This repository contains the base IEM (In-Ear Monitor) template for use with your Allen & Heath Avantis digital mixer.
This XML file is a pre-configured template designed to streamline your workflow and enhance the setup of in-ear monitoring on the Allen & Heath Avantis mixer. By using this template, you can quickly get started with a configuration tailored for in-ear monitoring.
Before using this template, ensure you meet the following requirements:
- An account on the mixer named "IEM" (no password).
- Resource Pack 4 and 5, Theme 4 imported in "Resource Manager"
- The template is prepared for 9 in-ear monitors, each set to stereo by default (each channel has a pan knob).
- Channels 1 to 30 are supported as mono inputs with dynamically displayed channel names beneath the faders, which are fetched from the mixer.
- In the last tab, the last two faders are assigned to effect returns - number 1 and number 2.
- Orientation is locked to 'Landscape Only'
Below are some screenshots showing the application view after using the template:

For more detailed instructions on how to import and use the template, please refer to the Allen & Heath page.