MagLock is the entrance controller hardware. It features:
- 2 USB ports for RFID readers
- 3 outputs to electrically controll door (for example, lock/unlock and open/close)
- 4 inputs for normally open switches (for example, doorbell, inside exit button, door position endstops)
- 100Mbps Ethernet for comunication
- onboard UART USB adapter for easy debuging
- onboard DS18B20 1-wire thermometer
- optional I2C oled screen
- additional I2C and SPI breakout for expansion
before commit, run
to regenerate documentation, bom, gerbers and other assets. -
before fixes after release, bump the version including qr code to next odd value
before release, bump version to next even value on:
- every page of schematics and pcb
- label on front silkscreen
- qr-code link on bottom silkscreen