Discord / Reddit bot for Star Trek Timelines, using image recognition and OCR to parse behold / voyage screenshots as well as provide crew, items and dilemma information.
If you want to see the bot improve or just want to practice some coding skills, please consider submitting a PR. If you don't have ideas for what to work on, pick from this list of known issues / TODOs:
- Use Discord.Net commands instead of manually parsing input
- Improve edge case recommendations (when all 3 crew are same tier, when one or two are FF, etc.)
- Use Tesseract OCR on the Behold images to distinguish between crew states (Not owned vs. Frozen - needs to work on all supported languages like German, Spanish, etc.)
- Improve "best" search (support for variable number of skills, etc.)
- Improve fuzzy search (Levenshtein, etc.) to identify common misspells
- Try to detect screenshots that include a Windows titlebar (Windows 10 app or Steam) and strip it out to improve recognition
- Investigate / experiment with using different Feature Detector algorithms with different settings to get better accuracy for smaller descriptor matrix size (reduce RAM usage, increase perf)
- Upgrade to .NET Core 3.0 once dependencies are available
- Localization support
- Add proper publish scripts / documentation, with optional Docker support (and sharding for better scaling)
- More tests, comments and documentation
All dependencies should come via NuGet, no custom builds necessary.
This was tested on x64 Ubuntu 18.04.
See instructions here. Build opencv with OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE
Build and install Leptonica (this particular tag which is compatible with the NuGet library)
git clone https://github.com/DanBloomberg/leptonica.git
cd leptonica
git checkout 1.75.3
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Build and install Tesseract
git clone https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract.git
cd tesseract
git checkout 3.05
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
Symlink the built libraries in your deployment location. For example:
cd datacore-behold/src/DataCore.CLI/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/x64
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libtesseract.so.3.0.5 libtesseract3052.so
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libleptonica.so.1.75.3 liblept1753.so
First, clone the repo to your machine; clone it in the same folder as the main DataCore repo for best default configration:
git clone https://github.com/TemporalAgent7/datacore-behold.git
cd datacore-behold
To install and build, go to the folder where you cloned the repo and run:
dotnet restore
dotnet build
To train crew descriptors:
cd src/DataCore.CLI
dotnet run train --noimages <path_to_datacore>
TODO More details
There are a few options that need to be set up for the bot to connect to Discord and/or Reddit in /src/DataCore.Daemon/appsettings.json ; specifically:
- DISCORD_TOKEN: the discord application token
- REDDIT_CLIENT_ID, REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET, REDDIT_REFRESH_TOKEN: authentication tokens for reddit; you can use the /src/DataCore.Daemon/prawtoken.py script to get these values for your reddit bot account.
You need to run the daemon, preferrably with an auto-restarting process monitor like PM2. Something like this will work (this runs the debug build by default, which is not what you want in a real deployment scenario):
dotnet build
cd src/DataCore.Daemon/
pm2 start "dotnet run" --name "DataCoreBot"
This code is released under the GPLv3 open source license. See the LICENSE file or this plain english TLDR for details.