Download and install the latest version of Git : https://git-scm.com/downloads
Clone the project on your computer. In your terminal, type the command : git clone https://github.com/Marine-s-Recipes/application-web.git
Go to the folder of the cloned project from your device : cd application-web
To install all the modules necessary for the test to work, type the command : npm install
Then, to start the server with online database, type : npm start and navigate to http://localhost:4200/
Download and install the latest version of Git : https://git-scm.com/downloads
Clone the project on your computer. In your terminal, type the command : git clone https://github.com/Marine-s-Recipes/application-web.git
Go to the folder of the cloned project from your device : cd application-web
To install all the modules necessary for the test to work, type the command : npm install
And, to start the server with locale database, type the command npm start in a new terminal, on the folder application-server (read the README file of the following git repository : https://github.com/Marine-s-Recipes/application-server.git)
Finally, type : npm run start:dev and navigate to http://localhost:4201/
Go to the folder of the cloned project from your device : cd application-web
Type the command : ng build
Push your git repository
Go to https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/marine-s-recipes/deploy/github and click on Deploy Branch at the bottom of the page in the Manual deploy section
Navigate to http://marinesrecipes.fr