This is ESP8266 (ESP-12F) and HX711 based weight monitoring device.
- Designed to be pretty small.
- Supports multiple load cells.
- Can be populated with 18650 battery
- Can be operated in ultra low power mode
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The circuit should be powered either via a USB connector on the LiPo charger or battery.
Chargers(U301) with protection can be used.
For use without onboard charger R303 must be shorted and U301,R301 and R302 can be omitted.
A timer is equipped with selectable(SW301) wake-up settings(R304 and R305).
For applications that do not require a low-power sleep, timer can be bypassed by shorting out R306. Following components can be omitted in assembly:
- U302
- Q302
- SW301,SW302
- R304,R305,R307,R308
To reduce noise on measurements capacitors(C401,C402,C403) on ADC input are placed. As a side effect, they slow down reading settling time after weight change. Removing these capacitors will give a fast reading but increase spread by about 3 times.