钱包的演示链接 http://www.lrfc.vip:1798/wallet/#/guide
钱包 去中心化钱包 前端直接和区款连交互 不经过后端 区块链浏览器 查看所有的账户信息 余额 和 交易记录
账户系统 钱包地址(区块地址) 私钥 助记词 keystore
- 通过助记词创建账户
- 通过助记词 + 密码产生 keystore
- 发起转账
npm init vue@latest
npm install web3 bip39 ethereumjs-tx ethereumjs-util ethereumjs-wallet
注: ethereumjs-tx 使用1.3.7 版本
import { hdkey } from "ethereumjs-wallet"; import * as bip39 from "bip39"; let mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic(); //1.将助记词转成seed let seed = await bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic); //3.通过hdkey将seed生成HD Wallet let hdWallet = hdkey.fromMasterSeed(seed); //4.生成钱包中在m/44'/60'/0'/0/i路径的keypair let keyPair = hdWallet.derivePath("m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"); // 获取钱包对象 let wallet = keyPair.getWallet(); // 获取钱包地址 let lowerCaseAddress = wallet.getAddressString(); // 获取钱包校验地址 let CheckSumAddress = wallet.getChecksumAddressString(); // 获取私钥 let prikey = wallet.getPrivateKey().toString("hex"); console.log(prikey, data.pass1); let keystore = await wallet.toV3(data.pass1);
//1.将助记词转成seed let seed = await bip39.mnemonicToSeed(data.mnemonic); //3.通过hdkey将seed生成HD Wallet let hdWallet = hdkey.fromMasterSeed(seed); //4.生成钱包中在m/44'/60'/0'/0/i路径的keypair let keyPair = hdWallet.derivePath("m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"); // 获取钱包对象 let wallet = keyPair.getWallet(); // 获取钱包地址 let lowerCaseAddress = wallet.getAddressString(); // 获取钱包校验地址 let CheckSumAddress = wallet.getChecksumAddressString(); // 获取私钥 let prikey = wallet.getPrivateKey().toString("hex"); console.log(prikey, data.pass1); let keystore = await wallet.toV3(data.pass1);
通过 密码 + keystore 获取私钥
import ethwallet from "ethereumjs-wallet"; let pass = prompt("请输入密码"); let wallet; try { wallet = await ethwallet.fromV3(keystore, pass); } catch (error) { alert("密码错误"); return false; } let key = wallet.getPrivateKey().toString("hex");
import Web3 from "web3"; const geerliWS = "wss://goerli.infura.io/ws/v3/e4f789009c9245eeaad1d93ce9d059bb"; this.web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || wsUrl);
this.web3.eth .getBalance(address) .then((balanceWei) => { const balance = Web3.utils.fromWei(balanceWei, "ether"); })
// wei 转化为eth Web3.utils.fromWei(balanceWei, "ether") // eth 转化为wei Web3.utils.toWei(value);
// 创建交易hash async createTransationHx(key, fromAddress, toAddress, value) { const nonce = await this.web3.eth.getTransactionCount(fromAddress); var privateKey = new Buffer(key, "hex"); // 获取预计转账gas费 let gasPrice = await this.web3.eth.getGasPrice(); // 转账金额以wei为单位 let valueWei = Web3.utils.toWei(value); console.log(valueWei); // 转账的记录对象 var rawTx = { from: fromAddress, nonce: nonce, gasPrice: gasPrice, to: toAddress, value: valueWei, data: "0x00", //转Token代币会用到的一个字段 }; //需要将交易的数据进行预估gas计算,然后将gas值设置到数据参数中 let gas = await this.web3.eth.estimateGas(rawTx); rawTx.gas = gas; // 通过tx实现交易对象的加密操作 var tx = new Tx(rawTx); tx.sign(privateKey); var serializedTx = tx.serialize(); var transationHx = "0x" + serializedTx.toString("hex"); return transationHx; }
通过交易hash 发起转账
this.web3.eth .sendSignedTransaction(hx) .on("transactionHash", (txid) => { console.log("交易成功,请在区块链浏览器查看"); console.log("交易id", txid); console.log(`https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/${txid}`); }) .on("receipt", (ret) => { cb && cb(ret); console.log("receipt", ret); const { transactionHash } = ret; this.createOrderData(transactionHash); }) .on("latestBlockHash", (...arg) => { console.log("latestBlockHash", arg); }) .on("error", (err) => { console.log("error:"); console.log(err); });
通过智能合约文件 获取abi
import { abi } from "@/contract/HHC.json";
const hhc = new this.web3.eth.Contract(
- 通过智能合约实例获取代币余额
let num = await hhc.methods.balanceOf(address).call();
Web3.utils.fromWei(num, "ether");
- 智能合约交易hash 创建
async createCoinTransationHx(contractInstance, method, to, value) {
let pass = prompt("请输入密码");
let wallet;
try {
wallet = await ethwallet.fromV3(keystore, pass);
} catch (error) {
return false;
let key = wallet.getPrivateKey().toString("hex");
const from = this.ownerAddress;
// 当前地址交易次数
const nonce = await this.instance.eth.getTransactionCount(from);
var privateKey = new Buffer(key, "hex");
// 获取预计转账gas费
let gasPrice = await this.instance.eth.getGasPrice();
// 转账金额以wei为单位
let weiValue = await Web3.utils.toWei(value);
// 转账的记录对象
// 代币转账
// this.HccCont = new this.web3.eth.Contract(
// abi,
// "0x18dAaC8e2E422fDB5e26715eF1EcDca11F78eDE5"
// );
const contractAbi = await contractInstance.methods[method](
// console.log(contractAbi);
// console.log(contractInstance._address);
// return false;
var rawTx = {
from: this.ownerAddress,
nonce: nonce,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
to: contractInstance._address, //eth 转账 to 目标地址 ,智能合约 to 智能合约地址
value: 0, //eth 转账 数量
data: contractAbi, //智能合约方法的abi编码
let gas = await this.instance.eth.estimateGas(rawTx);
rawTx.gas = gas;
// 通过tx实现交易对象的加密操作
var tx = new Tx(rawTx);
var serializedTx = tx.serialize();
var transationHx = "0x" + serializedTx.toString("hex");
return transationHx;
this.web3.eth .sendSignedTransaction(hx) .on("transactionHash", (txid) => { console.log("交易成功,请在区块链浏览器查看"); console.log("交易id", txid); console.log(`https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/${txid}`); }) .on("receipt", (ret) => { cb && cb(ret); console.log("receipt", ret); const { transactionHash } = ret; this.createOrderData(transactionHash); }) .on("latestBlockHash", (...arg) => { console.log("latestBlockHash", arg); }) .on("error", (err) => { console.log("error:"); console.log(err); });
const vm= createApp(App)
let c=()=>{
vm.config.globalProperties.$http =c;
// 使用
recycle donor auto cost call sea welcome dune august mercy zero barely 0xc2333cca333401c305bb29425588d737f3f52725 f43cf9835fdafcb8931040f0801e39952dd5c4f79191a9cdbb01e433df9a3966
- 根据本地存储是否有钱包信息进入
- 无钱包信息则进行创建或者恢复
- 创建或者恢复钱包后进入首页
- 获取钱包地址eth余额显示
- 获取钱包地址智能合约余额显示
点击具体转账代币item 进入转账信息
注意 区块链环境是异步而且耗时较长可以通过区款连浏览器查看转账信息