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Libft is my personal implementation of some of the Standard C Library functions, along with additional utilities that I found necessary during my studies at 42. This project is intended to help me get a deeper understanding of data structures and basic algorithms by recreating fundamental C functions.


Libft is organized into several functional categories, each containing specific types of operations and utilities:

  • btree: (No specific functions listed yet)
  • ctype: Functions related to character classification and conversion (e.g., ft_isalpha, ft_toupper).
  • deque: Functions for handling double-ended queues (e.g., deque_push_right, deque_pop_left).
  • garbage_collector: Functions for memory management and custom allocation (e.g., ft_malloc).
  • hashtable: Functions for creating and managing hash tables.
  • list: Functions for linked list manipulation and operations (e.g., ft_lstnew, ft_lstadd_front).
  • math: (No specific functions listed yet)
  • stdio: Functions related to input/output operations, including a custom printf implementation.
  • stdlib: Standard library functions such as memory and string manipulation (e.g., ft_memset, ft_strdup).
  • string: Functions that deal with string operations and manipulations (e.g., ft_strtrim, ft_strjoin).

This organization helps in navigating the library and understanding the available functionalities that enhance standard C capabilities or provide additional useful tools.

Function Categories

Category Functions
btree (No specific files listed)
ctype ft_isalnum.c, ft_isalpha.c, ft_isascii.c, ft_isdigit.c, ft_isprint.c, ft_isspace.c, ft_tolower.c, ft_toupper.c
deque deque_init.c, deque_iter.c, deque_node_init.c, deque_pop_left.c, deque_pop_right.c, deque_print.c, deque_push_node_left.c, deque_push_node_right.c, deque_rotate.c, deque_sort.c, deque_swap.c, deque_to_arr.c
garbage_collector ft_malloc.c
hashtable hash.c, hashtable.c
list ft_lstadd_back.c, ft_lstadd_front.c, ft_lstclear.c, ft_lstdelone.c, ft_lstiter.c, ft_lstlast.c, ft_lstmap.c, ft_lstnew.c, ft_lstsize.c
math (No specific files listed)
stdio ft_printf, ft_putchar_fd.c, ft_putendl_fd.c, ft_putnbr_base.c, ft_putnbr_fd.c, ft_putstr_fd.c, get_next_line.c, get_next_line_utils.c
stdio/ft_printf ft_printf.c, print_c.c, print_i_d.c, print_number.c, print_p.c, print_s.c, print_u.c, print_utils.c, print_x.c
stdlib free_matrix.c, ft_atoi.c, ft_atoll.c, ft_bzero.c, ft_calloc.c, ft_memchr.c, ft_memcmp.c, ft_memcpy.c, ft_memmove.c, ft_memset.c
string ft_split.c, ft_strchr.c, ft_strdup.c, ft_striteri.c, ft_strjoin.c, ft_strlcat.c, ft_strlcpy.c, ft_strlen.c, ft_strmapi.c, ft_strncmp.c, ft_strndup.c, ft_strnstr.c, ft_strrchr.c, ft_strtrim.c, ft_substr.c


libft.a is the library file compiled from the source. To compile it, clone the repo and run make:

git clone
cd libft

This will compile all the functions into a single library file libft.a.


To use libft in your project:

  1. Include it in your C file:
    #include "libft.h"
  2. When compiling your project, link against libft:
    gcc -L. -lft your_c_file.c


For testing the library, you can use the Francinette or any other tester available.

Example Usage

Here is an example of using some of the libft functions:

#include "libft.h"

int main()
    ft_putstr("Hello, 42!");
    return (0);

This will print Hello, 42! using the ft_putstr function defined in libft.