    <dt>Mar 13, 2023</dt>
        <dd>Congratulations to Annette and Frank, for their ACM Computing Surveys accepted paper <i>"Combining Machine Learning and Semantic Web: A Systematic Mapping Study"</i>.</dd>

    <dt>Feb 13, 2023</dt>
        <dd>Frank gave a keynote on <i>"Combining knowledge graphs with machine learning, with examples from healthcare and life sciences"</i>, at <a href="">SWAT4HCLS</a> in Basel</dd>

    <dt>Jan 18, 2023</dt>
        <dd>Congratulations to Andreas, for their CLEAR accepted paper <i>"A Meta-Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Causal Discovery"</i>.</dd>

    <dt>Jan 15, 2023</dt>
        <dd>We are pleased to welcome <a href="">Ruud van Bakel</a>
            to the team. He will join us as a PhD student on the <a href="">GraphMassivizer</a>
            project, studying how to scale up knowledge graph learning methods. </dd>

    <dt>Jan 4, 2023</dt>
        <dd>Congratulations to Nikos and Annette, for their AAMAS accepted paper <i>"Establishing Shared Query Understanding in an Open Multi-Agent System"</i>.</dd>

    <dt>Jan 1, 2023</dt>
        <dd>We joined the LEMUR project.</dd>

    <dt>Jan 1, 2023</dt>
        <dd>We joined the GraphMassivizer project.</dd>

    <!-- <dt>Dec 16, 2022</dt>
        <dd>Congratulations to Thiviyan and Emile, for the acceptance of their ICLR workshop proposal. The workshop will
            focus on neurosymbolic generative models. Have a look at <a href="">the website
            </a> or <a href="">its twitter feed</a> for more information. </dd>

    <dt>Nov 21, 2022</dt>
        <dd>Congratulations to Tae and Michael, for their AAAI accepted paper <i>"A Machine with Short-Term, Episodic, and Semantic Memory Systems"</i>.</dd>

    <dt>Nov 1, 2022</dt>
        <dd>We are pleased to welcome <a href=""><em>Romy Vos</em></a> to the team. She will join us as a PhD student on <a href="">the LeapFrog project</a>,
            investigating the application of learning and reasoning to drug safety. </dd> -->

Get in touch

<p>If you are interested in working with us, please check the <a href="/about/jobs">jobs
page</a>. Otherwise send an email to <a href="">Mojca Lovrencak</a>, or a <a
href="/about/people">specific group member</a>.

<p>If you are visiting, you can find us on the VU campus in the NU building. We are on the 10th floor. The
address is</p>
  <div class="address">Boelelaan 1111<br>
  1103HG Amsterdam </div>

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<a href="/contact">more details&hellip;</a>
