Tool to generate lattice Meshes from existing hex meshes in Hyperworks (for now - maybe other element types later)
From input as a .fem file - the program generates lattice structures which can be then used for an 1D element analysis / optimization Currently implemented: Hex8 elements, Hex20 is somewhat done but not fully (26.06.2022)
When exporting .fem files, make sure, you use the free format and don't remove the E from real values --> Edit: No E's are now okay - you can just don't care about it:
Some notes for better understanding the code in here (mostly for myself)
- run the module in a poetry shell via: python -m hypermesh_lattice_mesher.main
- Commands:
- mesh Meshes the .fem file by using tcl commands in...
- meshfemfile Meshtes the .fem file directly, no tcl commands...
- readdisplacement Reads the total displacement values from an...
- readstress Reads the axial sterss values from an .h3d file...
- update-material-values Create multiple materials and assign elmeents...
- Done in the task file
- task: Available tasks for this project:
- build: Builds the puthon package
- format: Formats the source code
- lint: Lints the code and reports on issues.
- setup: Install dependencies and dev-dependencies
- test: Runs the test suite.