This is a free photo gallery, this site is only aimed at being able to download your images for free and without ads and with a few clicks...
To test or access without installing anything on your machine, access the link ->
To test or start using it, follow the steps below:
To create or get data from environment variables "cseId" and "apiKey", follow the explanation copied below or see where the whole explanation was taken from click here.
#Set up Google Custom Search Engine
Please see Google's API documentation for details on the option and response properties and their possible values. Note that the option names used here may differ slightly (e.g. no img prefix).
Google deprecated their public Google Images API, so to search for images you need to sign up for Google Custom Search Engine. Here are the steps you need to do:
Create a Google Custom Search Engine You can do this here:
Do not specify any sites to search but instead use the "Restrict Pages using Types" under the "Advanced options". For the most inclusive set, use the Schema: Thing. Make a note of the CSE ID.
Enable Image Search In your search engine settings, enable "Image search".
Set up a Google Custom Search Engine API Register a new app and enable Google Custom Search Engine API here: Google Developers Console. Make a note of the API key.
Client(cseId, apiKey)
cseId Type: string
The identifier for a Custom Search Engine to use.
apiKey Type: string
The credentials for accessing Google's API.
#Next Step
After getting the data, fill in the data in the ".env" file, and then open the terminal and type
npm install or you can also use: npm i