Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
aws_backup_region | Region for s3 bucket with replicated lfs objects. | string | "us-west-2" |
no |
aws_primary_region | Region for s3 bucket with lfs objects. | string | "us-east-1" |
no |
aws_zone_id | route53 Hosted Zone ID to manage DNS records in. | string | n/a | yes |
deploy_name | Name of deployment. | string | "git-lfs" |
no |
dns_enable | create route53 dns records. | string | "false" |
no |
domain_name | DNS domain name to use when creating route53 records. | string | n/a | yes |
env_name | AWS tag name to use on resources. | string | n/a | yes |
github_org | GitHub Organization used for authorization. | string | n/a | yes |
gitlfs_image | gitlfs server docker image. | string | "" |
no |
gke_version | gke master/node version | string | "latest" |
no |
google_project | google cloud project ID | string | n/a | yes |
google_region | google cloud region | string | "us-central1" |
no |
google_zone | google cloud region/zone | string | "us-central1-b" |
no |
replicas | Number of instances of the gitlfs server (pods) to run. | string | "3" |
no |
s3_force_destroy | Destroy aws s3 buckets, even if they still contain objects. | string | "false" |
no |
service_name | service / unqualified hostname | string | "git-lfs" |
no |
tls_crt_path | wildcard tls certificate. | string | n/a | yes |
tls_key_path | wildcard tls private key. | string | n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
gitlfs_fqdn | FQDN of gitlfs service. |
gitlfs_ip | IP of gitlfs service. |
gitlfs_url | URL of gitlfs service. |
google_container_cluster | Name of gke cluster created for gitlfs service. |
ingress_ip | IP of nginx-ingress service. |