TimeSeries Analysis in R
Case Goal: Prediction of total monthly revenue in 2017 based-on previous data of the company (sales prediction: cutomers demand prediction) to do annual budget planning
Monthly Total Sales and its Categories line chart
Seasonal plot of Furniture Sales
Polar Seasonal plot of Furniture Sales
Seasonal Subseries plot of Furniture Sales
Auto-correlation plot of Furniture Sales
Partial-Autocorrelation plot of Furniture Sales
Monthly Furniture Sales Trend (Moving-Average 12)
Additive Decomposition of Furniture Sales Timeseries
Multiplicative Decomposition of Furniture Sales Timeseries
STL Decomposition of Furniture Sales Timeseries
Regression Method predictions of next-12 months Furniture Sales
Holt-Winters Method (Exponential Smoothing) prediction residuals of Furniture Sales train data
Holt-Winters Method (Exponential Smoothing) predictions of next-12 months Furniture Sales