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KMP BuildConfig Plugin

This Gradle plugin generates a BuildConfig file for your KMP (Kotlin Multiplatform) Desktop (JVM) projects, inspired by the Android Gradle Plugin's (AGP) approach to BuildConfig generation.

As a developer with limited time, I was able to create this plugin in 2 days. Despite the rush, I've made it functional and easy to use for your projects. Feel free to reach out to me for any issues, questions, or feedback.


  • Generates a BuildConfig with key properties such as applicationId, applicationVersion, environment, and allows you to define custom fields.
  • Supports unicode characters in both variable names and values.
  • Easily configure the BuildConfig properties directly in your build.gradle using a dedicated extension.


  • This plugin is only compatible with the KMP Desktop (JVM) environment.
  • It does not support Android, iOS, or any other mobile/native platforms.

How To

Step 1: Apply the Plugin

In your build.gradle.kts file, apply the plugin as follows:

plugins {

Step 2: Define the 'build config' block

In your build.gradle.kts file, define the block:

buildKConfig {

Note: Don't forget to add gradlePluginPortal() in plugin repositories. Typically, this would be done something like this,

// In you settings.gradle.kts
pluginManagement {
    repositories {

Sample Usage (also mentioned in the composeApp in this repo)

buildKConfig {

    // Built-in fields

    applicationId = ""
    environment = environmentDevelopment
    applicationVersion = "0.1.0"

    // Custom fields

    fields {
        field("applicationVersionComprehensive", applicationVersionComprehensive)

        field("toStringExample", Object())

        field("nullExample", null)

        field("numberExample", 123)
        field("longExample", 123L)
        field("doubleExample", 123.45)
        field("floatExample", 123.45f)
        field("booleanExample", true)
        field("charExample", 'A')
        field("charSequenceExample", "SampleCharSequence" as CharSequence)
        field("stringExample", "SampleString")

        field("emptyString", "")

        field("unicodeString", "hello\uD83D\uDE00")

        field("stringWithDoubleQuote", "\"quote\"")

        field("customCharSequence", object : CharSequence {
            override val length: Int = 10
            override fun get(index: Int): Char = if (index == 0) 'W' else 'X'
            override fun subSequence(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): CharSequence = this
            override fun toString(): String = "CustomCharSequence"

        field("complexNumber", object : Number() {
            override fun toByte() = 1.toByte()
            override fun toShort() = 1.toShort()
            override fun toDouble() = 1.0
            override fun toFloat() = 1.0f
            override fun toInt() = 1
            override fun toLong() = 1L
            override fun toString() = "1 + 2i"

        field("fractionExample", 1.5)

        field("negativeValue", -42)

        field("negativeLongValue", -123L)

        field("booleanTrue", true)

        field("booleanFalse", false)

        field("stringFalse", "false")

        field("varWithUnicodeName变量", 100)

        field("complexString", "Char\uD83D\uDE00Boolean:true Number:123")


This would generate a BuildConfig as follows:

// Generated BuildConfig file for JVM(Desktop) platform
package com.allthingsandroid.kmp.buildk

const val ENVIRONMENT_SHORT_FORM = "envShortForm"

const val environmentProduction = "production"
const val environmentDevelopment = "development"
const val environmentUAT = "UAT"
const val environmentStaging = "staging"
const val environmentQA = "QA"
const val environmentIntegration = "integration"
const val environmentSandbox = "sandbox"
const val environmentPreProduction = "pre-production"

val environmentsProperties = mapOf(
    environmentProduction to mapOf(
        ENVIRONMENT_SHORT_FORM to "prod"
    environmentDevelopment to mapOf(
    environmentUAT to mapOf(
    environmentStaging to mapOf(
        ENVIRONMENT_SHORT_FORM to "staging"
    environmentQA to mapOf(
    environmentIntegration to mapOf(
        ENVIRONMENT_SHORT_FORM to "integration"
    environmentSandbox to mapOf(
        ENVIRONMENT_SHORT_FORM to "sandbox"
    environmentPreProduction to mapOf(
        ENVIRONMENT_SHORT_FORM to "pre-prod"

object BuildConfig {
    val distributablePackageName = "com.allthingsandroid.kmp.buildk"
    val distributablePackageVersion = "1.0.0"
    val applicationId = ""
    val environment = environmentDevelopment
    val applicationVersion = "0.1.0"
    object Fields {
        val toStringExample = "java.lang.Object@6da07253"
        val nullExample = null
        val numberExample = 123
        val longExample = 123L
        val doubleExample = 123.45
        val floatExample = 123.45F
        val booleanExample = true
        val charExample = 'A'
        val charSequenceExample = "SampleCharSequence"
        val stringExample = "SampleString"
        val emptyString = ""
        val unicodeString = "hello😀"
        val stringWithDoubleQuote = "\"quote\""
        val customCharSequence = "CustomCharSequence"
        val complexNumber = "1 + 2i"
        val fractionExample = 1.5
        val negativeValue = -42
        val negativeLongValue = -123L
        val booleanTrue = true
        val booleanFalse = false
        val stringFalse = "false"
        val varWithUnicodeName变量 = 100
        val complexString = "Char😀Boolean:true Number:123"

That's all.

Now you can reference this BuildConfig object in your KMP desktop(JVM) source set.