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Releases: mapbox/mapbox-gl-js


20 Feb 03:23
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Look for loaded parent tiles in cache
Set tile cache size based on viewport size (#2137)
Fix tile render order for layer-by-layer
Remove source update throttling (#2139)
Make panning while zooming more linear (#2070)
Round points created during bucket creation (#2067)
Correct bounds for a rotated or tilted map (#1842)
Fix overscaled featuresAt (#2103)
Allow using tileSize: 512 as a switch to trade retina support for 512px raster tiles
Fix the serialization of paint classes (#2107)
Fixed bug where unsetting style properties could mutate the value of other style properties (#2105)
Less slanted dashed lines near sharp corners (#967)
Fire map#load if no initial style is set (#2042)


10 Feb 21:58
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Fix incorrectly rotated symbols along lines near tile boundries (#2062)
Fix broken rendering when a fill layer follows certain symbol layers (#2092)


09 Feb 01:50
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Breaking Changes

Switch GeoJSONSource clustering options from being measured in extent-units to pixels (#2026)

New Features & Improvements

Improved error message for invalid colors (#2006)
Added support for tiles with variable extents (#2010)
Improved filter performance and maximum size (#2024)
Changed circle rendering such that all geometry nodes are drawn, not just the geometry's outer ring (#2027)
Added Map#getStyle method (#1982)


Fixed bug causing WebGL contexts to be "used up" by calling mapboxgl.supported() (#2018)
Fixed non-deterministic symbol z-order sorting (#2023)
Fixed garbled labels while zooming (#2012)
Fixed icon jumping when touching trackpad with two fingers (#1990)
Fixed overzoomed collision debug labels (#2033)
Fixed dashes sliding along their line during zooming (#2039)
Fixed overscaled minzoom setting for GeoJSON sources (#1651)
Fixed overly-strict function validation for duplicate stops (#2075)
Fixed crash due to not being present on some browsers (#2056)
Fixed the unsetting of paint properties (#2037)
Fixed bug causing multiple interaction handler event listeners to be attached (#2069)
Fixed bug causing only a single debug box to be drawn (#2034)


28 Jan 00:06
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Fixed broken npm package due to outdated bundled modules


27 Jan 23:17
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Fixed easeTo pan, zoom, and rotate when initial rotation != 0 (#1950)
Fixed rendering of tiles with an extent != 4096 (#1952)
Fixed missing icon collision boxes (#1978)
Fixed null Tile#buffers errors (#1987)

New Features & Improvements

Added symbol-avoid-edges style property (#1951)
Improved symbol-max-angle check algorithm (#1959)
Added marker clustering! (#1931)
Added zoomstart, zoom, and zoomend events (#1958)
Disabled drag on mousedown when using boxzoom (#1907)


19 Jan 22:22
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Fix elementGroups null value errors (#1933)
Fix some glyph atlas overflow cases (#1923)


14 Jan 22:53
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API Improvements

Support inline attribution options in map options (#1865)
Improve flyTo options (#1854, #1429)


Fix flickering with overscaled tiles (#1921)
Remove Node.remove calls for IE browser compatibility (#1900)
Match patterns at tile boundaries (#1908)
Fix Tile#positionAt, fix query tests (#1899)
Fix flickering on streets (#1875)
Fix text-max-angle property (#1870)
Fix overscaled line patterns (#1856)
Fix patterns and icons for mismatched pixelRatios (#1851)
Fix missing labels when text size 0 at max zoom (#1809)
Use linear interp when pixel ratios don't match (#1601)
Fix blank areas, flickering in raster layers (#1876, #675)
Fix labels slipping/cropping at tile bounds (#1882, #757)

UX Improvements

Improve touch handler perceived performance (#1844)


22 Dec 18:45
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API Improvements

  • Support LngLat.convert([w, s, e, n]) (#1812)
  • Invalid GeoJSON is now handled better


  • Fixed Popup#addTo when the popup is already open (#1811)
  • Fixed warping when rotating / zooming really fast
  • Map#flyTo now flies across the antimeridan if shorter (#1853)


08 Dec 20:20
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Breaking changes

  • Reversed the direction of line-offset (#1808)
  • Renamed Pinch interaction handler to TouchZoomRotate (#1777)
  • Made Map#update and Map#render private methods (#1798)

API Improvements

  • Added an method to disable touch rotation (#1777)
  • Added a position option for Attribution (#1689)


  • Ensure tile loading errors are properly reported (#1799)
  • Ensure re-adding a previously removed pop-up works (#1477)
  • Made Map#remove remove created DOM elements (#1789)

UX Improvements

  • Don't round zoom level during double-click interaction (#1640)


03 Dec 01:05
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API Improvements

  • Added line-offset style property (#1778)